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  • The Long-Awaited Book

    My “to-read” shelf contains close to 50 books at this very moment. Now you know why I always have my nose stuck in a book – I’m just trying to keep up! A few minutes ago the FedEx guy showed up at my door with a little package (remember that I live in Canada so…

  • Live 8

    Live 8 only just barely registered on my radar screen. My apathy towards the event is, well, pretty well complete. But some people in the blogosphere have had good things to say. Phil Johnson says, “Do sane people really think Western materialism, self-conceit, and celebrity-worship can be leveraged to solve the problem of African poverty?”…

  • The End of Blogspotting?

    From Phil Johnson’s blog (still flavor of the day (or month) in the blogosphere): “Another of those infamous BlogSpotting posts is on its way tomorrow. Could be the last one ever. Watch for details to come.” And there was great rejoicing. Now if we can get James White to stop trolling Catholic forums and posting…

  • Who Gets Married at 2:30 on a Weekday?

    To answer that rhetorical question, my friend Francis and his soon-to-be-wife do. We will be heading off shortly to witness it. Francis is a good friend whom I have known since I was just a young lad. He and my brother have long been good friends as well. And as if getting married wasn’t good…

  • The Ultimate Review Site

    I would like you to help me out. I don’t ask for much from the people who read this site, but you can help me out now by replying to this thread. If you think about the subject matter for a bit before replying it would be even more helpful! As you may know from…

  • Challenges to the Church of the 21st Century

    I am considering writing a series of articles that will discuss some of the challenges facing the church in the 21st century. While I have written about many of these issues in past articles, I thought it might be interesting to address them in a more organized, coherent format. Generally I’d like to use a…

  • Update on My Neighbour

    Last week I told you about my neighbour, who came to our door asking me to take him to the hospital, before collapsing and falling unconscious. Through the last week we have received occasional updates from his daughter. This morning there was a knock at the door and he stood there with a card and…

  • Fathers Day Miscellania (Updated)

    I had intended to post links to all of the great Father’s Day posts in the blogosphere. Unfortunately there didn’t seem to be as many as I had expected. So instead I want to post links leading to a few different articles. UPDATE – JD Wetterling was kind enough to send me the link to…

  • Name That Site!

    I am plotting out a new web site that will deal with reviews of all types of Christian material – books (fiction and non-fiction, kids and adults), music, DVDs and just about anything else the Christian companies push out these days. It will be a little bit like the Diet of Bookworms but each product…

  • It Would Have Been A Lot Different…

    An hour ago, just seconds after posting the article called “Arrows in the Hand of God” I heard the dog begin a frenzy of barking, which usually means there is someone at the door (the doorbell rings upstairs, I work downstairs and can’t hear it). I assumed it was the FedEx guy bringing me the…

  • Diet of Bookworms is “Hiring”

    I put hiring in quotation marks because in this case, “hiring” carries only part of its standard meaning. While I do intend to bring someone aboard, I will not be able to pay that person (with money). The reason, of course, is that the site does not generate much cashflow at this time (nor do…

  • June CD and Book Giveaway

    It is time once more for a giveaway. This month we’re trying something new – we’re giving away CDs along with a book. The CDs are from the Indelible Grace series, which feature such Christian Music stars as Derek Webb and Dan Haseltine (of Jars of Clay). The book is Twentysomeone written by Craig Dunham…

  • Sunday Ramblings

    Dan Edelen, because of his burning anger stemming from the article I wrote about Pyromarketing, has launched into a series about The Christian and the Business World. He is four or five articles into the series and so far so good. I was only kidding about the burning anger. The truth is, he mentioned that…

  • The Good Ol’ Hockey Game (Wherein Tim Tries His Hand at Fiction)

    My apologies in advance for this awful display of fiction. It has been a long time since I wrote a story. I woke up at 4something this morning and wrote most of this before the sun came up. That’s my excuse. “Hey, Drew! What’s happening?” That’s Darryl talking. He’s the guy who does second-level technical…

  • You Know You’re A Newbie Blogger When…

    I’m jumping on a bandwagon. I’ve read a few of the “You Might Be A…” lists lately and have gotten a chuckle from them. Or some of them anyways. Jollyblogger tells us how to know you’re a Presbyterian, Semper Reformada tells us 10 Reasons Why She’s a Calvinist and Tim Irvin tells us that you…

  • Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries

    Human Events, the conservative news magazine, asked a panel of fifteen conservative scholars and public policy leaders to compile a list of the ten most harmful books of the 19th and 20th centuries. “Each panelist nominated a number of titles and then voted on a ballot including all books nominated.” A title received a score…

  • Support A Monergisitic Brother

    John Hendryx, proprieter of that fine theological establishment, (and the associated bookstore, has posted a plea for help. His employer has decided to outsource his job, which provides John the opportunity to make Monergism a full-time gig. But because the store is not yet paying the bills, he is asking for some financial…

  • Friday Frivolity has a link to a video clip from Jay Leno’s show, in which he asks people on the street simple questions about the Bible. The questions are very basic. “God created the world in ______ days.” “Eve was made from a ______.” “Adam and Eve’s children were ______.” And of course, “How many of…

  • .xxx Suffix To Be Adopted

    When the Internet first began, there was a semblance of order in assigning top-level domain names. .com domains were to be used only for companies. .net were to be used for Internet-related businesses, .org for non-profit organizations, and so on. Canada had very strict rules about the .ca suffix, legislating that only businesses that operated…

  • Rick Warren Responds To Lighthouse Trails

    Just over a month ago, Lighthouse Trails Research posted a press release at their web site entitled Rick Warren Teams Up With New-Age Guru Ken Blanchard. I do not know how many people read this press release, but one person who did was Rick Warren. Richard Abanes, who is a Warren apologist and has a…