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    Eighth Letter: My Most Urgent Message to the Church

    Last week I had the opportunity to speak at a local event called Eighth Letter. I’ve been asked to describe the theological perspective of the event and I haven’t been able to do better than “emerging church.” I know this title brings all kinds of baggage with it and that not too many people want…

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    More Truth About Wikipedia

    Last week I began writing The Truth About Wikipedia. In that article I shared a few of the things that the Wikipedia model does well. Today I want to share some of the things I think it does poorly. Remember, I’m using Wikipedia is a microcosm of the wiki model which says that truth can…

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    The Truth About Wikipedia

    God is true. God is truth. God is entirely without error, entirely true in all he is, in all he knows, in all he commands. He is the source of all that is true and right. As beings made in his image, we are to reflect his truth, to value what is true and turn…

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    Sex Isn’t Selling

    Several months ago, rather on a whim, I subscribed to Canadian Business magazine. It was one of those deals where I’d only pay a couple of bucks for the first 6 months and then the price would increase to normal levels. And for the first time ever, I actually went for it. But it’s worked…

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    False Messages: A New E-Book

    Last year I wrote a series of articles I titled Sexual Detox (which was subsequently made available in e-book and then printed book format). It was a series that dealt with the effects of pornography and which encouraged men to go through a kind of detox that would rid their minds and hearts of all…

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    The Next Story: A Big Day

    Friday morning seems like a good time to provide some updates on what I’ve been up to lately, and especially what I’ve been up to in relation to my writing. The Next Story Yesterday morning was a big day: After eight months of work I finally submitted the manuscript for The Next Story: Life and…

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    Books & E-Books, Media & Messages

    On Tuesday I offered you 5 Reasons Books are Better Than E-Books and on Wednesday 5 Reasons E-Books Are Better Than Books. Today I want to tie up those two posts with a few thoughts on why we need to be very, very careful about moving from the book to the e-book. Media and Messages…

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    5 Reasons Books Are Better Than E-Books

    I am often asked about my reading habits and, in particular, whether I now prefer to read e-books or plain, old-fashioned “real” books (of the printed variety). For a time I went back-and-forth on this question, sometimes preferirng to read on a device and sometimes preferring to read a book. But at this point my…

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    What Heroism Reveals

    While I was on vacation I did a lot of reading about Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, a man I’ve long been intrigued by but one I had barely gotten to know. Having returned home, I turned to a biography of his contemporary, Robert E. Lee. In the foreword to this particular biography, author Emory Thomas has…

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    The Next Chapter of The Next Story

    It is July 1 today, which makes it Canada Day in my home and native land. Technically the day marks the anniversary of the unification of the British colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada into a federation of four provinces. At this time what had previously been the Province of…

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    A Parody of Ourselves

    What a field-day for the heatA thousand people in the streetSinging songs and carrying signsMostly saying, hooray for our sideIt’s time we stop, hey, what’s that soundEverybody look what’s going down– From “For What It’s Worth” by Stephen Stills Every so often I’ve contemplated what a Saturday Night Live type of variety program might look…

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    The Highway of Heroes

    Every now and again I like to give you a snippet of Canadiana in a series I call “It’s a Fact, eh?” Let me do so again today. Yesterday I had to drive down to Buffalo to pick up my sister and my niece who are up here for a short visit. I pulled onto…

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    Kindle vs iPad – A Review and Evaluation

    Yesterday audio and today video. No one is more surprised than I am to see me branching out into media other than the written word! Since the launch of the iPad, and the Kindle before it, I’ve received a lot of questions about how the devices work and, of course, which one is the better…

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    Where and Why We Buy Our Books

    Last week I found myself thinking about how and why and where we all buy our Christian books. I started with the question, “Why do people shop at one e-commerce store and not another.” And from there I just found more and more questions that were begging for answers. Before I long I had put…

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    iPad: The Most Awesomely Average Device in Human History

    Back in January when Steve Jobs took the wraps off the iPad, I declared it The Greatest Disappointment in Human History. Obviously I did so tongue-in-cheek but really I wanted to make a point–that the device was clearly not what it could have been and clearly not what it will be in a generation or…

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    How I Read a Book

    Last week I encouraged you to Read More and Read Better. Then I got both busy and distracted and didn’t give you the second part. So let me do that today. Let me tell you how I read a book. Overview Before I do anything else, I want to get an overview of the book.…

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    Why John Piper Should Not Have Invited Rick Warren

    So John Piper has asked Rick Warren to speak at this year’s Desiring God National Conference, Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God. You may have heard about this, either through buzz in the blogosphere or even from Piper himself in his recent Ask Pastor John session. I have known this…

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    A Sunday Christian

    Every Easter Saturday, that day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I find myself pondering what it must have been like for Jesus’ followers on that day. What did they do? What were they thinking? How did they spend their day? What thoughts were running through their heads? Their leader was dead; their Messiah had…

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    The Most Grotesque Ugliness Imaginable

    There are many who consider Janet Leigh’s murder in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho to be the most terrifying scene in the history of film. The setting, the mood, the music and the camera work combine to create a scene of absolute terror. Her screams were impressed upon the memories of many who watched her macabre death…

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    Read More, Read Better

    More than any other question that comes in via email, I’m asked this one: “How do you read so much?” While granting that I do read a lot, I think it bears mention that there are lots of people who read as much as I do or a lot more. The difference is that I…