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  • A Mothers Day Tribute

    Read Some Mother’s Day Tributes!

    A few weeks ago I asked Will You Write a Mother’s Day Tribute?. Many people took up the challenge and today I want to share some of them. I asked people to mark their Mother’s Day tributes with the hashtag #dearmom17, so what I list here are drawn from articles listed with that hashtag on…

  • Challies Kids

    Dear Mom

    Dear Mom, We don’t really do this stuff, do we? We don’t often feel the need to say what we assume the other person already knows. It’s that British reserve, I suspect. But on this Mother’s Day, I want to tell just some of what you mean to me, and I’ll do it through a…

  • 10 Strengths (and 10 Dangers) of Systematic Theology

    10 Strengths (and 10 Dangers) of Systematic Theology

    Systematic theology is the discipline of looking to the entire Bible to determine what God says about a given topic. It answers the question “What does the whole Bible say about __________ [fill in the blank]?” It is a logical, systematic way of organizing truth. To be skillful, accurate theologians, we need systematic theology, but…

  • They Have Not Rejected You They Have Rejected Me

    They Have Not Rejected You, They Have Rejected Me

    God’s people had rejected God’s prophet. For many years, Samuel had served the nation of Israel. Though his sons had proven wayward, he himself had remained faithful. He had served well. He had spoken the words of God to the nation. He had appointed judges to govern them. But still the day came when the…

  • Two Ways To Look at Other People

    2 Ways To Look at the People in Your Church

    It is a display of God’s wisdom that he binds us together in local church communities. We know it is a mark of his wisdom, yet sometimes it can feel so much like folly. Sometimes we grow weary of being around people who are sinful, who are selfish, who still have so far to go.…

  • 6 Very Good Reasons to Consider Your Short Little Life

    6 Very Good Reasons to Consider Your Short Little Life

    Our lives are short. They are, in the words of the author of Ecclesiastes, little more than vapor, dust blow by the wind. Yet the very thought that could dismay or depress you, can also motivate you. Here are some blessings that will be yours when you pause to consider your short little life. Considering…

  • If Only I Had Been Saved By Merit

    If Only I Had Been Saved By Merit!

    One of the hardest tasks for every Christian is to deeply believe and forever remember that we’ve been saved by grace. This is a lifelong challenge because our natural tendency is always to veer back to merit, to assume that we’ve been saved by something we are, something we’ve got, or something we’ve accomplished. Grace—unmerited…

  • Netflixs Biggest Competitor

    Netflix’s Biggest Competition

    Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, is like any other business leader in that he is constantly challenged with the question of competition: Who is the competition, and what do you plan to do about them? He was asked this question a week ago during the regularly-scheduled Q1 earnings call, and his answer is both fascinating…

  • The Hottest Thing at Church Today

    The Hottest Thing at Church Today

    According to a new study by Gallup, the hottest thing at church today is not the worship and not the pastor. It’s not the smoke and lights and it’s not the hip and relevant youth programs. It’s not even the organic, fair trade coffee at the cafe. The hottest thing at church today is the…

  • The Worst Consequence of Skipping Church

    The Worst Consequence of Skipping Church

    We are a culture of convenience, of personalization, of individualism. We have a million ways of customizing our lives to perfectly suit our every preference. When things are difficult, we think little of pulling away from responsibilities, of reorienting our lives away from whatever causes inconvenience. This can even extend to something as good and…

  • 8 Sins You Commit Whenever You Look at Porn

    8 Sins You Commit Whenever You Look at Porn

    We know that pornography is an ugly and harmful sin. We know that those who indulge in porn have committed the sin of lust, but there is so much more to it than that. When you open your browser and begin to look at those images and videos, you are sinning in ways that go…

  • One Very Good Reason to Study Church History

    One Very Good Reason to Study Church History

    A friend of mine recently became a citizen of the United States of America. Until that point, he had been a mere resident, a visitor, a sojourner, a citizen of some other place. But he followed the process, he fulfilled his obligations, and he at last received the decision of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration…

  • Gracemount

    A World of Misery at My Very Door: A Story

    Today I want to tell a story. It’s not my story, though I do make a couple of brief appearances along the way. It’s actually a story about a church, and if it’s a story about a church, it must first be a story about Jesus. After all, every church is his church. To tell…

  • What We Gained When We Lost the Hymnal

    What We Gained When We Lost Our Hymnals

    A few weeks ago I wrote an article titled What We Lost When We Lost Our Hymnals and was rather surprised to see 300,000 people stop by to read it! I meant to point out that there are consequences in shifting from one medium to another—in this case, shifting from hymnals to PowerPoint projection. (I…

  • A Mothers Day Tribute

    Will You Write A Mother’s Day Tribute?

    Earlier this year I wrote a short series called The Commandment We Forgot. These articles looked to the fifth commandment (“honor your father and mother”) to explore an angle few of us have seriously considered: What does it mean to obey this commandment as adults? Along the way I offered a number of practical suggestions…

  • Tips for the Busy Mom

    5 Quick Productivity Tips for the Busy Mom

    “Productivity? But I’m a stay-at-home mom!” That’s roughly how Aileen replied when we sat down to talk about the fact that our lives were veering out of control. We were emerging from an especially busy season but coming up to what promised to be an even busier one. Our son was ready to begin high…

  • 10 Ugly and Updated Numbers about Pornography Use

    10 Ugly Numbers Describing Pornography Use in 2017

    We all know that the world has become pornified, that the internet has made available to all of us an entire universe of pornographic content. Yet many of the statistics we rely on and commonly quote have become outdated. As technology changes and as new generations grow up, the pornographic landscape inevitably changes. I went…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Ever Thine Home who also sponsored the blog this week. They have one item that is free for anyone and several which will go only to the winners. There will be 5 winners who will each receive the three items listed below. Free for everyone! Ever Thine…

  • 4 Reasons to Be Glad that Life Is Short

    4 Reasons to Be Glad that Life Is Short

    One of the great sorrows of life is its brevity. This life is but a breath, a vapor, a mist that vanishes with the sun. Even the eldest among us dies too soon, for we were made to live forever. Yet, while it is right to lament life’s brevity, we can also find in it…

  • What We Lost When We Lost Hymnals

    What We Lost When We Lost Our Hymnals

    I don’t think we should go back to using hymnals. But I do think there’s value in considering what we lost when, over the course of a relatively short period of time, we gave up hymnals for PowerPoint projection. Not all of us, mind you, but most of us. It’s worth considering because it helpfully…