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    My Top Books of 2015

    2015 was a pretty good year for Christian readers, and today I want to share some of my top picks from the year that is swiftly drawing to a close. Let me offer a few caveats: First, these are almost certainly not the best books of 2015 in any objective sense; rather, they are my…

  • Join Me for 10 Days of Productivity

    I plan to begin 2016 with 10 days of productivity, and I would love to have you join me. Let me tell you how and why you may want to join this free little program I'm calling (you guessed it!) 10 Days of Productivity. (Heard enough already? Sign up here.) As you know, I recently…

  • The 2016 Reading Challenge

    Do you love to read? Do you want to learn to love to read? Do you enjoy reading books that cross the whole spectrum of topics and genres? Then have I got something for you! Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2016 Reading Challenge is designed to help you read more…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Cyber Monday 2015 Deals for Christians

    For the past few years I’ve made it a point to collect Cyber Monday deals that may be of particular interest to Christians. While there are many places you can go online to find deals on electronics and other big-ticket items, I wanted to provide a place for Christian retailers to make their deals known…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Cyber Monday Kindle Deals for the Christian Reader

    It is Cyber Monday today, which means you will find an unusual number of Kindle deals. Amazon has over 800 Kindle books on sale spanning all genres. You can see the complete list right here. Here are some of the deals that will be of interest to Christians. (Also, be sure to visit my listing…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2015 Deals for Christians

    For the past few years I’ve made it a point to collect Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals that may be of particular interest to Christians. While there are many places you can go online to find deals on electronics and other big-ticket items, I wanted to provide a place for Christian retailers to make…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Black Friday Kindle Deals for the Christian Reader

    If you own a Kindle, you know this is a good time to be a reader of Christian books. Publishers continue to spoil us with great deals on books new and old. There will be a lot of deals coming our way over the Thanksgiving (and Black Friday and Cyber Monday) weekend. I am going…

  • Coming Soon: Do More Better

    I am really excited to announce that one week from today you will be able to purchase my new book Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Productivity. I wrote this book because I believe God calls each one of us to emphasize productivity in our lives. He calls each of us to emphasize a…

  • A Great Way To Get To Know Romans

    The book of Romans is an absolute treasure. J.I. Packer expresses it well when he says, “All roads in the Bible lead to Romans, and all views afforded by the Bible are seen most clearly from Romans, and when the message of Romans gets into a person’s heart there is no telling what may happen.”…

  • Protect Your Family With Circle

    The Internet has become an indispensable resource for the home and family, but every parent has grappled with properly managing and overseeing that resource. We all know the dangers that lurk out there, yet still believe in the value of maintaining access and the necessity of training our children to use it wisely. As the…

  • Theological Quizzes in PDF Format

    A few weeks ago I began to share theological quizzes. These were created using software that allows them to be completed and graded interactively. Since I began sharing these quizzes, many people have requested versions they could download and print. I went ahead and created those versions as well, and you can now download them…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New and Notable Books (November 2015)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a little while since my last update and I’ve got a few interesting ones to share with…

  • A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture

    God has spoken and God speaks. God has spoken and God speaks. God has spoken and continues to speak through the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. How well do you know the doctrine of the Scripture? How well do you know what the Bible tells us about the Bible? This short thirty-three question quiz is designed…

  • Take A Quiz on Christ

    What can we say about Jesus? He is the central figure in all of history. He is the one who divides history. He is the one who towers over history. He is the one who will bring history as we know it to its conclusion. How well do you know what the Bible teaches us…

  • Take a Test on the Trinity

    How well do you know the doctrine of the Trinity? In his little book Delighting in the Trinity, Michael Reeves calls the Trinity “the governing center of all Christian belief” and “the cockpit of all Christian thinking.” In other words, it is not an irrelevant or secondary doctrine, but one that is of primary importance.…

  • 6 Great New Books for Kids

    Christian publishers are spoiling us—they are spoiling us with high-quality and beautifully-illustrated books for children. Here, representing 6 different publishers, are some excellent new books for children. Marie Durand by Simonetta Carr. This is the latest volume in Simonetta Carr’s excellent series of biographies for young readers. “In 1730, nineteen-year-old Marie Durand was arrested and…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New & Notable Books (Late August 2015)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a little while since my last update and, even though this is a slower time of the…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New & Notable Books (August 2015)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a little while since my last update and, even though this is a slower time of the…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Summer Reading Suggestions

    I am a voracious and omnivorous reader. While necessity dictates that I focus much of my attention on Christian books, I supplement with all kinds of other genres. Here are a few of those other books I have enjoyed over the past couple of months. (If you are looking for Christian book suggestions, you can…

  • Can You Help Me Find a Good Church?

    It may be the email I get more than any other: Can you help me find a church? Sometimes I receive it when a person has come to new theological convictions and realizes that his current church is completely unsuitable, but far more often he has just moved across the country or across the world,…