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  • How to Read 20 Books a Year Effortlessly

    How to Read 20 Books a Year Effortlessly

    Most of us would like to read more great books. We have reading lists a mile long and books that collect dust on the shelf. We know that books help us grow in our relationships, our attitudes and most importantly our faith. But, how do we find the time? Most of us would like to…

  • Five Great Reasons to Skip Reading Your Bible This Summer

    Five Great Reasons to Skip Reading Your Bible This Summer

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Good Book Company, publisher of 90 Days in Judges, Galatians and Ephesians by Tim Keller and Richard Coekin Summer is here! And we’ve got five great reasons to skip reading your Bible this summer: Ok, so none of these are good reasons to stop reading your Bible over…

  • How to Teach Your Kids About Sex

    How to Teach Your Kids About Sex

    Of all the discussions we have had in our family about sex, probably 95 percent of them have concerned character issues. We’ve had discussions about God’s purposes for sex, the importance of sex and marriage, and why you should wait for marriage before you have sex. We talked about how to avoid situations in which…

  • So Others May Hear and Live

    So Others May Hear and Live

    “So Others May Hear and Live.” This is the rallying cry of every missionary called to unreached and hard-to-reach people groups. And it is the rallying cry for Midwestern College’s Fusion program, which is training college students for that very mission.

  • How Should Parents Respond to their Childrens Sexual Sin

    How Should Parents Respond to their Children’s Sexual Sin?

    This sponsored post was prepared by Russell D. Moore on behalf of the 2017 ERLC National Conference: Christ-Centered Parenting in a Complex World. I recently received an email from a parent who had discovered her teenager in sexual sin, and was wondering how to respond to it as a Christian parent. That’s a good question.…

  • Get the Free Version of Logos Bible Software

    Get the Free Version of Logos Bible Software

    D.A. Carson. Tim Keller. John MacArthur. John Piper. Aside from being some of the most influential pastors and scholars alive today, what do these four men all have in common? They recommend using Logos Bible Software in your Bible study.

  • Rediscovering the Holy Spirit

    4 Ways We Go Wrong in Thinking about the Holy Spirit

    Who exactly is the mysterious third person of the Trinity? Why does he seem to possess less reality than the Father and the Son? Perhaps we think of the Holy Spirit as a divine force or energy that we can “plug into” for spiritual power. Or as the kinder and gentler—more intimate—side of God. But…

  • To Ph.D or Not to Ph.D

    To Ph.D or Not to Ph.D?

    This sponsored post was prepared by Dr. Todd Chipman of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you’ve ever wondered whether pursuing a Ph.D. in your theological training would be worth it, there are lots of factors to consider aside from wondering how it might impact your career aspirations. If you’re sorting through whether Ph.D studies are…

  • Family Worship Has fallen on Hard Times

    Family Worship Has Fallen on Hard Times

    This sponsored post was written by Joel Beeke on behalf of the Family Worship Bible Guide. Family worship has fallen on hard times. Parents often say they are too busy to do it. Or else they don’t know how to do it because their parents never did it. When my parents commemorated their fiftieth anniversary,…

  • Is Genesis History

    3 Things I Learned Filming “Is Genesis History?”

    This sponsored post is provided by Thomas Purifoy Jr on behalf of Is Genesis History. Today the full documentary releases on streaming, download, & DVD at This post was written by the producer, writer, and director; at the end of it, he’s provided a look at the first fourteen minutes of the film. The…

  • Why Easter Matters

    Why Easter Matters to Marriage

    This sponsored post was prepared by Barbara Rainey on behalf of Ever Thine Home. One of my greatest faults that shows up too often in our marriage is my firstborn perfectionism. When my husband tells a story but doesn’t get the details right, I file away the errors to sort out with him later. I’ve…

  • Confronting the Lies when Suffering Leaves You Lonely

    Confronting the Lies when Suffering Leaves You Lonely

    This sponsored post was provided by Sarah Walton for Hope When It Hurts. Many roads of suffering are incredibly lonely ones. I remember when we began realizing that my eldest son struggled in ways that other children seemed not to. From a young age, he began displaying behavior that was defiant and destructive, and has…

  • Why An 81-Hour MDiv

    Why An 81-Hour MDiv?

    This sponsored post was prepared by Jason G. Duesing on behalf of MBTS. In an effort to ensure the health of the types of trees that outlive most humans, often the best course of action an arborist has is counterintuitive. Instead of leaving a century old oak tree alone to weather the elements as it…

  • The Story Behind The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon

    The Story Behind The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon

    This sponsored post was provided by Christian George on behalf of The Lost Sermons on C.H. Spurgeon. Before the U.S. Civil War, Southern Baptists burned Charles Spurgeon’s sermons and even threatened to murder him. In 1860, a prophecy was uttered against him in The Christian Index: “Southern Baptists will not, hereafter, when they visit London,…

  • The Importance of Staying Curious in Bible Study

    The Importance of Staying Curious in Bible Study

    This sponsored post was provided by Dr. Michael Bird, Lecturer in Theology and New Testament at Ridley College, on behalf of the NIV Faithlife Study Bible. The new NIV Faithlife Study Bible, created in partnership with Faithlife Corporation, creators of Logos Bible Software, is now available in print and is full of eye-catching graphics, charts,…

  • Bible Translations and the Pastors Dilemma

    Bible Translations and the Pastor’s Dilemma

    This sponsored post, a Q&A with Trevin Wax, was provided by the Christian Standard Bible. People care greatly about their Bible translations. Some believe there is only one “right” translation. Others, even those sitting next to you in church, may not have a grasp on the differences between all the Bible translations. Trevin Wax, author,…

  • Timothy Track

    For The Church, With The Church

    This sponsored post was provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. It’s a common dilemma for every young student considering residential seminary education. You know God has called you to vocational ministry, and you’ve been eager to begin putting some mileage into answering that call for a while. After 4 years of college studies, though, you’re…

  • 4 Essentials of Running Your Church Website Well

    4 Essentials of Running Your Church Website Well

    This sponsored post was provided by MereChurch. Are you pondering a redesign of your site, or struggling with managing your site? We can take care of the technical headache of running a church website so you can focus on your ministry. Get in touch with MereChurch to get started. I have been working on church…

  • Using the NIV Zondervan Study Bible in Ministry

    Using the NIV Zondervan Study Bible in Ministry

    This sponsored Q.A. with Dr. D.A. Carson was prepared by Zondervan for the NIV Zondervan Study Bible. Use coupon code NIVZSB50 and get the personal size for just $20 with free shipping! Q: While the church obviously shouldn’t repeat the medieval error of restricting access to knowledge in today’s information age, pastors certainly have an…

  • How a Minister in the Northeast Went to Seminary Online in the Midwest

    How a Minister in the Northeast Went to Seminary Online in the Midwest

    This sponsored post, an interview by Jared Wilson, was prepared by Midwestern Seminary. I met Mitch Bedzyk last year, when his church in Elmira, New York invited me to come speak at their annual student conference. I had a great time in upstate New York, as I always do, meeting a lot great people, eating…