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  • Study the Gospels with Eyes on the Gospel

    Study the Gospels with Eyes on the Gospel

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Gospel Project. Is it possible to study the Gospels and miss the gospel? Perhaps that sounds strange, even absurd. But for those of us who’ve been Christians for any significant amount of time, the story of Jesus’ life is well known. We can rehearse the details quickly: He…

  • Context Changes Everything

    Context Changes Everything

    This sponsored post was prepared by Zondervan. You’ve heard many Bible stories hundreds of times, but how many behind-the-scenes details are you missing? Sometimes a little context is all you need to discover the rich meaning behind the stories of Scripture. The Bible was originally written to an ancient people removed from us by thousands…

  • There Is No BC

    sixty-six books. one story. all about one name.

    This sponsored post was written and provided by The Jesus Bible. During the reign of Augustus, a young, ordinary teenage girl gives birth to a baby. In the vast expanse of eternity’s story, she’s just one person in one chapter. But in her arms is the author! Before he was laid in a manager, it…

  • Justin Taylor Endorses Clarifying The Bible

    Justin Taylor Endorses Clarifying The Bible

    “We have used the Clarifying the Bible DVD series on several occasions. Our folks rave about this series and come away with a much better appreciation for and understanding of how the Bible came to us and how it is structured. This is a learning resource that will greatly benefit every Christian!

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    5 Surprising Advantages to Online Seminary Education

    This sponsored post was provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. For men and women currently serving in their local church, pursuing theological education can often seem like an ideal rather than a reality. Even for those interested in and eager to formally deepening their knowledge of God’s word and its application to mission and ministry,…

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    What Every Christian Should Give their Pastor for Christmas

    This sponsored post was prepared by Books at a Glance. Being a pastor is not easy. It doesn’t always pay well, it’s emotionally taxing, and many times we fail to appreciate or even thank our pastors for their tireless work on our behalf. So, What SHOULD You Give Your Pastor? Obviously the best and most…

  • Three Reasons Why Your Church Should Stop Offering Small Groups

    Three Reasons Why Your Church Should Stop Offering Small Groups

    This sponsored post was prepared by who invites you to sign up for a free trial. Did you know that the company Walgreens invented the chocolate malt? According to Wikipedia, “in 1922, Walgreens’ employee Ivar ‘Pop’ Coulson made a milkshake by adding two scoops of vanilla ice cream to the standard malted milk drink…

  • Engaging Children with Reformed Doctrine

    Engaging Children with Reformed Doctrine … In Indonesia!

    This sponsored post was prepared by Simonetta Carr on behalf of Reformation Heritage Books. Of all the countries in the world, Indonesia became the first and most faithful translator of my books—which I never expected. And yet in 2009, in view of the five-hundredth anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, Momentum Christian Literature, a publishing house…

  • The Residency

    Introducing “The Residency Ph.D.,” A Doctoral Program in Community

    This sponsored post was prepared by Midwestern Seminary We’ve seen tremendous growth over the last several years at Midwestern Seminary, due largely to our renewal of the foundational seminary commitment to exist for the Church. This has become our leading pledge and vision, our institution’s very raison d’etre. And this has meant a strong commitment…

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    Martin Luther: All for the Gospel

    This sponsored post was provided by Ligonier Ministries. One of the deepest ongoing concerns Martin Luther had as a pastor was to liberate his congregation from the chains of superstition. As people began to leave the Roman Catholic system, they did not expunge from their lives all of their former convictions. This was particularly evident…

  • Kids Can Find Jesus in Proverbs

    This sponsored post was provided by New Growth Press. Proverbs can be a fun book to explore with your children. The short sentences, funny images, and blunt statements resonate with kids and quickly impart real-life wisdom. But there’s a vast difference between moralism and saving wisdom. Jesus noted this difference when he announced to the…

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    Here’s How Christian Book Summaries Help You Learn More…In Less Time

    This sponsored post was provided by Books at a Glance. Have you ever wanted to read more quality Christian books but couldn’t seem to find the time? Have you ever been frustrated purchasing a book only to discover that it wasn’t as rewarding as you had hoped? Now, thanks to Books At a Glance, you’ll…

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    Bible Colleges’ Best Kept Secret

    This sponsored post was prepared by Jared Wilson on behalf of Midwestern College. I don’t always arrive for work at Midwestern Seminary before sunrise, but I often do. It was an ordinary late summer morning in Kansas City—the first rays of dawn barely a glint behind the Northland campus woods—when I pulled into the east…

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    3 Ways To Be Ready for the Best Evangelistic Opportunity this Year

    This sponsored post was prepared by Dr. Alistair Begg. Dr. Begg is senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and host of Truth for Life. He is author of Christmas Playlist. Plan today to reach your neighbors this December. Don’t delay and find that you have missed an opportunity to share why Jesus is…

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    The 10 Questions Anyone Considering a Call to Ministry Must Answer

    This sponsored post was provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The call to ministry is indeed a subjective thing. We use phrases like “feeling called” and “sensing a call.” Sometimes we may talk about “discerning” a call or “wrestling with” a call. If you are in one of those categories of thinking, how can you…

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    Sharing the Gospel with Quasi-Catholics

    This sponsored post was provided by Chris Castaldo and Gregg Allison, authors of the new book The Unfinished Reformation: What Unites and Divides Catholics after 500 years. As it happens, I reviewed it on September 13. The Reformation is not finished. Fundamental differences of doctrine continue to separate Catholics and Protestants. These include views on…

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    Millennials Don’t Need Your “Cool”

    This sponsored post was prepared by Jon Nielson, author of Faith That Lasts. That generation we call the “millennials” – individuals born between 1980 and 2000 – has been the subject of millions of words written in the recent years…particularly words written by Christians. How do we reach this generation? What are they looking for…

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    Wayne Grudem on What We Mean by the Phrase “Word of God”

    This sponsored post was prepared by Wayne Grudem on behalf of Zondervan Academic Online Courses. Dr. Grudem’s mini-course, Introduction to the Bible: The Doctrine of Scripture, is available free for readers of Tim Challies’ blog this week only. What is the Word of God? The Word of God actually refers to several different things in…

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    The Unexpected Sequel: “Trellis & Vine II”

    “In hindsight, the signs were everywhere that Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace was going to be an epic disappointment.” So wrote Rolling Stone when reporting on its readers’ poll of the twenty most disappointing movie sequels. The Phantom Menace came in top of the list. So with epic disappointment a possibility even for…