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    CrossReference (Episode 8)

    You know by now that every Wednesday we are previewing a series of 10 films that look at the Old Testament appearances of Christ as the Angel of the Lord. The films are produced by HeadHeartHand Media and are free for you to view for one week. After the week is up you will need…

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    Where to Find the Best Prices for Books

    Earlier today I posted the results of a survey that asked where we buy our books and why we choose to buy them there. One interesting result of that survey is that our most important consideration when choosing a place to buy our books is price–we buy where the prices are cheapest. Or we think…

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    Where & Why We Buy Books (2011 Edition)

    Last week I posted a survey on my site–a survey that asked you about your book buying habits. This was a follow-up to a similar survey I had taken a year prior. The results were, I think, nothing short of fascinating. I sought to find out where we are buying our books today and why…

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    LeechBlock Changed My Life

    I want to tell you about LeechBlock. It’s a little tool I found about a couple of years ago and I can say without a trace of exaggeration that it changed my life. I wrote about it once before–back after I discovered it–but want to come back to it since it’s proven its value again…

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    CrossReference (Episode 7)

    Several weeks ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its entirety.…

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    Childhood Favorites (Books for Boys)

    When I was a boy, something that seems like a long, long time ago now, I spent most of my time within a Dutch community of believers (though I am not Dutch myself). I played with them, went to church with them and went to school with them. Along the way I was introduced to…

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    CrossReference (Episode 6)

    Several weeks ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its entirety.…

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    Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: May 2011

    With a new month comes a whole new batch of desktop wallpapers, lovingy crafted by some of the readers of this blog. They are all free for you to download, enjoy and install on your computer, iPad, iPhone or other device. Enjoy! A few notes: 320 x 480 is for your iPhone; 1024 x 1024…

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    CrossReference (Episode 5)

    Several weeks ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its entirety.…

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    CrossReference (Episode 4)

    A few weeks ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its…

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    Speak, O Lord

    I woke up this morning with a song in my head–a song that seemed quite appropriate for a Sunday morning. “Speak, O Lord” is written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend and simply asks God to speak through his Word. Here are the lyrics to it: Speak, O Lord, as we come to YouTo receive…

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    CrossReference (Episode 3)

    A few weeks ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its…

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    5 Books To Read Before Easter

    Easter is fast approaching. As Christians begin to turn their gaze towards the death and resurrection of the Savior, it seems appropriate that we should look for resources that will help us meditate on the cross and that will help prepare our hearts. To that end I’d like to suggest five books you may wish…

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    3 Vignettes

    At the recent Ligonier Ministries National Conference I was asked to speak on “The Next Story.” Instead of speaking about my book or offering up a summary of it, I took a look at 3 vignettes, 3 little stories that help us understand what’s going on here in the digital world. It’s just a short…

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    CrossReference (Episode 2)

    A week ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its entirety.…

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    Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: April 2011

    I’m one day late posting this, but I trust the wait is worth it. Here is this month’s selection of desktop wallpaper calendars, all free for the download. There are wallpapers here for your computer, your iPhone, your iPad or just about any other device you might like to dress us. Enjoy! A few notes:…

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    This afternoon, and for quite a few Wednesday afternoons to follow, I’ve got something I think you’ll enjoy. It’s a series of short films created by David Murray that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. This week’s episode is titled “Bonus Gospel.” The DVD and Study Guide…

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    The Only Way and Our Only Hope

    A couple of months ago Crossway released Don’t Call it a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day. I contributed a chapter to that book titled “Jesus Christ: The Only Way and Our Only Hope.” This chapter deals with religious pluralism, inclusivism and exlusivism, all words and terms that have become hot topics because…

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    Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: March 2011

    Last month, on February 1, I offered up a list of desktop wallpapers that were free for you to download and use on your computer, iPhone, iPad or other device. That turned out to be a hit, so here we are on March 1 with another list of wallpapers. Each of these has been designed…

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    Mighty Lord Extend Your Kingdom

    Gregory Wilbur says “One of my favorite missions hymns is ‘How Sweet and Awesome’ mostly because it marries good theology and evangelistic fervor so beautifully. This text by Joseph Cottle does the same thing. God’s sovereignty and Lordship is strongly proclaimed while entreating the spread of the Gospel for His glory’s sake. It seemed most…