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  • I Shall Not Die But Live and Tell

    The doctors warned my wife that I might never recover. Food and fluid were pumped into me intravenously, my death was awaited with baited breath, and my life was prayed for by many of God’s people. One day, early in this ordeal, I tried to pray, but could not think of any words to pray!…

  • The Bible: From Confusion to Clarity

    This sponsored post was provided by Clarifying The Bible. You don’t want to waste your life. You want to joyfully follow Jesus and help others do the same. And, you know that meaningful time in the Scriptures, a growing familiarity with the Bible, and a confidence in handling God’s Word are absolutely essential to that…

  • What Is Wrong with Theistic Evolution

    What’s Wrong with Theistic Evolution?

    The debate about biological origins continues to be hotly contested within the Christian church. Prominent organizations such as Biologos (USA) and Faraday Institute (UK) insist that Christians must yield to an unassailable scientific consensus in favor of contemporary evolutionary theory and modify traditional biblical ideas about the creation of life accordingly. Such organizations promote a…

  • Gender Roles During the Reformation

    Reformation Women: Gender Roles During the Reformation

    We don’t tend to think of the 16th century as a time when people had to sort out female identity issues. But Roman Catholicism had very strong ideas about women and what they should be doing. For example, lactating nuns and celibate wives were both considered holy. That’s a problem! And because Roman Catholic tradition…

  • ebook sale

    95 eBooks Sale: Key Books on the Reformation and Reformed Theology

    In recognition of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and Martin Luther’s writing of his 95 Theses, Zondervan has discounted 95 of their key eBooks on the Reformation, Reformed theology, and more. See the deals here. Many of the books in this sale are worthy reads; some of them have been reviewed on this blog.…

  • 4 Ways We Get the Reformation Completely Wrong

    It seems like every publisher, organisation and church has been waving the reformation flag in some way as we celebrate 500 years of the protestant revolution. No doubt there are many church members who have been helped to discover an aspect of our evangelical heritage that was invisible to them. But I wonder if there…

  • How to Talk To Your Kids About Human Dignity

    As Christian parents, it is important we teach our kids the truth about who they are, who God is, and about their place in the mission of God. One important piece of this role is to teach and talk to our kids about what it means to be human and to see the humanity of…

  • Logos

    How to Burn Out During the Holidays: A Guide for Pastors and Church Leaders

    It’s October, but if you work at a church, it’s already time to talk about Christmas. That says a lot about what holidays mean for those in ministry. Whether you’re a pastor or volunteer, if you’re not careful, you might spend more time cutting out paper snowflakes for the foyer than preparing your heart to…

  • Is the Reformation Worth Celebrating

    Is the Reformation Worth Celebrating?

    It is my belief that the Reformation is worth honoring, remembering, and even celebrating. If our society can celebrate “World Tripe Day” (October 24), we as Protestants can set aside time on October 31, 2017 and remember the 500th anniversary of the event that “lit the powder keg of the Reformation”.

  • Systematic Theology Study Bible

    What Is Doctrine and Why Is It Important?

    What is doctrine? Put simply, it is the way the central themes of God’s revelation in Scripture are summarized and taught. This teaching builds on their development through the Old Testament. It sees them as having culminated in Christ’s incarnation, words, and work. His teaching (Matt. 7:28; Mark. 1:22; John 7:16) was then expanded and…

  • 3 Pivotal Questions on the Reformation and the Doctrine of Justification

    3 Pivotal Questions on the Reformation and the Doctrine of Justification

    This sponsored post was prepared by Zondervan Academic and includes material written by Frank James, Douglas Moo, and Peter H. Davids for Zondervan Academic Online Courses. One of the decisive doctrines to emerge from the Protestant Reformation—and central to Luther’s theology—was the doctrine of justification by faith alone (sola fide). How did Luther come to…

  • Six Encouragements to Holiness from Together for the Gospel

    This sponsored post was provided by Together for the Gospel. Together for the Gospel (T4G) is a biennial three day gathering that encourages pastors and church leaders to stand together for the gospel. Registration is now open for T4G 2018, scheduled for April 11-13, in Louisville, KY. Speakers include: While there are 10 speakers, T4G…

  • Gods Providence in the Story of the Premium Bible Marketplace

    God’s Providence in the Story of the Premium Bible Marketplace

    The best crafted Bibles in the world are found at – a company with an unlikely origin. Sky Cline and his wife Mahina moved to the San Francisco Bay area to lead a church plant in one of the most expensive regions in the United States. After moving to the west coast with three…

  • Who is Thomas Johnson

    Born in Slavery, Longing for Freedom

    Thomas Johnson was an African-American, born into slavery on a Northern Virginia plantation in the mid-1800s. When he was only ten years old, his mother was sold to another plantation. The one person in his life who brought him a sense of stability and peace was suddenly gone. The separation produced in his soul a…

  • G3 Conference

    Knowing God: Discipleship

    From the beginning, the G3 Conference has existed for the purpose of encouraging pastors and helping the local church. That same vision remains at the forefront of what we do each January as we assemble for a weekend of preaching, singing, studying, and fellowshipping under the banner of the gospel. This coming January, the focus…

  • Three Surprising Ways Bible Reading with My Kids Has Changed Me

    Three Surprising Ways Bible Reading with My Kids Has Changed Me

    I’m sure I’m not the only one who finds regular time with my family in the Bible a challenge. There are plenty of distractions and reasons why reading the Bible with my three young kids is hard. But I’m convinced that the best thing I can do for my children is expose them to the…

  • From The Seahawks to Seminary

    From The Seahawks to Seminary

    I first met Tyler Sykora when he was part of a discipleship group at Midwestern Seminary I was co-leading with one of our profs. A thoughtful but soft-spoken guy, I was impressed by his easy-going nature and disarmed by his bookish demeanor. I was not surprised to learn that he was assisting Christian George as…

  • Pastor H.B. Charles Hosts The Fourth Annual Cutting It Straight Conference

    Pastor H.B. Charles Hosts The Fourth Annual Cutting It Straight Conference

    John MacArthur, Maurice Watson, Mark Dever, Jerry Vines, Charlie Dates, David Helm, Bryan Loritts, George Zemek, David Allen, Derek Thomas, Romell Williams, Terry Anderson and Hensworth Jonas. These are the speakers at the fourth meeting of the Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, September 19-21, 2017. The goal of this conference is…

  • Build a Theological Library

    How To Build a Solid Theological Library

    After a decade of Bible college, seminary, and ministry, I’d accumulated hundreds of books. Even so, I rarely had the resources I needed to thoroughly understand and teach a passage. Simply put, my library was big but weak. I’ve since learned that building a solid theological library doesn’t happen by chance, and it doesn’t have…

  • Charles Spurgeons Dangerous Mission

    Charles Spurgeon’s Dangerous Mission

    This sponsored post was provided by Christian T. George, Assistant Professor of Historical Theology and Curator, The C.H. Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. David once said, “There is only a step between me and death” (1 Samuel 20:3). Charles Spurgeon almost took that step many times. His mother, Eliza, gave birth to sixteen…