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  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Call to Worship

    I have mentioned before that one important element of worship at Grace Fellowship Church is the Call to Worship. These sometimes involve reading a passage of scripture, but other times combine several texts into a responsive question and answer format. Here’s an example that might bless you this morning as you prepare to worship. It…

  • 9 New and Notable Books for September 2020

    The good books continue to roll in! As September turns to October I thought it would be good to provide a roundup of some of the best books to cross my desk over the past month (acknowledging that, in reality, I’m posting this a day late). As usual, I need to add the disclaimer that…

  • SquareQuotes

    New: Check out SquareQuotes

    Several years ago Jules Koblun and I began to create graphics together. I would find an inspirational quote and she would use her graphic design skills to set it atop an image. Over the years we’ve created nearly 1500 of these quote graphics, covering a wide range of topics. I expect you’ve seen them embedded…

  • A Dozen New and Notable Christian Books for August 2020

    As summer turns to fall, and as we seem to creep incrementally back towards normalcy, the new books continue to pour in. I’ve sorted through the many (many!) books that have shown up at my doorstep over the past four weeks and have narrowed them down to this list of a dozen. For each one…

  • 10 New and Notable Christian Books for July 2020

    Even in the heat of summer Christian publishers continue to bring us great new books! It has actually been quite a July for Christian readers with lots of notable books coming our way. Here are a few of the ones that stood out to me. Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?: A Guide for…

  • 12 New and Notable Books for June 2020

    Summer is often a time when new book releases slow their pace as publishers await the busy fall season with all its conferences and other opportunities to make a splash. But this year we’ve been treated to quite a lot of noteworthy June releases. Here are a few of the books that have showed up…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for May 2020

    I am in the happy position of receiving endless numbers of Christian books. Every month or so I try to sort through them to identify the new books that seem most noteworthy and, therefore, may be of most interest to readers like you. Here is the selection for May 2020, including the publishers’ descriptions. (Note:…

  • A Prayer Guide for Pastors

    Christian leaders are not called to their positions because of rare skill, raw talent, or overwhelming desire. They are not qualified by charismatic personality, the ability to draw a crowd, or skilled rhetoric. Rather, Christian leaders are called and qualified by godly character. In passages like 1 Timothy 3:2-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-3…

  • An Epic Timeline

    An Epic Timeline

    We are less than a week away from the March 31 launch of my new book and documentary Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History. Between the book and the 10 episodes, you’ll be able to track with me as I scour the world for historical objects which together tell the story of the Christian…

  • All the Free and Discounted Stuff for these Difficult Times

    All the Free and Discounted Stuff for these Difficult Times

    Difficult times often provoke special generosity. That has proven the case with many Christian ministries and businesses in these difficult and uncertain days. Here is some of the free or discounted material that has been made available. (Feel free to leave a Facebook comment if you know of material I’ve missed and I’ll update accordingly.)…

  • MasterLectures

    One Way To Make the Most of Being Housebound with Your Family

    There are millions of people across the world who unexpectedly find themselves and their families housebound. There are millions of parents who are wondering how they are going to fill the days ahead and how they are going to make the most of them. My family, too, has been affected by travel bans and the…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped on One Sunday in March

    Like so many of you, I find myself unexpectedly at home this Sunday instead of joining in corporate worship. At Grace Fellowship Church we deem this a reasonable response to the government’s request that we avoid meeting in large groups. And while I’m at home with my family, I’m thinking wistfully of the wonderful service…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for February 2020

    I’m in the happy position of receiving endless numbers of Christian books. Every month or so I try to sort through them to identify the new books that seem most noteworthy and, therefore, may be of most interest to readers like you. Here is the selection for February 2020, including the publishers’ descriptions. (Note: I’ve…

  • Book Store

    Are You Looking for Something Good To Read?

    One thing I love to do is resource other people with good books. That means I read a lot and then try to mention some of the best of the bunch in case that will spur other people on in their own reading. To that end, here are a few of the books I’ve read…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for January 2020

    I’m in the happy position of receiving endless numbers of Christian books. Every month or so I try to sort through them to identify the new books that seem most noteworthy and, therefore, may be of most interest to readers like you. Here is the selection for January 2020, including the publishers’ descriptions. (Note: I’ve…

  • Book Store

    Looking for Something Good To Read? (10 Book Suggestions)

    I spend a lot of time reading. And, for as long as my messed up hands keep me from being able to type as much as I’d like, I’ll be spending even more time reading than usual. Here, in case you’re looking for something good to read, are some of the books I’ve gone through…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped One Sunday in January

    From time to time I like to share one of our worship services from Grace Fellowship Church. In that vein, here is how we worshiped on one January Sunday morning. This week’s cast of characters included Steve as service leader, Paul as preacher, and Allie as music leader. Dwight read the Scripture text and led…

  • Book Store

    Looking for Something to Read? (Brief Book Reviews)

    Every two to three weeks I write a full-length book review, but for only a fraction of the books I actually read. From time to time I like to provide miniature reviews of some of the others. If you are looking for some reading suggestions, here are notes about some of the books I’ve read…

  • 7 New and Notable Books for December

    Even late in the year, we continue to see some excellent new books come our way. And, one way or another, most of them make their way to boxes on my front doorstep. I sort through all those books and try to distill them down to some of the most notable. Here are the ones…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Textbook Pastoral Prayer

    A couple of Sundays ago, Paul Martin prayed a pastoral prayer at Grace Fellowship Church that I think stands as a textbook example of how a pastor can pray for his people when they gather to worship. If the pastoral prayer is the time for the pastor to intercede before God on behalf of his…