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  • Safely Through Another Week…

    Today is the day of rest – the day God has graciously given us that we might rest in Him. I love to turn to the words of the hymns on Sundays and ponder what God has taught others and has allowed them to record for us. This afternoon the hymn “Safely through another week,”…

  • Reflecting on the Pope’s Death

    As you probably know by know, the pope died just about an hour ago. Since we learned about the gravity of his illness I have had some time to reflect on what the death of the pope will mean to Protestants. When I sat down to write about it, I noticed that, as usual, James…

  • Light Blogging

    I’d like to apologize for the lighter-than-usual blogging over the past few days. I am hard at work on a new site which I hope to unveil on Monday or Tuesday. I am exceedingly excited about this site, which I believe will be a great resource for Christians. The few people I have allowed into…

  • John Paul 2: 1920 – 2005

    The media outlets are beginning to report that the pope has died at the age of 85. His death (presuming that the reports are true) comes, of course, at the end of a very long illness that had him in and out of hospital (mostly in) for many months. As of 1:45 PM EST, CNN…

  • James White: Charles Darwin Killed Terri Schiavo

    James White has written a short but powerful article about the tragic Terri Schiavo case. He begins by saying, “I have not addressed the Schiavo situation over the past number of months, not because I have not been watching the situation with great interest, but because everyone else has been saying almost everything you could…

  • Proud to Not Be American

    There are times in life where I would love to be American. I love and admire the confidence and patriotism that are such a part of what makes Americans who they are. One recent example of a day I would have been proud to be American is September 11 and the following days and weeks,…

  • Michael Schiavo’s Very Strange Lawyer.

    National Review online has an interesting article about Michael Shiavo’s lawyer, George Felos. Reading through the article it would be easy to dismiss Felos as a crackpot, but this would be hasty. Instead, we should see Felos’ beliefs as being consistent with the New Spirituality (formerly known as the New Age). In his 2002 book…

  • Solomon Talks Blogging…

    There are many who doubt or downplay the relevance of the Old Testament to our times. Those people have probably never taken the time to read the book of Proverbs. As you may have noticed, I have been working my way through that particular book this month and have been posting a few comments on…

  • An Easter Reflection

    Sometimes I think my favorite moments of praise are ones where I do not say a thing. This morning in church, after the sermon while everyone was singing a song of response, I so badly wanted to just run somewhere quiet and be alone with God, just to bask in His presence. That was probably…

  • It’s A Good Friday

    It’s a good Friday. After all, this is a day off. I don’t know what these days are known as in other parts of the world but in Canada we call them statuatory holidays – days that, by law, we can (and should) have off. As someone who is self-employed I rarely know what days…

  • Can’t Bear To See It Go…

    I am blessed to have been born into a family that has one of the greatest cottages in the world. I don’t feel that I am exaggerating. Situated in Chaffey’s Locks, a tiny town about 3.5 hours outside Toronto, it is close enough to be a weekend destination, but far enough away that it is…

  • Chasing the Wind, Defending The Faith

    Tim Irvin (of The Irvins) posted some thoughts on Saturday that caught my attention. I have tremendous respect for the elder Tim and value all that he says (except, perhaps, his thoughts on horror movies). Because of my respect for him, and because I felt his comments applied to myself and my site, I wanted…

  • The Value of a Link from Hugh Hewitt

    Hugh Hewitt is the biggest of the God-bloggers, which is to say he drives the most traffic. According to the notoriously-low SiteMeter statistics that he makes public, he has a daily average of 26,694 visitors. A visit, according to SiteMeter, is a series of page views by one person with no more than 30 minutes…

  • Dear Paul, Love Demas

    I found the following letter at David Cloud’s site and it tickled my funny bone. It is a fictional (obviously) letter from Demas to Paul and was written by Pastor Buddy Smith of Grace Baptist Church in Malanda, Queensland, Australia. Before you register offense, please note that it is merely satire, and hence is deliberately…

  • Gratuitous Shout-outs

    There is lots of talk about Hugh Hewitt’s Blog. I wrote a review, and Jolly blogger decided to affirm that blogging is not the new Reformation. There is some disagreement as to whether Hewitt meant to say that blogging is the new Reformation or whether it will just be the medium that carries it. Blogotional…

  • Your Plans This Weekend

    Here are my plans for this weekend: Hmm. Come to think of it, I have no plans for this weekend, other than going to church on Sunday morning. I see before me the makings of a great weekend! I suppose this means I will spend plenty of time reading, though admittedly I haven’t felt much…

  • March Book Giveaway Wrap-Up

    Thanks to all who participated in the giveaway of 20 Controversies That Almost Killed A Church by Richard Ganz and Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem. Unfortunately, as with the previous giveaways, there can be only two winners. Before I announce their names, I would like to let you know that Grace & Truth Books, which…

  • Purpose Driven Life on CNN

    Last night on “Newsnight” CNN featured The Purpose Driven Life, giving the book perhaps thirty or forty minutes of coverage. The book has enjoyed a resurgence of interest in the past few days because of the Brian Nichols case. Ashley Smith, the woman Nichols held hostage while he was a fugitive, read to him from…

  • CNN on The Purpose Driven Life (It’s On Tonight)

    According to, there will be a one hour special edition of “Newsnight” tonight that will focus on The Purpose Driven Life. “It may have saved one woman and inspired an alleged killer to give up. What is the message in “The Purpose Driven Life”? Paula Zahn hosts a special edition of “NewsNight” at 10…

  • Peace, Purpose & Murderers

    Just as I was finishing up work for the day, I got an email from a very friendly producer at CNN wondering if I would be interested in contributing to a story they are working on. Intruiged, I said that I might just be. She called me a few minutes later and it turns out…