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  • The Particular Temptations of Young Men

    The Particular Temptations of Young Men

    Young men have it tough. In so many ways, this world seems to have been custom-crafted to take advantage of their weaknesses, their flaws, their immaturities. Solomon lamented this in his day, telling of the seductresses and prostitutes who laid in wait for young men. He told as well of the immaturity and ungodliness of…

  • 8 Ways God Works Suffering for Our Good

    8 Ways God Works Suffering for Our Good

    It is a conviction meant to quiet our minds and encourage our hearts: In some way God has a hand in our suffering. Whatever circumstances we experience can no more arise without the hand of God than a saw can cut without the hand of the carpenter. Job in his suffering did not say, “The…

  • 8 Ways God Turns Temptations to Blessings

    8 Ways God Turns Temptations to Blessings

    God promises that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). This gives us assurance that God can and will turn anything to our good. No situation is too grave, no enemy too strong, no temptation too great. Yes, God…

  • Why I Did Not Sing When I Visited Your Church

    Why I Didn’t Sing When I Visited Your Church

    It was a joy to finally visit your church a couple of Sundays ago, and to worship with the believers there. You know I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. Just as you promised, the pastor is an excellent communicator and a man who loves God’s Word. His sermon was deeply challenging…

  • We Have Not Even Heard That There Is a Holy Spirit

    We Have Not Even Heard That There Is a Holy Spirit

    It’s a funny little story that could only have happened during the church’s earliest days. Paul has been on one of his missionary journeys and, while traveling through Asia Minor, stumbles upon a little group of believers. But there’s something unusual about them, something missing. Here’s how Luke describes it: And it happened that while…

  • Suburban Sprawl and the Dying Dream of Community Churches

    Suburban Sprawl and the Dying Dream of Community Churches

    Let me begin with a question: Do you shop at the grocery store closest to your home, or at the grocery store you like best, even if it’s a little farther away? If you are like my family and live in the endless suburban sprawl that surrounds so many of today’s cities, you probably drive…

  • Hack Your Worship Service

    Hack Your Worship Service

    I recently read an article about the architectural design of airports. Yes, that was an actual article I actually read, and I found it fascinating. A specialist in airport design told how he had been involved in planning Atlanta’s new international terminal and how he and his team had been specially tasked with finding ways…

  • How to Be a Good Christian With Minimal Effort

    How to Be a Good Christian With Minimal Effort

    It was such a blessing to receive your note and to hear that you’ve decided to follow Christ! Sometimes it takes many years for those Sunday school stories to ring true, doesn’t it? It touched me to hear your gratitude for the Bible I sent and how it challenged you to get right with God.…

  • Stop Calling Everything Hate

    Stop Calling Everything Hate

    Over time, a word can change its meaning, sometimes picking up an entirely new definition and sometimes expanding or contracting an existing one. It is not unusual to see a familiar word explode into contemporary parlance with a far more expansive definition than it has had in the past. Think about “tolerance.” For many years…

  • Spare the Rod Spoil the Parent

    Spare the Rod, Spoil the Parent

    I think she might actually hate her child. She sat beside me at the soccer game, her daughter competing against mine. Meanwhile, her son sat beside her. Or he did for a minute, at least, until he got up and began to look longingly at the concession stand. He demanded a treat, first plaintively, then…

  • What Tolkien Did So Well

    What Tolkien Did So Well, What We Do So Poorly

    Over the past few weeks I have been reading through The Lord of the Rings, slowly meandering my way through Middle Earth for the umpteenth time. Every time I read the books, I find myself drawn to something different, some new demonstration of Tolkien’s brilliance. One of the strengths that distinguishes his work from other…

  • Home

    The Blessings of Growing Up in a Christian Home

    I consider it the greatest privilege, the highest act of God’s providence, that I grew up in a Christian home. I consider it no small responsibility to ensure my children, likewise, are growing up in a home that is distinctly Christian. Then, it is my sincerest desire and confident hope, that my grandchildren will have…

  • 5 Ways Porn Lies To You

    There’s a lot of porn in the world. When I first began to write the articles that would become Sexual Detox, this sin was still lurking in the shadows. Few people knew just how deep and deadly it was. Nearly a decade later, we get it. We know now that nearly every boy and a…

  • The Creative Arts Director

    The Creative Arts Director

    I was making my way home after speaking at an event in Indiana. Or maybe it was Illinois, or Idaho—they all kind of blur together sometimes. Either way, I boarded my plane to find the seat beside me empty. I couldn’t stop myself from hoping that it might just stay that way, that I’d be…

  • Use Your Catechism

    Use Your Catechism, Silly

    This ongoing Reformed resurgence is an exciting, unexpected development. It has been a joy to watch people from all backgrounds, cultures, and nations discover and delight in those heart-stirring truths. Yet I think many have failed to take advantage of a resource that is theirs by virtue of their newfound theology. Part of the joy…

  • Why Papa of The Shack Is not Aslan of Narnia

    Why Papa of The Shack Is not Aslan of Narnia

    It’s hardly theological novelty or historical oddity to suggest we should be wary of presenting the immaterial God in physical form. This was the point of my recent article on The Shack movie in which I expressed my concern that its portrayal of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit is a violation of…

  • O NSA You Have Searched Me and Known Me

    O NSA, You Have Searched Me and Known Me

    Edward Snowden changed the world. His disclosures proved that multinational corporations and the U.S. government have been working hand in hand in an expansive program designed to surveil American citizens as well as vast numbers of foreigners. Working for Dell but assigned to an NSA facility, Snowden gained access to the deepest details of this…

  • A Victorian Perspective

    Sex on the Silver Screen: What Would a Victorian Christian Say?

    Regular readers of this site will know that for some time I’ve been writing articles under the banner of “Sex on the Silver Screen.” These articles grapple with the morality of scenes of nudity and sexuality in film and television. While there has been a long association between sex and the silver screen, only in…

  • 6-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs

    6-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs

    Lin Bian, a psychologist at the University of Illinois, wanted to understand how and when gender stereotypes develop, and especially the old stereotype that boys are smarter than girls. The results of her study were stark. “Among the 5-year-olds, both boys and girls associated brilliance with their own gender. But among those aged 6 or…

  • Your Calling Bring Order from Chaos

    Your Calling: Bring Order from Chaos

    Every afternoon at 3 PM, the house is calm and quiet and orderly. It is neat and tidy, the front entranceway is clear, the coat hooks are organized, the horizontal surfaces are clear. But by 3:30 it is approaching the status of a full-out disaster area. Backpacks, hats, and mitts leave a trail down the…