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  • The Safest Place for the Weakest People

    The Safest Place for the Weakest People

    It has been a blessing to hear from friends and family across America whose churches are beginning to meet again after the period of forced separation. It has been fascinating (though a little strange) to see photographs of the spaced-out seating, the masks, the deliberate distancing, the omnipresent bottles of hand sanitizer. While I expect…

  • Oakville Sunrise

    An End-of-May Family Update

    The lockdown (or what should probably be considered a “light lockdown”) in Ontario continues, though we are beginning to see a gradual loosening of the restrictions. As of last week garden centers and other outdoor businesses were able to open, and as of Tuesday all retail outlets, except those in malls, were able to open,…

  • So Very Weak Yet So Very proud

    So Very Weak, Yet So Very Proud

    It was in early 2020 that we first began to hear of this novel coronavirus that was sweeping through parts of China, then making the short hop to nearby Asian nations, then making the longer hop to not-so-nearby European nations. The reports out of China were alarming, the reports out of South Korea sobering, the…

  • Oakville Wharf

    An Early May Family Update

    I wonder: When I began writing family updates in mid-March, would I have been surprised to learn I’d still be writing them in early May? Would I be surprised to know that we’d remain under similar restrictions? I don’t know. But it seems to me that in that stretch of time so much has changed…

  • Government

    Thankful for God’s Good Gift of Government

    I was asked the other day what I was thankful for in the midst of a pandemic. My answer surprised even me. “I’m thankful for government.” It was surprising, but true. Even as I sit at home during a long, forced lockdown, even as I wonder whether anyone really has a master plan, even as…

  • The Right Response to the Old Testament Law

    The Right Response to the Old Testament Law

    The greater our distance from another culture, the stranger that culture seems. This may be true geographically, but we observe it most commonly when the distance is chronological. The laws and customs of ancient civilizations often strike us as bizarre or unfair. There’s no doubt that sometimes they were. But if we assume that people…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer

    Our Father, we are so thankful that you are a God who loves. In fact, you are not just a God who loves, but a God who is love. For you, love is not merely something you do, but it is who you are. To be God is to be love, to be the very…

  • Its Not Often in Life You Get a Do Over So Take the Do Over

    It’s Not Often in Life You Get a Do-Over (So Take the Do-Over!)

    Life is like a basement. It’s like a basement in that, despite our best efforts, we just can’t keep it from getting cluttered. Every few months, Aileen and I have to go downstairs and clear out our back room—that room where empty boxes accumulate as we decide if we will keep or ship back the…

  • Here Is Christian Encouragement From All Over the World

    Here Is Christian Encouragement From All Over the World

    On Saturday I asked if you would consider sending along some encouragement. Specifically, I asked if you would respond to this: “God promises to work all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. This includes even, and perhaps especially, the difficult things. What are some of…

  • Please Encourage Me And Lets Read An Encouraging Book Together

    Please Encourage Me (And Let’s Read An Encouraging Book Together)

    There are two things I’d like to communicate in this brief blog post. The first is a request and the second is an invitation. First, the request: Encourage me. I’d love it if you’d consider submitting the answer to a question and I’ll then round up some of the answers and share them next week.…

  • Us

    A Family Update

    God told the Israelites that rather than making a beeline for the Promised Land they would need to spend years wandering in the wilderness. This was not what they wanted and not what they would have chosen, but it was his will. Because it was his will, he would sanction no grumbling about it. His…

  • I Miss the Ordinary the Most

    I Miss the Ordinary the Most

    Recent conversations with other Christians have shown that I’m not alone in carrying an unusual level of stress, fear, and anxiety. These are uncertain days and many of us are struggling through them in various ways. Some are feeling this struggle as a heavy emotional weight, some are feeling it as despondency or listlessness, some…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer for Easter in Lockdown

    From time to time, probably every month or so, I like to share an example of a pastoral prayer that was prayed at Grace Fellowship Church. The pastoral prayer is a time for one of the pastors or elders to pray on behalf of the congregation and to intercede on their behalf. This particular prayer…

  • EPIC Easter Post

    Historical Objects that Help Tell the Story of Easter

    As Easter weekend begins and this time of being housebound continues, I find myself thinking beyond the confines of my home. I find myself thinking wistfully of some of the places around the world I’ve had the privilege to visit, and some of the Easter-related objects I’ve found there. Here are a couple of objects…

  • Why Our Church Is Only Sort Of Streaming Our Services

    Why Our Church Is Only Sort Of Streaming Our Services

    Like so many other churches across the world, mine had to make a sudden and unexpected decision in the face of a pending lockdown: Do we broadcast our services or do we not? Under normal circumstances we would never even entertain the notion, but with a looming period of isolation that would last no less…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for April 2020

    I am in the fortunate position of receiving endless numbers of Christian books. Every month or so I try to sort through them to identify the new books that seem most noteworthy and, therefore, may be of most interest to readers like you. Here is the selection for April 2020, including the publishers’ descriptions. (Note:…

  • Has There Ever Been a Better Time To Start a Blog

    Has There Ever Been a Better Time To Start a Blog?

    I have been at this blogging thing for a long time and over the years I’ve taken many opportunities to encourage others to try their hand at it. I believe in the value of blogs and believe there is a future for them. It’s possible that I lack the appropriate self-awareness, but I’m pretty sure…

  • A Family Update

    A Family Update

    Like the great majority of other families on earth, mine is learning to adjust to unexpected new realities. It has now been three weeks since we were instructed to distance ourselves from others as much as possible, and we have done our best to comply. Here’s a little update from our neck of the woods.…

  • epic free streaming

    Watch a Free Episode of “Epic”

    This week marks the release of Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History, my new book and documentary project. Many have wondered how the two products relate to one another. Essentially, they are complementary, so while you can enjoy either one on its own, they go very well together. The book focuses on the objects…