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  • Practicing the Present

    This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers. John Koessler is an award-winning author and teacher who served on the Moody faculty for 25 years. In his new book, Practicing the Present: The Neglected Art of Living in the Now (Moody, 2019), he addresses how to evade the tyranny of past regrets and future…

  • Gospel Above All

    This sponsored post was prepared by J.D. Greear in support of his Bible study Gospel Above All which features Greear in dialog with David Platt, Jen Wilkin, Rosaria Butterfield, Albert Mohler, and many others. Bible-based Christianity is dead. At least that’s what society wants you to believe. Churches are closing their doors. Evangelicals are leaving…

  • PURITAN: All of Life to the Glory of God

    This week the blog is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. After much hard work, the PURITAN Documentary deluxe box set is in production with the anticipated release this summer. It includes: Watch the latest video trailer and pre-order now for yourself or your church at a substantial discount at But, why all this effort?…

  • Our God Is A Relational God

    This week the sponsored post is adapted and abridged from Becoming Whole: Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn’t the American Dream by Brian Fikkert and Kelley M. Kapic (©2019) and published by Moody Publishers. Used by permission. Before we can heal the brokenness in the world, we must diagnose the deeper issues of what causes…

  • His Mercy Is More — Some Lyrics Last A Lifetime

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music, and in this post, my friend Keith shares why singing the Psalms is so very necessary for our hearts. You’ll also find a video of a favorite psalm along with downloadable sheet music. You don’t usually want your child to stand in a chair, but this time,…

  • Reaching Cultural Christianity With The Gospel

    This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers and this post has been taken from The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel by Dean Inserra. I wrote the book The Unsaved Christian because I have experienced special challenges in reaching cultural Christians with the Good News of Jesus. Starting a gospel conversation…

  • Why We Must Not Read All of Scripture Literally

    This sponsored post features a video by Rebecca McLaughlin, author of Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion (Crossway). The Meaning of Metaphor The first thing I would say to someone who asks me, “How could I take the Bible literally?” is “Have you ever had your heart broken?” Now if they’re…

  • Study the Word of God with Trembling

    This sponsored post is written by Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley, authors of Reformed Systematic Theology: Volume 1: Revelation and God (Crossway). Read with Reverence While the Bible is written in human language, we must never treat it “as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God,…

  • 7 Signs That You’re a Cage-Stage Calvinist

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Good Book Company. Calvinism is a beautiful thing—when we Calvinists don’t ruin it. For too long Calvinism has been linked to arrogant, fiery, and argumentative Calvinists who seem like the only cure for their cruelty is time in a steel cage. Diagnosis? A Cage-Stage Calvinist. A Cage-Stage…

  • 5 Ways to Re-enchant Your World

    This post is written by Paul M. Gould, author of Cultural Apologetics, a new book, video lecture series, and course, and is sponsored by Zondervan Academic. The dominant way of perceiving today can be described as disenchanted. For many, the world is not seen in its proper light. We think the world is ordinary, or…

  • Haunted by the Perfect Being

    This week the sponsored post is proved by Baker Books and is adapted from Matthew Barrett’s new book None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God. Matthew Barrett is the author of None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God. He is associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and executive editor of Credo…

  • 4 Approaches to Understanding the Redemptive Nature of Scripture

    This sponsored post is by Bryan Chapell, general editor of The ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible (Crossway). 4 Approaches to Understanding the Redemptive Nature of Scripture All of Scripture Bears Witness We should be very willing to learn the principles of redemptive interpretation that the New Testament writers employed and exemplified. From these principles, we…

  • The Cost (and Gift) of Discipleship

    This week the blog is sponsored by Crossway and is written by Sam Allberry. One of the most remarkable promises Jesus ever made is also one of the least known. In Mark 10 we have the encounter between Jesus and the rich young man. The latter is seemingly full of potential for being a really…

  • Logos 8: Launch Discounts Ending Soon

    This week the blog is sponsored by Logos. Shop before February 7 to get a discount on Logos 8. Sign in to see your discount. The countdown has begun: the Logos 8 launch discount officially ends in a week. You could save 10–40% depending on what you own, so visit to see your discount.…

  • Making A Christian College Christian

    This sponsored posted was written by Matthew J. Hall the dean of Boyce College, the undergraduate school of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (and, as it happens, the college my son attends). Boyce is committed to providing a biblical worldview for every student in every degree program. They’re expanding their degree offerings and just announced a…

  • One Life-Changing Week

    This week the blog is sponsored by the Biblical Counseling Training Conference. Would you like to improve the effectiveness of your ministry? Would you like to improve your ability to help a hurting person using your Bible? This February 10-15, 2019 in Lafayette, Indiana we are hosting the annual Biblical Counseling Training Conference. Since 1985,…

  • 5 Audiobooks That Speak to Suffering

    This week the blog is sponsored by, and this post is written by Carissa Arend. Suffering is an inevitable part of the Christian life, and we need reminders of gospel hope in everyday difficulties as well as in life-shattering trials. The following audiobooks offer noteworthy and unique perspectives on suffering. Trusting God Jerry Bridges…

  • Why Christians Should Think More About Heaven

    This sponsored post was written by Owen Strachan, author of the just-released devotional Always in God’s Hands: Day by Day in the Company of Jonathan Edwards, and provided by Tyndale. You’ve no doubt heard the saying, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.” I get the meaning here. We all know absentminded…

  • Christ’s Call to Reform the Church

    This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers who are promoting John MacArthur’s book Christ’s Call to Reform the Church: Timeless Demands from The Lord to His People. In the book of Revelation, Jesus wrote seven letters to cities in Asia Minor. He didn’t write them to city hall; He wrote them to the…

  • God Does Give You More than You Can Handle

    This week the blog is sponsored by Tyndale, and the post is written by Jason Hague, author of Aching Joy. Iam richly blessed in the community department. Not everyone is so lucky. Like others who are in the throes of crisis, autism parents often seek comfort from friends, but all too often, they get inspirational…