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    The Pastor as Renaissance Man

    This sponsored post is provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you’ve been in church ministry for any length of time, you’ve probably discovered that one of the persistent challenges of your role is the apparent need to treat it like ten roles. While nearly every pastor is exceptionally gifted in one particular area or…

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    The Reformation at 500

    Join us for the 2017 G3 Conference | Reserve your seat(s) | Prices increase August 22nd In 1521, just a few years after nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the castle door in Wittenberg, Martin Luther was called to assemble before the Diet of Worms in the city of Worms, Germany. Luther arrived in a covered…

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    Take a Quiz on Explaining Your Faith to a Muslim

    This sponsored post is provided by Zondervan and Nabeel Qureshi. Islam is the world’s second-largest and fastest-growing religion, putting it on pace to surpass Christianity in its number of followers by the end of the century. Millions of our American neighbors are Muslim, yet the average American Christian knows little about Islam’s claims and the…

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    Three Things Every Miraculous Group Leader Needs

    This sponsored post was prepared by who invites you to sign up for a free trial. Every time Jesus makes someone more like Himself, it is a miracle. If we are honest about our own hearts we will admit that discipleship is truly miraculous. If your church has decided that discipleship occurs best within…

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    3 Practical Steps to Resist the Tyranny of Tolerance

    This sponsored post was provided by Jonathan Morrow, || @Jonathan_Morrow @impact360 Is it OK to disagree with other peoples’ deeply held beliefs anymore? You’ve heard the buzzwords: Coexist. Hate speech. Discrimination. Micro-aggressions. Trigger warnings. Speech codes. It’s becoming obvious to anyone paying attention to the media these days that certain moral and religious viewpoints…

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    Pulpit Aflame

    This sponsored post was prepared by Dr. Joel Beeke of Reformation Heritage Books. I have been an avid reader since childhood, and I invest many hours in the writing, editing, and publication of books—both print and electronic. God Himself has chosen to give us His heavenly communication as a Book. However, in that holy Book,…

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    Know your Story, Embrace your Journey

    This sponsored post was prepared by Christian History Magazine who invites you to try a free subscription. All I wanted to do was share stories about my experiences as a kid with my four children while we drove home from church. Maybe, I thought, they would identify with my struggles and glean some wisdom from…

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    What the World Needs Now, It Needed Then

    This sponsored post was prepared by Daniel Henderson, author of Old Paths, New Power. For every Gospel action, there is an opposite and devious demonic reaction. In Acts 6:7 we see one of the great moments of spiritual resurgence in the early church. The apostles refused to be distracted from their salient priorities of “prayer…

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    The Bible You Have in Your Hand is Probably Useless

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Word One to One. The Bible You Have in Your Hand is Probably Useless. While this title may shock you, the shocking reality is that it’s probably true. All too often the Bible is left shut when we talk to non-Christian friends about our faith. This is what…

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    Give Me Your Heart

    “My son, give me your heart” (Proverbs 23:26) If I had to pick just one verse on parenting from the book of Proverbs— the main source of our biblical wisdom on this subject— it would be Proverbs 23:26. Here we have the very pulse of the Bible’s teaching on a father’s relationship with his children,…

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    What Type of Vacation Reader Are You?

    Summer is just around the corner—the perfect time to relax and feed your soul with a good book. But what type of vacation reader are you? From the 1000 words-per-minute reader to those who start but never quite finish… take this quiz to discover your reading style, as well as the perfect books to pack…

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    A Valuable, Time-Saving Resource for Busy People

    Books At a Glance is a Christian book summary service. We take the newest and most significant books that Christian publishers, such as Crossway, Zondervan, IVP, B&H, Baker, etc. publish, and then every week we take one or two of those books and condense them into a 7-10-page, chapter-by-chapter summary, so that you can learn…

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    Reformed Dads and Grads Gift Ideas

    This sponsored post was prepared by Missional Wear. Still trying to figure out the perfect gift for a father or graduate in your life? Dads and grads are very special to us, however, they can sometimes be a tough crowd to shop for. They aren’t always vocal about what they want or have a tendency…

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    Why Pastors Need to Help Their People Connect Faith and Work

    This sponsored post was prepared by Made to Flourish, which is a pastors’ network for the common good. When we stop to think about it, it is significant that the majority of church members spend most of their time not at church activities, but at work. Yet churches often have a hard time knowing how…

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    Confronting the Current Church Leadership Crisis

    This sponsored post was prepared by the Biblical Eldership Resources team. All leaders want to be successful. Success has its perks, but it also has its downside—and being highly successful can have a highly dangerous downside. A leader can become domineering and dictatorial, resulting in devastated lives, decimated churches and demise of ministries. Church leaders…

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    What If I Can’t Find Jesus in the Passage?

    This sponsored post was prepared by Westminster Theological Seminary. “I commend this work to anyone who preaches or teaches or studies the Bible.”—Russell Moore Download for free. Share with your friends. A Common Struggle in Bible Study Imagine you’re meditating on a passage in the Old Testament, unsure about how the passage relates to the…

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    4 Ways to Help your Teenagers Discover Their Identity In a Confused World

    This sponsored post was written by John Majors a writer and speaker for FamilyLife®. John is a host on Passport2Identity™, a new resource that enables parents of teens to have a life-changing getaway with their son or daughter. Click here for a special offer. Consider the confusing path teenagers must navigate today on just one…

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    Does God Talk to Us? A Post by Michael Horton.

    This sponsored post was prepared by Michael Horton, author of over thirty books, including the just-released Core Christianity. White Horse Inn, where he teaches and serves as the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine, has recently announced many new free resources for churches in their Campaign for Core Christianity. Does God talk to us? Lots of…

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    Church in Hard Places

    This sponsored post was provided by Matthew Spandler-Davison on behalf of Church in Hard Places. What is poverty? On the face of it this is a simple enough question. When we think of the poor we might immediately think of the troubled neighborhoods in our own city, downtrodden communities, areas often devastated by drugs, social…

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    Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi, author of Answering Jihad

    This sponsored post was prepared by Zondervan and Nabeel Qureshi. NABEEL QURESHI is the New York Times bestselling author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. His latest book, Answering Jihad, released earlier this month and provides a personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. Last…