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  • New and Notable Christian Books for July 2022

    It is surprisingly difficult to find a list of Christian books that have been released in any given month—especially if you want that list to be filtered by books released through particular publishers. That’s one of the reasons why I close each month by coming up with my list of New and Notable books. I…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped On One Summer Sunday

    Every now and again I like to share an example of one of our worship services from Grace Fellowship Church. I hope that by doing this others will begin to share their services as well so we can learn and benefit from one another. If there is something you see here that would bless your…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for June 2022

    As another month draws to its close, I want to make sure you’re up-to-date on some of the noteworthy new Christian books that released in June. In each case I have provided the editorial description so you can learn a little bit about it. He Is Not Ashamed: The Staggering Love of Christ for His…

  • Seasons of Sorrow

    Seasons of Sorrow: The Release Event (You’re Invited!)

    I recently announced that I have a new book on the way. Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God will release on September 13 and is now available for pre-order. This is a book I wrote in the year following the sudden death of my son and it tracks through…

  • What Is A Woman

    What Is A Woman?

    Who would have thought it? Who would have thought that a question so straightforward would prove so controversial? Who would have thought that providing the age-old answer to the simplest of questions would be enough to cast you out of polite society? Yet here we are. The question, of course, is this: What is a…

  • Summer-Reading-Suggestions

    Summer Reading Suggestions for Students

    With summer already upon a good number of students, and summer in the not-too-distant future for others, I thought it might be helpful to put together a list of books that would make for worthy summer reading. I chose to focus on books that have been released in the past year or so and which…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for May 2022

    May has been another good month for Christian book releases. I sorted through the many options and arrived at this list of new and notables. In each case I’ve provided the editorial description to give you a sense of what it’s all about. I hope there’s something here that’s of interest to you! A Concise…

  • Seasons of Sorrow Pre-Order

    Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God

    I have often said that I don’t know what I think or what I believe until I write about it. Writing is how I reflect, how I meditate, how I chart life’s every journey. In the waning weeks of 2020 my dear son Nick passed away very suddenly and very unexpectedly. And when that sorrow…

  • New Notable

    New and Notable Christian Books for April 2022

    There are lots of new Christian resources being published these days and, as is so often the case, many of them landed in my mailbox. I spent some time going through them and arrived at a list of the ones I thought might be most interesting to you. Here, then, are this month’s new and…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for March 2022

    I have once again received stacks of books through the month that is now drawing to its end. I sorted through them all and wanted to tell you about those that I consider most notable. In each case I’ve included the editorial description so you can learn a little bit about it. (Also see: New…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for Children

    New and Notable Christian Books for Children

    Over the past few weeks I’ve received several boxes of books for kids. Because the publishers take the time to send them, I like to take the time to look them over. Having done so, I thought I’d provide a bit of a roundup for parents or grandparents or others who are looking for some…

  • Hymns in Hard Places

    Hymns in Hard Places

    What would it mean to write hymns that speak specifically to the concerns, challenges, and temptations of your church? Not the global church or the church in general, mind you, but your own local church? What themes would be most important to those people? What truths might they have trouble believing and what doctrines might…

  • Easter Books

    Books To Read As You Prepare for Easter

    Easter will soon be upon us, and I know that many Christians will take the opportunity to specially reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are extremely well-resourced when it comes to books on the subject and I thought I’d list a few recommendations here. In each case I’ve linked to the…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for February 2022

    As you know, I like to do my best to comb through the new Christian books each month to see what stands out as being not only new, but also particularly notable. I received quite a number of new titles in February and narrowed the list down to the ones below. I have included the…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for January 2022

    A new year inevitably brings lots of exciting new book releases. Though that is true of 2022, the selection is a unfortunately a little smaller than would usually be the case due to all the supply chain and shipping issues we have been hearing so much about. Still, there are lots of excellent new books…

  • A Marriage Course for the Middle Years

    I Still Do: A Marriage Course for the Middle Years

    It has been my observation that churches tend to invest a fair bit of effort in preparing couples to begin a healthy marriage, but perhaps a little less in helping couples sustain a healthy marriage. We offer pre-marriage seminars designed to deliberately help a couple better understand the challenges that will come their way in…

  • Reading Challenge

    2022 Christian Reading Challenge

    Do you love to read? Do you want to learn to love to read? Do you enjoy reading books that cross the whole spectrum of topics and genres? Then I’ve got something that may be right up your alley—the 2022 Christian Reading Challenge. Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2022 Christian…

  • Devotional

    Devotionals I Recommend for a New Year

    With 2021 quickly waning, many of us are beginning to think about a devotional approach for the year ahead. Some are looking for a resource that will serve as the main component of their devotions and others for something that will be merely supplementary. Either way, I’ve collected some of the resources I most recommend…

  • Black Friday 2017

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021 Deals for Christians

    While there are many places you can go today to find deals on electronics and other big-ticket items, I like to provide a place for Christian retailers to make their deals known to Christians who are trying to kick-start their Christmas shopping (or to just buy great resources at significant discounts). I will update this…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for November 2021

    The final months of the year are typically not the best time for new book releases. However, this year we are seeing some special releases that are well worth investigating—including books by prominent theologians like Thomas Schreiner and Douglas Moo. With that in mind, here is my list of new and notable Christian books for…