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    Choose Your Deal

    Every Friday Ligonier Ministries has a $5 Friday special where they put a selection of their products on sale for the ridiculously low price of $5. This week they want to allow you to choose one of these items. I’ve got a list of 5 items here and one of them will be available this…

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    Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: February 2011

    This may be the strangest memory of my entire childhood: at some point I acted in a class play in which I played the role of February. Yes, February. I was a whiny little month, complaining that I was the shortest month and also the one that no one likes because the weather always stinks.…

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    Don’t Call It a Comeback

    Some time ago I was asked by Kevin DeYoung if I would be interested in contributing a chapter to a book that came to be called Don’t Call It a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day. Here’s what the book is all about: “Recent cultural interest in evangelicalism has led to considerable confusion…

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    Canadian Candy is Better – A Follow-Up

    A little while ago I wrote a little “point of interest” article on Canadian candy. Whenever I do something like that, I inevitably get hate mail from people who think I need to focus only on very serious topics. It appears that a few people out there like my site so much that they’ll send…

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    10 Unique Christmas Gifts

    I probably should have posted this a week ago, but time kind of got away from me. That happens sometimes. Nevertheless, I think this is still a valuable little article. I wanted to draw your attention to 10 unique gifts you might offer someone for Christmas this year–things that may not be on your radar…

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    A Friendly Gift

    We are all looking for the perfect Christmas gift for our loved ones, right? Well let me suggest a unique one that I’m sure they’ll love. Why don’t you consider giving them a gift subscription to Friends of the Blog? Check out this list of great items they would receive with that gift subscription: How…

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    Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2010 Deals for Christians

    Black Friday has come and gone but Cyber Monday still offers an opportunity to save some money on online purchases. Here are some of the deals I’ve found: Deals removed because pricing is no longer in effect. If you know of other stores that will be having sales on items that should be of particular…

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    Christian Music for Children

    There is a vast amount of Christian music targeted at children. The problem is that there is a lot of junk as well–stuff like this. My kids are not particularly drawn to music so we have probably overlooked a lot of the great resources out there. Nevertheless, there are a few that we’ve come across…

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    Just for Starters

    Have you ever seen someone become a Christian and found yourself wondering how you can best serve him as he grows in his new-found faith? It’s something I’ve wondered often. “Now that he’s a Christian, what can I give him to help him learn the basics?” In those early days a person is best-served by…

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    Church History Surveys

    I have always enjoyed studying history and, over the years, have read several church history texts. One thing I’ve noticed just about every time is that many of these church histories fail to make real distinctions between true gospel-centered Christianity and a kind of inculturated or tradition-based Christianity. That has always been disappointing to me.…

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    5 Great Books on the Will of God

    Earlier today I posted an article dealing with one of the popular misconceptions people have with knowing the will of God or hearing the voice of God as it pertains to guidance. This is an area in which there is a lot of misunderstanding among Christians. Thankfully there are all kinds of great books written…

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    Canadian Candy is Better

    A couple of days ago I was sorting through the bag of Halloween candy, teaching my children a little lesson about taxation. As I did so, it dawned on me how much of the candy they received is distinctly Canadian; there is a surprising amount that simply is not available south of the border. And…

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    Enjoy Messiah this Christmas

    This morning I let you know about a new book that provides background and commentary for Handel’s Messiah. And now I want to encourage you to take in a performance of Messiah this Christmas season. And just to get you started, I’ve done some of the work, at least for those of you who live…

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    4 Great Conferences in 2011

    The Christian world certainly suffers from no shortage of conferences. In fact, there are so many that it can be difficult to determine which, if any, to attend. I took a look ahead to 2011 to find a few that look particularly compelling. And here they are: 4 great conferences coming our way in 2011.…

  • 7 Weird Things I’ve Written

    I don’t know how I got thinking about this, but the other day I found myself clicking through the blog looking for some of the weirder things I’ve written over the years. I don’t often indulge my strange sense of humor, but every now and again I just can’t resist. From vampires to theo-doping, from…

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    5 Great Books on Prayer

    I receive a lot of books in the mail. If I were to go through them and categorize them, I suspect I’d find that one topic stands apart from the rest–prayer. I’d be surprised if any topic receives as much attention as this one. I suppose this shows that we Christians struggle with prayer–that we…

  • New and Exciting from Zondervan

    Last week I spent a day in Grand Rapids and most of that day was taken up with meetings at the head office for Zondervan. As you probably know, Zondervan will be publishing my next couple of books, so we had a series of meetings to discuss, among other things, marketing plans (that’s right–we met…

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    Opening Up

    I love Bible commentaries and must own a couple hundred of them by now. This may be a bit of an irrational love since I am not a preacher and am only rarely asked to preach. Still, while growing a collection has involved some effort and some expense, there have been many occasions when I’ve…

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    Contemporary Hymns

    One of the happier musical developments in the Christian world over the past few years has been the resurgence of hymns. Though there are many contemporary worship songs that have excellent content and are ideal for congregational worship, we just can’t afford to lose the hymn. There are two different kinds of contemporary hymn. In…

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    Crucial Questions

    I have a soft spot for series of short books that address issues in a straightforward, condensed way (see Little Black Books and Living in a Fallen World for others). There are times to read a 500-page tome on a subject and there are times when it is great to read something much shorter and…