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Explore Basic Christianity

  • Draw Me Nearer

    Today I’ve got a far better quote than what I’ve been sharing the past couple of days. This is a song we love to sing at Grace Fellowship Church. It is called “Draw Me Nearer.” Written by Fanny Crosby, it has been updated by Caedmon’s Call in their album In the Company of Angels II.…

  • Music I’ve Been Enjoying

    Every now and again I like to mention some of the albums I’ve been listening to lately–largely because many of these albums are sent to me by people who read this site. This time around I’ve got 4 great albums to recommend to you. Ordinary Time Ordinary Time is a band that (largely) sets old…

  • The Desired Haven

    Yesterday I gave you an early listen to Matthew Smith’s new song Goodnight. That song was drawn from the old hymn book titled Hymns from the Land of Luther which features German hymns translated to English by Jane Borthwick. After I listened to Matthew’s hymn I immediately went looking for a copy of Hymns from…

  • Pleading for Mercy

    Today at church we were introduced to a new hymn–at least one that was new to me. Titled “Pleading for Mercy” it is one of Newton’s Olney Hymns (#45 if you must know). And it’s a good one, too. Josh, our leader worshipper, composed a tune for it, altered a few of the lyrics, combined…

  • Basic Christianity, Part Four: The Trinity

    Before we begin this study, let’s quickly recap what we have already learned in previous studies. We began with discussing reasons why it is good and necessary to have an understanding of Christianity. We then turned our attention to defining what God is. We examined His attributes, that He is infinite, eternal and unchangeable, and…

  • Basic Christianity, Part Three: What Is God?

    A study of Christianity must depend on an understanding of God, for without God there is no Christianity. In this article we will learn about God – what He is and how we know about Him. Of all the topics we will examine in this series, this may well be the most incomprehensible. An exhaustive…

  • Day Eleven – Becoming Best Friends With God

    God is my Creator, Redeemer, Master, Judge and Saviour. Yet about all of these, He is my friend. What an incredible thought it is, that God desires to be my friend! The Bibilical model for this friendship is what we see with Adam and Eve in their relationship to God. They delighted in God and…