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  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped for Christmas

    Every now and again I like to share an order of worship from Grace Fellowship Church. This service’s cast of characters included Paul (our lead pastor) as the preacher and service leader, Josh as the lead worshipper, and Murray as the elder who led the pastoral prayer. Steve, our new associate pastor, also led a…

  • Headlines & Happenings: What Christians Talked About This Week

    Here is a brief roundup of headlines and happenings there were topics of discussion and reflection among Christians this week. It was a relatively quiet week on the cusp of the holiday season, but a few common threads still rose to the top. R.C. Sproul’s Memorial Service It was a tremendous honor to be among…

  • My Favorite Bible-Reading Plan for 2017

    How To Begin A Bible-Reading Habit in 2018

    With my arms still in quite a lot of pain through nerve damage, I’ve asked a few friends to step in from time to time. Today Paul Carter provides an excellent article on beginning a Bible-reading habit in 2018. If you intend to read through the Bible in 2018 now is the time to get…

  • A Church with Great Music

    A Church with Great Music

    I heard someone say it recently: “The music at that church is great.” It didn’t take me long to understand what he meant—that the church has a great music program. They have a band composed of talented musicians who play and sing with skill and beauty. To be part of that church is to benefit…

  • Headlines & Happenings: What Christians Talked About This Week

    Here is a brief roundup of headlines and happenings there were topics of discussion and reflection among Christians this week. Topics range from the death of a giant of the faith, to the bullying of a sweet, young kid, to the coming of Advent. The Death of R.C. Sproul Beloved and respected teacher R.C. Sproul…

  • The Collected Best Christian Books of 2017

    The Collected Best Christian Books of 2017

    For the past couple of weeks my RSS feeder has been humming with list after list of the best books of 2017. It seems that just about every avid reader I follow is eager to share his or her picks for the year that was. I love these lists and decided I’d compile them to…

  • RC Sproul

    Next Time: A Tribute To R.C. Sproul

    Ligonier Ministries has just announced that R.C. Sproul has passed away. But I don’t think he would want you to cry about it. “You can grieve for me the week before I die, if I’m scared and hurting” he once said, “but when I gasp that last fleeting breath and my immortal soul flees to…

  • Disability in churches

    God Has a Heart for the Vulnerable. Do You?

    With my arms still ailing through nerve damage, I thought it an appropriate time to ask a couple of friends to help ease the load just a little with some guest articles. Thus, today’s article is from my friend Paul Martin (who, as you know, also co-hosts my podcast). From here on out, you’re reading…

  • Western Wall

    On Leaving Jerusalem

    I have spent the past few days in Jerusalem, combing the city for historical objects that will help me tell the story of the Christian faith. I’ve found some neat artifacts and will describe them soon enough. I’ve also spent time thinking about this notion of the Holy Land, the holy city, and holy places,…

  • Productivity Tips

    Three Productivity Tips That Actually Work – Three-Minute Thursdays #6

    We’re nearing the end of the year, which means we’re already beginning to turn our attention to the next year, aren’t we? Now for most of us, that means we’re evaluating the year that was, and starting to determine, how can we do better in the year ahead? In this edition of 3 Minute Thursdays,…

  • Do Not Admit a Charge Against an Elder

    Do Not Admit a Charge Against an Elder, Except…

    It’s a rare week now when we do not learn of some new charge against a pastor. The world has gotten smaller than ever and information moves at a greater pace than at any other point in history. In such a world, news travels fast and furious. Especially bad news. And we do love our…

  • Services Shaped Like an Hourglass

    Services Shaped Like an Hourglass

    There are some Sundays when the worship service simply unfolds around me. With the rest of the congregation, I am moved from element to element, from songs, to Scripture, to sermon, to shaking hands. But there are other Sundays when I am very mindful of our church’s order of worship. On these Sundays, I maintain…

  • Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life

    But Others Have It Worse

    I asked her about her illness, her pain, her suffering. She told me what she was going through, the difficulties she had already faced, and the rough road that lay ahead. She described the lingering pain, the powerful pills, the ugly side-effects, the inability to live normal life. Then she said, almost apologetically, “But I…

  • Cyber Monday Deals for Christians

    Cyber Monday Deals for Christians

    Every year, more and more retailers participate in the day called “Cyber Monday.” And, as you can see below, many Christian companies have joined in. Here you’ll find a list of Cyber Monday deals that may be of particular interest to Christians. Accordance Accordance is offering 20% off everything, plus $10 store credit for every…

  • The Best Worship Song You Don’t Sing

    There are lots of great songs we can and do sing during our worship services. But my guess is that very few of us sing this one, and I consider it a hidden treasure. Of course, I do understand that it’s written in older language and perhaps not as accessible as some more modern songs.…

  • Black Friday 2017

    Black Friday 2017 Deals for Christians

    While there are many places you can go today to find deals on electronics and other big-ticket items, I like to provide a place for Christian retailers to make their deals known to Christians who are trying to kick-start their Christmas shopping. I will update this list regularly throughout the weekend, so check back often.…

  • Sexual Consent in a Confused, Confusing World

    Sexual Consent in a Confused, Confusing World

    Over the past few years, there has been a crescendo of talk about sexual consent aimed especially at our teens and young adults. Freshman orientation at the local college is now less likely to orient students in the ins and the outs of campus and curriculum and more likely to teach the ins and outs…

  • Victims and Victimization

    Victims and Victimizers and a Sin-Sick World

    Aileen and I have developed a shared passion for photography, especially for landscape photography. A little while ago, she began to follow various landscape photographers on Instagram and made an interesting observation: almost all of them are men. She began to wonder why, so asked Google and found an interesting answer. In the first place,…

  • The State of Evangelicalism in America

    The State of Evangelicalism in America and all that Blah Blah Blah

    I have grown accustomed to hearing about the horrific state of evangelicalism in the United States of America. The 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation has seemed to add some new fuel to that fire, a fresh opportunity to bemoan the sorry state of the church today. It has apparently become almost a pastime among…