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  • 10 Church Members God Especially Calls Me To Love

    10 Church Members God Especially Calls Me To Love

    In a recent and widely-shared article, a pastor provides a series of profiles of church members who “drive him crazy” and make pastoral ministry “less than fun.” Though he tells of his love for the local church and his commitment to it, he also says that every church he knows has “members and attenders that…

  • An Epic Timeline

    My New Book & Documentary Are Now Available!

    Today’s the day — release day for my new book and 10-episode travel documentary! Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History is both a book and a documentary series that charts my journey around the world and through the ages. Touching more than 20 countries across 6 continents, you can travel the world with me…

  • What Will the New Normal Look Like

    What Will the New Normal Look Like?

    I grew up hearing stories of the Second World War, especially from people who had faced the onslaught of the German bombing campaign. Those who lived through The Blitz in London would tell about the terrifying sound of the air raid sirens warning that bombers were on the way. They would tell also of the…

  • Locked Down Alone

    Locked Down Alone

    One third of the world’s population is now in lockdown. Across the globe, people everywhere are staying at home with their families and trying to find a new normal behind closed doors (while trying not to drive each other crazy)! But what about those living alone? They are dealing with the lack of physical touch…

  • If We All Stream Our Services Will Anyone Ever Come Back

    If We All Stream Our Services, Will Anyone Ever Come Back?

    I spend a fair bit of time traveling. At least, under normal circumstances I do. Sometimes these are little more than overnight trips to conferences across the U.S. border and sometimes these are extended journeys to the far corners of the earth. Wherever I go, and for however long I’m away, I am sure to…

  • On Coming Home

    On Coming Home

    A few days ago the Prime Minister of Canada held a televised press conference to speak to Canadian citizens traveling overseas. He looked directly into the camera as if to make eye contact with each of them and said earnestly, “It’s time to come home.” On any given day hundreds of thousands of Canadians are…

  • More Tips on Living in Lockdown from Christians in Italy

    More Tips on Living in Lockdown from Christians in Italy

    Last week I shared some tips on surviving lockdown from a believer in Italy. I’ve since heard from quite a number of other Christians there and wanted to share some of their tips and experiences. As so many of us across the world face the possibility of lockdowns, this information may help us be better…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Crossway)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Crossway, who also sponsored the blog this week. They are giving away books in a brand new series called Church Questions that I think will be of a lot of interest to you: Why Should I Join a Church? by Mark Dever, Why If I Don’t Desire…

  • How To Make the Most of Lockdown

    How To Make the Most of Lockdown (Tips from Christians in Italy)

    A year ago, or even a month ago, I wouldn’t have believed I’d ever be facing the possibility, and perhaps even the likelihood, of living in near or total lockdown. Yet already here in Ontario we’ve been instructed to venture out as seldom as possible and are just waiting for further restrictions. Meanwhile, parts of…

  • Epic: Pre-Order Now for a Great Price

    My book and documentary series Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History are just about ready to ship! I was gratified to see the first review of the book come in from Midwest Book Review which kept it to a single sentence: “Nicely illustrated, ‘Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History’ provides an impressively informative,…

  • Chaos and Panic

    Preparation Is Not Panic and Confusion is Not Chaos

    You’ve got to be careful reading the news at times like this. Media outlets have a vested interest in getting us to visit their sites, and they know the kind of words that will draw us. Today’s keywords seem to be “panic” and “chaos.” To read the news you’d think there has been panic at…

  • A Family Update in Strange Times

    A Family Update in Strange Times

    These are strange times, aren’t they? They are probably the strangest I’ve encountered in my life, comparable perhaps only to the aftermath of 9/11 in all its scope and fear and uncertainty. Like so many of you, I’m keeping an eye on the news so I know how to adapt and how my family can…

  • The Opposite of Envy

    The Opposite of Envy

    A thought struck me the other day: As far as I know, the English language has no word that expresses the opposite of envy. There may be phrases or sentences that can begin to convey it, but we have no single word we can use to express the virtue that lies opposite that ugly vice.…

  • Never Read a Bible Verse

    Never Read a Bible Verse (and Never Listen To a Sermon Clip)

    Greg Koukl often passes along a cheeky little tip related to reading and understanding the Bible. “If there was one bit of wisdom, one rule of thumb, one single skill I could impart, one useful tip I could leave that would serve you well the rest of your life, what would it be? What is…

  • The Celebrity Pastor We Have Never Known

    The Celebrity Pastor We’ve Never Known

    Can you think of a celebrity pastor whose fame is based on something other than his preaching (or on his books which are, in all likelihood, based on his preaching)? Can you think of one who is known more for his prayers than his sermons, for his words before God than his words before man?…

  • When Parents Feel Like We Are Mostly Failing Most of the Time

    When Parents Feel Like We Are Mostly Failing Most of the Time

    I am sure parenting has always been a complicated business. I’m sure each generation of parents has had to deal with issues specific to their unique time and context. I rather suspect, though, that parents who raise children at the cusp of a technological transformation face a special kind of challenge. It falls to them…

  • From Tabernacle to Stormtrooper Dance

    From Tabernacle to Stormtrooper Dance

    You can’t read the first five books of the Old Testament and fail to conclude that God takes worship seriously. But then, you can’t observe the lay of the evangelical land today and fail to conclude that many churches do not take worship seriously. While granting there is a great and necessary difference between Old…

  • On Conferences and Travel During a Pandemic

    On Conferences and Travel During a Pandemic

    Conferences tend to come in seasons, with the great majority grouped in the spring and fall. While there are some exceptions, it is quite rare to see a Christian conference very early in the year, very late in the year, or around the same time as vacations and holidays. Glance at a calendar and you’ll…

  • As I Traveled the World, What Stood Out the Most?

    As I tell people about the round-the-world journey that led to the forthcoming book and DVD Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History (please pre-order it now!), the most common question I get is this: What was your favorite place? Obviously I got to see and experience a lot as I traveled 24 countries across…