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  • 7 New and Notable Books for December

    Even late in the year, we continue to see some excellent new books come our way. And, one way or another, most of them make their way to boxes on my front doorstep. I sort through all those books and try to distill them down to some of the most notable. Here are the ones…

  • If Dead Men Don’t Rise

    Almost 2,000 years ago, a Christian named Paul wrote a letter to a group of people in Corinth, a city in Greece. People in that city had at one time been enthusiastic about the Christian faith, but had then begun to have some second thoughts. They had written a letter to Paul to ask something…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image


    A couple of weeks ago I found myself in Nashville at the National Religious Broadcasters’ annual convention. I was there to lead a breakout session that would explain a biblically-based understanding of technology, but had almost a whole day to just wander the event. The exhibit hall was massive, though I heard it was actually…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications and they are offering an excellent prize package. There will be five winners and each will win a stack of books. Those books fall into three categories: Discipline in the Church First up we have a book that has created a bit of stir,…

  • How the Incarnation Humbles Me

    Christmas is fast approaching and, as I so often do at this time of the year, I feel tension between Christmas as a day to commemorate the birth of Jesus and Christmas as a day to exchange gifts and spend time with family. I don’t think there is any good reason to feel this tension,…

  • Saturated with Christ

    For eight months now I have been following Professor Horner’s Bible-Reading Plan. At ten chapters a day, it moves quickly. Since January I’ve been through the entire New Testament a couple of times, have just about made it through the Pentateuch, and am also making my way through the minor prophets. Certain themes are apparent…

  • A Word to Those Who Preach the Word

    It has been a couple of months since I’ve had the privilege of preaching, and I am looking forward to stepping into the pulpit again a couple of weeks from now. It is always a joy and always a weighty responsibility. In reading Kent Hughes’ commentary on Isaiah I was challenged by his “Word to…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    The Work of Christ

    As Christians we make a big deal of the death of Jesus and rightly so because it is only through his death that we can be saved from our sin. But if all Jesus needed to accomplish before God was his death on the cross, he could have come to earth as an adult on…

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    Reviews I Didn’t Write

    I love writing book reviews and I love reading them. Since I cannot possibly read and review all of the interesting books out there, I’ve decided to put together some occasional round-ups of reviews written by other writers. Here are a few notable links I’ve collected over the past few weeks. The World-Tilting Gospel by…

  • The (Graphic Novel) Book of Revelation

    The iPad has proven itself a game-changing medium in many ways, not the least of which is in being a medium that Christians can use to share the good news of Jesus Christ. A few weeks ago I came across a fascinating app called The Book of Revelation App, a graphic novel adaptation of Revelation.…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Reformed Fellowship. Reformed Fellowship, Inc., is a group of believers in Jesus Christ who are committed to promoting the historic Christian faith as it is expressed in the Reformed confessions. We subscribe to the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confessions, the Canons of Dort, and the Westminster Confessions.…

  • A Holy Headache

    Yesterday evening I went to the mid-week Bible study at Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Chattanooga. Pastor Wayne Layton has been leading a series examining the church’s statement of faith and last night he came to what Christians know as the hypostatic union. Hypostatic union is bit of an intimidating term that describes the union…

  • Basics 2011

    Note: This is a sponsored post. Learn about sponsored posts. Dear Partner in the Gospel, We are pleased to extend an invitation to join us for our twelth annual Basics Conference on May 9-11, 2011. As we meet this year, we look forward to God using our time together to encourage us in our work…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/21)

    Tonight I’m off to a performance of Handel’s Messiah with Toronto Symphony Orchestra. I can hardly wait. A lot of people I know have already been and are saying great things about this year’s adaptation. Just twelve hours to go… Last Minute Gifts – My good friend Becky is offering up a lifesaver for guys…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/27)

    Biblia – From the folks at Logos: “Introducing the beta release: a super-simple Bible for the web that’s backed up by the incredible technology (and massive library!) of Logos Bible Software. What makes so cool?” You’ll have to read the post to find out… A Good Monkey – I found this review of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/11)

    Last WordsOn the Texas Department of Justice website, you can read the last words of over 400 executed human beings. Morbid, perhaps, but an interesting look into what a person thinks as he looks death in the face. The Guy Who Has Caught 3000 BallsHere’s an amusing video of a guy who has caught 3,000…

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    A La Carte (8/18)

    Logos – A ReviewKeith Mathison offers a review of Logos. “One of the premier Bible study software tools available today is Logos. Logos is perhaps best known for its digital library resources, but it has also made great strides in its original language research capabilities. In fact, at the present time, it has one original…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – For Us and for Our Salvation

    Stephen Nichols is quite the prolific author. A professor at Lancaster Bible College and Graduate School and a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary, Nichols has written several notable books in the past few years and it seems that he always has at least one title on the “Coming Soon” lists at Crossway or P&R Publishing.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/25)

    Tuesday September 25, 2007 Cruel LogicBrian Godawa illustrates the importance of absolute values in an intense short film I stumbled across yesterday. Tullian’s Smaller List of BooksIn response to my post a few days ago, “A Small List of Good Books,” some have asked me to provide a smaller list of books geared more specifically…

  • Resolved Conference (II)

    Day two of the Resolved Conference was prefaced by a very good sleep. I feel much more alive today, for which I’m very grateful. The conference began a little bit late as filling the auditorium seems to be taking quite a long time. Because the conference is at capacity, the organizers have to be certain…