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  • Looking for Advertisers

    As you’ve no doubt noticed by now, I’ve begun to do a bit of advertising through this site. I have added spots for three 125 x 125 banner ads in the right sidebar and have also opened up a bit of space for some text ads. Though I’m somewhat leery of doing this, I explained…

  • 5 Years Young

    This blog passes a milestone… Today marks the fifth anniversary of the day I began this web site. In September of 2002, the first month this site was in operation–just a little blog dedicated to sharing pictures of my children with family members who had moved far away–it had two visitors, my mother and my…

  • Reading the Classics Together

    If you’re like me there are probably quite a few books that you wish you had read and yet, for some reason, you still haven’t. There are classics kicking around your desk that you’ve been meaning to pick up, but to this point you’ve never actually taken the time to read them. Or perhaps you’ve…

  • Ten New or Redesigned Features

    I wrote about my site yesterday and I’m going to do so again today. Please forgive what must appear to be narcissism. I don’t plan on posting about it again for a while after today. But because I added several new features in yesterday’s redesign, I wanted to introduce them to you and show you…

  • Site Upgrades and Updates

    The site gets its annual design update. The upgrade went fairly well, as these things go. If you are still seeing the old site or are seeing a messy hybrid, trying hitting “Refresh” in your browser a couple of times. That should clear things up. Whenever I change the look of the site I am…

  • Blog Updates

    Featuring…You? Way back near the end of 2005 I began the feature I called “King for a Week,” where I highlight another person’s blog for a week or two (perhaps the name was not the best choice, but it’s too late to change it now). I’m glad I did this and, though I’ve pretty well…

  • An Upcoming Interview Series

    You may recall that last year I did several interviews and posted them to this site. I interviewed, among others, Sam Waldron, Wayne Grudem and Derek Webb. I would like to put together another series of interviews to be posted sometime this fall and winter. I am thinking of turning them into podcasts, posting audio…

  • Server Upgrade

    I am moving the site to a new server this evening. It is entirely possible that things will be a little erratic for the next day or two. Please bear with me. If you have something really important to say via email, but sure to request a reply. If you do not get that reply…

  • Announcement: The Discipline of Discernment

    Several months ago I sat with my wife, discussing future goals and plans. I told her something she already knew: that I wanted someday to begin writing books. Writing runs in my blood and there are few things I enjoy more (though reading would have to come close). As evidenced by this blog, I have…

  • WorshipGod06 – Fifth Session

    This evening’s session, the fifth general session of the conference, was primarily a time of singing and worship. I have attempted to capture an account of the evening’s events that those who have never attended a Sovereign Grace event may be able to understand how they worship. The evening began with “Come Now Almighty King”…

  • A Whole New Look

    It has been one of those long days. But it’s been a good day. We are still in the midst of a heat-wave here in Toronto. While the temperatures are not all that high, the humidity is through the roof leaving us with some hot, sticky, nasty weather. But it gave us an opportunity to…

  • The Art of Ron Cowle

    A couple of years ago I made a web site for Ron Cowle who happens to be both an exceptionally gifted artist and my uncle. The design for his site was really quite unique because he sat with me at my desk while I created it. My job as the designer was to translate his…

  • Sunday Reflection

    This was a particularly busy week for me. I had several hard deadlines I had to meet and only just managed to get the work done. I find that the busier the week, the more I appreciate my day of rest. As I reflected on this, I remembered a hymn written by John Newton. So…

  • Upgraded (Trackback Me!)

    I just finished upgrading to Movabletype 3.2. I’ve been looking forward to this version of the software as it allows some important new functionality. At the top of the list is trackback moderation, a feature that was sorely needed. It allows me to restore the list of trackbacks to the sidebar (a feature that I…

  • Expecting Results

    When you pray, petitioning God for something, do you really expect results? Do you pray as one who is already defeated, expecting before you even pray that God will not grant your prayer? Or do you pray with confidence that God hears and answers prayer? Acts 12 contains a wonderful story that shows how even…

  • Raising Holy Hands

    Yesterday I wrote about 1 Timothy 2:8 being the inspiration for the song ‘Unchanging’ which includes the lyrics ‘so we raise up holy hands / to praise the holy One / Who was and is and is to come.” I said that this verse cannot be used to prove that we are given license to…