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  • What Was the Star

    What Was the Star and How Did the Wise Men Know To Follow It?

    This sponsored post was provided by What was the star and how did the wise men know to follow it? These are questions people are curious to have answered, especially this time of year. During the Christmas season, many who are hostile to anything Biblical, won’t object to hearing about the “Christmas Story”. Often,…

  • Three Christmas Hymns from Getty Music

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. This month they have generously decided to provide you with three hymns! Two of these three hymns may be found in the Keith Getty Top 10 Carols for Christmas. Keith has also written an article about why we should still be singing Christmas Carols. In the Bleak…

  • To Know the Blessed God

    This week the blog is sponsored by Heritage College & Seminary and the post is written by Dr. Stephen Yuille, Vice President of Academics and Academic Dean of the College. It’s my joy and privilege to serve at Heritage College & Seminary in Canada. In my role, I get asked lots of questions—inside and outside…

  • Top Gift Ideas For 2019: A Reformed Gift Guide

    This sponsored post was prepared by Missional Wear Somehow, it’s November. Mid-November. Which means you might just be gearing up to begin your holiday shopping. My friends at Missional Wear have been hard at work creating unique gifts for everyone on your list. Here is a currated guide of great ideas to achieve gifting success…

  • Are You Bored With The Nativity?

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publishers of Repeat The Sounding Joy, A daily Advent devotional on Luke 1 – 2, by Christopher Ash. Confession time: I don’t particularly like Christmas. I think it goes back to my days as a local church minister with a young family. Somehow all…

  • My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. Below you will find a video along with downloadable sheet music. If we examine our personal devotions or listen in on a prayer meeting, our thanksgiving often focuses on health and position, family and friends, home and belongings (and all these are right and good – the…

  • How Software is Helping Churches Stay Connected

    This week the blog is sponsored by Church Social and today’s post is written by Jonathan Reinink. I am a software developer by trade. I am also a Christian. Figuring out how the two fit together is an ongoing journey I am on. I sometimes feel a little like my father, who was a hog…

  • Sing We the Song of Emmanuel

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. You will find a video along with downloadable sheet music. “Sing We the Song of Emmanuel” started with the general theme of Christmas and the song title. The song evolved with a joyful and majestic sounding tune—and we asked the question “what does this tune want to…

  • When the Bible Speaks, God Speaks

    Today’s post features Al Mohler on the classic doctrine of biblical inerrancy. It is sponsored by Zondervan Academic. Sola scriptura, Scripture alone, was the formal principle of the Reformation, and it’s also the fundamental principle of evangelical Christianity. We’re the people of the Bible. That’s where it all starts. And that’s where it all ends…

  • Worship: Our Privilege and Responsibility

    This week the blog is sponsored by the G3 Conference. What do you think of when you consider the weekly and regular worship of God by the gathered church on the Lord’s Day? Do you think of the singing or the preaching or the praying? What happens when God’s people worship him rightly? In his…

  • Major in the Bible

    This week the blog is sponsored by Boyce College. It is common these days to see Christian colleges and universities require fewer Bible and theology courses. But whether a student is called to ministry in the local church or the marketplace, they will encounter more challenges than ever from increasingly secular culture. To handle these…

  • May the Peoples Praise You

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. You will find a video along with downloadable sheet music. “Inspired by Psalm 67, this hymn is a call to worship and mission. Desiring to make significant space for congregations to sing in harmony, we added an acapella section at the end – we are so excited…

  • In a Changing World, Our Commitment to Truth Remains Unchanged

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and written by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, SBTS. We live in an age rightly described as “post-truth.” It is now fashionable to speak of “truth” as a socially constructed sentiment or emotion. A form of relativism infects our society, surrounding us with…

  • Orphan Care and the Great Commission

    This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers and this post is written by Todd Chipman from his book Until Every Child is Home: Why The Church Can and Must Care for Orphans. I wrote Until Every Child Is Home because I have seen that God’s instruction for His people to care for orphans…

  • Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. You will find a video along with downloadable sheet music. This song is all about the concept of beholding the life of Christ. It was inspired by this scripture from 2 Corinthians: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed…

  • Transitioning to College for the Glory of God

    This sponsored posted was written by Dustin Bruce, Dean of Boyce College (and, as it happens, the college my son attends). Everything about Boyce — its theological core, its commitment to a biblical worldview, its community of discipleship, and its heart for the world — is rooted in the gospel and focused on the transformation…

  • Do You Have Ears to Hear

    This week the blog is sponsored by Dwell and written by Jeff McFadden. As I write this it’s mid-July, which means that, for many of us, it’s been 5 or 6 months since we fell off the wagon of the annual I’m-going-to-read-the-Bible-in-a-year train. The new year’s hope and optimism was knocked aside in the busyness…

  • Snowflakes, Suicide, and Scripture

    This week the blog is sponsored by Crown & Covenant and this post is written by Pastor Rutledge “Rut” Etheridge III is assistant professor of biblical studies at Geneva College. His book, God Breathed (Crown & Covenant Publications), releases August 2019. I like to think that I’m young, and compared to some people—and most trees—I…

  • The Christian College And The Great Commission

    This sponsored posted was written by R. Albert Mohler Jr., President of Southern Seminary and Boyce College (which, as it happens, is the college my son attends). Everything about Boyce — its theological core, its commitment to a biblical worldview, its community of discipleship, and its heart for the world — is rooted in the…

  • The Lord Is My Salvation

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. You will find a video of a favorite psalm along with downloadable sheet music. This is a song of testimony, inspired in part by Psalm 27. Our witness, at the simplest level, is telling another person what Christ has done for us. Singing songs of faith helps…