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  • I Don’t Get Sick

    I don’t get sick. That’s why it’s such a surprise that I have been on my back almost the entire week. I literally don’t think I did a single work-related activity this entire week. It’s pathetic (and a bit scary because I am self-employed and my ability to pay the bills is directly tied to…

  • Gratuitous Shout-outs

    Some people call these Digests, others Blog-Abouts, Round-The-Sphere, etc. I’ll just cut right to the chase and call this them gratuitous shout-outs. First up, Reformation Art has just opened its virtual doors. It offers prints that will surely bring great pleasure to the theological geek in your life. If you have been frustrated in your…

  • March Book Giveaway

    March is upon us and it is once more time to have another giveaway. I am excited about this month’s giveaway, which consists of two excellent books. As always, two equal prizes will be awarded in March. Each winner will receive an autographed copy of 20 Controversies That Almost Killed A Church by Richard Ganz…

  • Korn Guitarist Professes Christ

    As you may have read, the band Korn recently made the following unusual announcement on their web site: Korn has parted ways with guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch, who has chosen the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior, and will be dedicating his musical pursuits to that end. Korn respects Brian’s wishes, and hopes he finds…

  • The Interview

    I mentioned a little while ago that Eric of Evangelical Underground had asked if he could do an online interview with me. Of course I was more than happy to participate. We did some back-and-forth and finally finished up tonight. He has posted the interview, which you can read here. We talked about two of…

  • Ignorance Is No Excuse

    I hesitate to write when I have a brutal head cold and am moderately medicated, because I’m worried that I will rant and rave and just embarrass myself. So I will approach a fairly innocuous topic today in the hopes that I will not read it tomorrow and realize I have made an utter fool…

  • More New Sites

    After posting last week about some new site designs, I had several people email and request information about having a redesign done by yours truly. I worked on a couple of designs last week and over the weekend before finishing them off this morning. First up, we have someone many of you many be familiar…

  • Sick Day

    As you may know, I run my own business. Most self-employed people will nod knowingly when I say that this rarely gives me opportunity to take sick days. Back when I worked a real, salaried job I had 10 or 15 sick days every year, but now that I am self-employed, my ability to pay…

  • Delighting In The Lord’s Day

    Last Sunday I quoted extensively from Don Whitney’s book Simplify Your Spiritual Life in which he writes about Three Views of Sunday. Today I will move on to Delighting in the Lord’s Day. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the biblical term Sabbath? Many people, including those familiar with the…

  • Children’s Bible

    I am looking for suggestions on a Bible for my children. My children are five and two and seem a bit bored by their current Bible story book. The one we have was given to us but features awful, cartoonish pictures and the text is very simple. So we would like to bump them up…

  • Mark D. Roberts on the TNIV

    Mark Roberts, pastor, author and blogger, is in the midst of a series about Today’s New International Version of the Bible. If you are not aware of the TNIV, allow me to explain. “This translation, though closely related to its predecessor, the NIV, is a new translation based upon the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts…

  • It Was My Time To Shine…

    It was going to be my time to shine – my time to prove that I am a nice, thoughful guy. Of course this runs counter to my nature as really I’m more of a selfish person, but this was the beginning of a new me! And it was all for nought. Perhaps I should…

  • Friday Roundup

    I had so many great articles I wanted to write this week, but unfortunately my time has been in short supply. The February giveaway ended this week, which required a lot of time, and both of my kids are sick which cuts into my evenings. Also, I currently have nine (count ’em, 9!) different web…

  • February Giveaway: Final Results

    Thanks to all who participated in the giveaway of The Reformation Study Bible (ESV) and The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul. Unfortunately, as with the previous giveaways, there can be only two winners. Before I announce their names, I would like to let you know that, which co-sponsored this giveaway, has once again…

  • New Sites

    Yesterday I finished off two new site designs for a couple of Christian bloggers. As part of their package (far and away the least exciting part of the package, I’m sure), they get one official shout-out from my site! So here goes… First up is, home to Colin Rowley. Colin is a kindred spirit…

  • Monergism Conference 2005/2006 is one of the most valuble resources on the Internet. John Hendryx, whom I have come to know well over the past several months, has a true servant’s heart and has created just an incredible site. It is one I turn to often when I need to do theological research or even devotional reading.…

  • Friday Frivolity

    Reach out and grab the book that is nearest to you. If there are two that are equally near, take the one with the prettiest cover. Open it up and turn to the 39th page. Find the third sentence. If a sentence carries over from page 38 to 39, consider that the first sentence. And…

  • The Community Blog

    Several alert readers have noticed that new button at the top of the page. (Yeah, that one…the one that says “New” on it). I have hinted at this before, but have finally decided to go ahead with a community blog (click here to see it). Now you may be asking what exactly a community blog…

  • Evangelical Blog Awards

    After a rather short voting period, the 2005 EU Evangelical Blog award winners have been announced. And here are the winners: Best Evangelical Teen BlogTo Be Least Best Evangelical Group BlogDead Yet Living Best Evangelical Youth Pastor BlogStu’s Rants Best Evangelical Missionary BlogUnder The Acacias Best Evangelical Blog-HumorRantings of a Lord of the Rings Fanatic…

  • February Book Giveaway

    As promised, I bring to you today the February book giveaway. Each month, for as many months as I can convince authors to sign and send their books to me, I will be giving away two copies of a Christian book autographed by the author. As always, two equal prizes will be awarded in February.…