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  • The Bible Is Not About You

    This week the blog is sponsored by Lifeway, who also wrote this article. On the surface, most Christians would agree with the title of this post. Yet, we so often read and study the Bible in a way that says the opposite. When we read the stories of the Old Testament, we draw moral conclusions…

  • A Widening of the Apologetic Enterprise

    Today’s post is written by Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen and is sponsored by Zondervan Academic. When I (Josh) was growing up in the southeastern part of the United States, there were two dominant religions: Baptist and football. It would take a visitor little time to realize which faith had captured my community’s…

  • Neuroscience, Semiotics, and the Tower of Babel

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Master’s University, written by John Beck, Business Faculty and Chair of the Organizational Management degree, online at The Master’s University. When we discuss the general revelation of God in creation, it is impossible for me to get very far before I am floored by the wonder and…

  • John Piper and the Power of Vision

    Today’s post is written by Matt Perman, author of What’s Best Next and his new book How to Get Unstuck: Breaking Free from Barriers to Your Productivity, and is sponsored by Zondervan. Six years into his thirty-three-year ministry at Bethlehem Baptist Church, John Piper wrote in his journal on November 6, 1986: The church is…

  • Help for Humanly Impossible Acts

    This sponsored post is from Crossway, adapted from Expository Exultation: Christian Preaching as Worship by John Piper—a new book about preaching as a means of awakening worship and seeing, savoring, and showing of the glory of Christ. Beauty of Corporate Worship It is beautifully fitting that Christian people gather for corporate worship every week. When…

  • The Film You Have Been Waiting for: PURITAN

    This week the blog is being sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. Joel Beeke authored this post on behalf of Reformation Heritage Books, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Media Gratiae, and Stephen McCaskell. Right now, as you are reading this blog, a film crew is in the midst of what sounds like an exhausting itinerary through multiple…

  • Why you should Read the Westminster Confession of Faith

    Today’s post is written by Justin Holcomb, a theology professor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and is sponsored by Zondervan Academic Online Courses. The Westminster Confession of Faith is a Reformed confession produced in 1646 by the Westminster Assembly in London. Intended to set the doctrinal standards for the Church of England,…

  • Why Believe in Life After Death

    This sponsored post is from Know Why You Believe, an online course taught by K. Scott Oliphint, from Zondervan Academic. If you look at almost any poll about life after death, it will show that the vast majority of people believe in an afterlife. A recent CBS news poll asked more than a thousand adults…

  • 10 Most Significant Discoveries in the Field of Biblical Archaeology

    This sponsored post is adapted from the ESV Archaeology Study Bible—which was created by a team of field-trained archaeologists and features 2,000+ study notes, 400+ full-color photographs, 200+ maps and diagrams, 15 articles, 4 timelines, and more. Archaeology Gives Context Biblical archaeology is a wide field offering modern readers fascinating insights into the everyday lives…

  • Sin Didn’t Kill Jesus—God Did

    This sponsored post is adapted from The Gospel According to God: Rediscovering the Most Remarkable Chapter in the Old Testament by John MacArthur—a book explaining the prophetic words of Isaiah 53 verse by verse, highlighting important connections to the history of Israel, the New Testament, and our lives today. A Shocking Truth The reality of…

  • 3 Perks of Being a Christian Business Owner

    This week the blog is sponsored by Strider, a Christian-owned online marketing agency. This post is written by Strider’s founder and president, Ryan Freeman. Contact Strider to learn more about growing your business online. At first glance, the idea notion of being a Christian and owning a business might not seem that appealing. Society and…

  • 5 Tips for Engaging with Scripture

    This week the blog is sponsored by Crossway, who would like to introduce you to the ESV Scripture Journal. Reading and studying Scripture are pursuits that require the attention of both heart and mind. To love the Lord with all our strength, we must actively engage with Scripture—asking questions, learning contexts, making connections, and reflecting…

  • Your Church is in Danger

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Good Book Company. This post was written by Juan Sanchez. There’s never been a more dangerous time for the church. It’s swimming against the moral tide of culture, and is, frankly, struggling to keep its head above water. From the outside, it faces growing oppression from tyrannical…

  • Evangelism in a Skeptical World

    Today’s post is written by D. A. Carson and is sponsored by Zondervan Academic. Fifty or sixty years ago, most Christians in the Western world who chose to be involved in evangelism were trying to win people to Christ who already enjoyed some knowledge of the Bible, people who, culturally speaking, were not too dissimilar…

  • 3 Things I’m Excited About at Midwestern Seminary

    This week the blog is sponsored by Midwestern Seminary. The post is written by Jared C. Wilson. I rolled on to Midwestern Seminary campus three winters ago unsure of a whole lot about the school and my place in it. The future looked promising and the opportunities looked exciting, but I don’t know if I…

  • Six Reasons Reformed Christians Should Embrace Six-Day Creation

    This sponsored post was prepared by Director Thomas Purifoy Jr. on behalf of Is Genesis History?. When Is Genesis History? opened in theaters last year, we had no idea it would be the top-grossing Christian documentary for 2017. We were even more surprised when our distributor said it was bringing it for an Anniversary Event.…

  • Reading the Bible Fully in a Year

    This week the blog has been sponsored by The Master’s University. We should be reminded that as we read the Bible this year, we don’t just want to read it through, we want to read it well. When we come to a text where we wonder, “How is this useful?” don’t just skim over it.…

  • Why Your Singing Matters Even If You Think You Can’t Sing.

    This sponsored post was provided by Lifeway and written by Keith Getty. Do you avoid joining in with congregational worship in church because you think you can’t sing? Perhaps you can recall an awkward conversation as a child when you were asked to mouth the words, rather than sing them; or when it was suggested…

  • Learn, Read, & Grow More in 2018

    This sponsored post was provided by Books at a Glance. While not everyone has a written set of New Year’s goals or resolutions, most people take the opportunity of a New Year to identify one or two things you’d like to improve, change, or do more of in the next 12 months, and studies have…