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  • Meet the Ministries: Grace to You

    There are a vast number of ministries serving the church today. Though I am familiar with many of them (by name at least) I have often wondered what each of them offer to us, and what we can offer to them. I thought it might be useful to offer a series of interviews with some…

  • To Backstreet (and Back) – An Interview with Burk Parsons, Part 4

    This morning I finish up my interview with Burk Parsons. Today he explains how he came to minister alongside R.C. Sproul and shares some of his dreams for the future. If you are just catching up, here are links to part one, part two and part three of the interview. How did you come to…

  • To Backstreet (and Back) – An Interview with Burk Parsons, Part 3

    This morning I continue my interview with Burk Parsons. You can find part one of the interview here and part two here. I’ve heard rumor as well that you were the first person Lou Pearlman spoke to when he decided to begin another band he called ‘N Sync. Is this true as well? Yes, let…

  • To Backstreet (and Back) – An Interview with Burk Parsons, Part 2

    Yesterday I began an interview with Burk Parsons. You can read the first part here. The interview continues today… People may have heard rumors in the past that you were an original member of the Backstreet Boys. Is this true? Unfortunately, yes, it’s true. In fact, I recall the day we were told the name…

  • To Backstreet (and Back) – An Interview with Burk Parsons

    It was several years ago now that I first met Burk Parsons. If you know Burk (or know his name, at least), it is probably through a connection with Ligonier Ministries or Saint Andrew’s Chapel (where R.C. Sproul is Minister of Teaching and Preaching). At Ligonier Ministries he serves as Editor of Tabletalk Magazine while…

  • The Soul in Cyberspace: An Interview with Douglas Groothuis

    In 1997, Douglas Groothuis (Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary) published The Soul in Cyberspace. It was, as far as I know, the first Christian book that critiqued and contemplated the darker side of computer-mediated communication. Twelve years is a long time when it comes to technology (and digital technology in particular) but I recently…

  • Gum, Geckos and God – A Blog Tour

    Jim Spiegel is on a blog tour to promote his book Gum, Geckos and God (He is also author of The Benefits of Providence, a book I highly recommend). He asked if I’d like to participate in the tour and I thought that would be a great idea. So here are a couple of questions…

  • Thinking Christianly About Economic Stimulus Payments

    The Economic Stimulus Payment is on its way. In the coming weeks Americans will be receiving a check, courtesy of the government. Eligible people will receive up to $600 ($1,200 for married couples), and parents will receive an additional $300 for each eligible child younger than 17. This is going to be quite the windfall…

  • Interview – Justin Reimer

    In the past months you may well have heard me mention The Elisha Foundation. This is a foundation I first discovered through my pastor (who is a regular speaker at the Foundation’s annual retreats) and subsequently learned about more when I designed a new website for it. I quickly came to respect what they do…

  • An Interview with Lukas VanDyke

    This marks the third interview I’ve completed with artists involved in various disciplines. I first interviewed Max McLean about performance art and then Makoto Fujimura on his abstract art. Today I turn to photography and interview Lukas VanDyke, a photographer I have met at several conferences. Lukas is an exceptional photographer and I enjoyed his…

  • An Interview with Ben Zobrist

    I met Ben Zobrist while in was in Nashville speaking at the Nashville Conference on the Church and Theology. The conference was hosted by Community Bible Church, the church he and his wife, Julianna, call home (Julianna is a professional singer and musician. You can visit her MySpace). Ben was pointed out to me as…

  • An Interview with Os Guinness

    Os Guinness is the author of nearly twenty books, the most recent of which is The Case for Civility: And Why Our Future Depends on it. Guinness was kind enough to answer several questions I posed to him after the publication of this latest title. This has already been posted on Discerning Reader, but I…

  • An Interview with Makoto Fujimura

    A little while ago I conducted a brief interview with Makoto Fujimura ( Fujimura is a New York-based artist who deals with a kind of art with which I have little familiarity. I first heard of him through an article written by Phil Ryken in which he describes visiting an exhibition featuring Fujimura’s work. I…

  • An Interview with Devin Brown (Part 2)

    Yesterday I posted the first portion of an interview with Devin Brown, author of Inside Prince Caspian and Inside Narnia. Today we continue with the second and final piece, and look at mistakes people make when reading the Narnia books and the film adaptations of Lewis’s works. TC: What are some of the most common…

  • An Interview with Devin Brown

    Last week I posted a review of Inside Prince Caspian, a new book by Devin Brown and a follow-up to his earlier work Inside Narnia. These books provide literary analysis of the Narnia books and have greatly enhanced my understanding of and enjoyment of C.S. Lewis’s imaginary world. I thought it would be interesting to…

  • An Interview with Max McLean

    A short time ago I had the opportunity to interview Max McLean. You may know McLean as the narrator of the Bible in the ESV, NIV or KJV or as the narrator of the audio version of The Valley of Vision. He has also released recordings of several Christian classics and has been involved in…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/30)

    Tuesday October 30, 2007 Joel Osteen & Mac & CheeseProdigal Jon has a good article about Joel Osteen. After reading that, I read through more of Jon’s site and really enjoyed it. So take a look and be sure to read “This is what $3 gets you.” Reformation Day SymposiumHere’s a final reminder about tomorrow’s…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/16)

    Tuesday October 16, 2007 Becoming a WriterWriting for Boundless, Candice Watters has some good advice for aspiring writers. How Disney Cartoons Were MadeThis classic video shows the remarkable way in which the old Disney cartoons were made. Joel Osteen’s New BookBrent writes that Joel Osteen’s new book should not be sold in Christian bookstores.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/15)

    Monday October 15, 2007 Sermon JamsA reader sent me a link to this site–Sermon Jams. It is the sermons of men like John Piper, Mark Driscoll and Josh Harris set to music. 60 Minutes on OsteenIn case you missed it (as I did), CBS summarizes the 60 Minutes story on Joel Osteen that included an…