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Explore Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys

  • Sexual Detox: The E-Book

    Last week’s series on Sexual Detox was quite an experience for me. I figured it would garner a little bit of interest simply because it dealt with an universal issue (sex) and because it included several important peripheral issues (pornography, addiction, and so on). But even then the response surprised me, both in terms of…

  • Sexual Detox: Recommended Resources

    Having wrapped up the Sexual Detox series, I thought it would be useful to provide a list of recommended resources for those who wish to do reading on a particular topic. Pretty much every author who has written more than, say, ten books has written one on the Lord’s Prayer and one on either sex…

  • Sexual Detox V: Freedom

    This is the final entry in a series of articles about sex and, in particular, about sexual detoxification. First I wrote about Pornifying the Marriage Bed, then about Breaking Free and A Theology of Sex. The fourth article dealt with Detoxification. The series was written specifically to target young men–those who are newly married or…

  • Sexual Detox IV: Detoxification

    This is now the fourth entry in a series of articles about sex and, in particular, about sexual detoxification–about replacing lies with truth. First I wrote about Pornifying the Marriage Bed, then about Breaking Free and finally about A Theology of Sex. Today the series continues with Detoxification. The purpose of this series of articles…

  • Sexual Detox III: A Theology of Sex

    This is the third article in a series targeted specifically at young men but applying, I am learning, to all of us. So far I have written about Pornifying the Marriage Bed and about Breaking Free. What did God create first: hunger or food? Did God make man hungry and then invent food to fill…

  • Sexual Detox II: Breaking Free

    This is the second entry in a series dealing with sex and, in particular, challenging young men with the notion that their consumption of pornography has so shaped their perception of sex that they need to detox if they are going to be suitable husbands to their wives. In the first part of the series…