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  • Pastoral Prayer

    Who Have We Come To Worship?

    An element of worship we treasure at Grace Fellowship Church is the Call to Worship. This is the element at the beginning of the service that is essentially a declaration that we are now beginning something special, something different from everything else we will experience through the week. As we explicitly call people to worship,…

  • Books for the Times

    7 Books To Help You Understand the Times

    You do not need to be a particularly astute observer of society to understand that we have entered into a time of great transition and even great upheaval. A new worldview based around a very particular conception of social justice is quickly gaining traction. Traditional understandings of sex and gender are being overthrown. New words…

  • Should We Make a Priority of Diversity in Church Leadership

    Learning To Thrive as a Diverse Church

    Toronto is the most diverse city in the world which means that Toronto churches are among the most diverse churches in the world. If over fifty percent of the people who live in the city were born in a country other than Canada, which is exactly the case, then in all probability over fifty percent…

  • Tips for Young and Maybe Not So Young Bloggers

    Tips for Young (and Maybe Not-So-Young) Bloggers

    It’s always a blessing for me to see the launch of a new blog, and perhaps especially so when that blog has been founded by a young Christian. I’m convinced there’s still a place for Christian blogs, even in 2020, and I am eager to give whatever tips I can to help these new bloggers…

  • When Unanimity is the Enemy of Unity

    When Unanimity is the Enemy of Unity

    It is God’s desire that there be unity between his people, and for that reason Christian unity is a prominent theme in the New Testament. Jesus prays for it in his High Priestly prayer, Luke describes it in his history of the early church, Paul demands it of the congregations he writes to, Peter appeals…

  • That Time I Went After an Older Godlier Man

    That Time I Went After an Older, Godlier Man

    It’s not a memory I’m proud of, but every now and again I feel the need to revisit it. I guess if Peter could tell the tale of betraying Jesus—after all, how else would the biblical writers have known the fine details?—, I can tell my tale of failing to be like Jesus. I can…

  • When Solomons Fool Created a Social Media Platform

    When Solomon’s Fool Created a Social Media Platform

    The fool of the book of Proverbs is a vivid illustration of practical atheism, for this foolish man lives as if there is no God and as if God isn’t concerned about human behavior. The fool may not actually deny the existence of the divine, but he practically denies it by choosing to live according…

  • Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener

    Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener

    It is one thing to hear, but another thing to listen. Good communication and healthy relationships depend upon not only hearing the words other people say, but on carefully listening to what they mean to communicate. To listen is to love. But if we are honest, few of us are good listeners. It’s easy enough…

  • The Place To Begin When Learning About Social Justice

    The Place To Begin When Learning About Social Justice

    In recent days the topic of social justice has received much attention within the church and without. As Christians we are committed to living according to God’s Word, and so we have rightly been turning to the Bible to learn how it would guide us. We have been scouring its pages to see what it…

  • Its Only Money

    It’s Only Money

    Christians have a unique relationship with money. We maintain a healthy desire to have it, but at the same time we maintain a respectful fear of it. We believe that money equips us to do all kinds of good deeds, but also believe that the love of money is at the root of all kinds…

  • A Bunch of Good Reasons To Saturate Your Worship Services in the Bible

    A Bunch of Good Reasons To Saturate Your Worship Services in the Bible

    A short time ago I compared certain evangelical churches to a meatless, cheeseless, crustless pizza. Just like removing too many elements of a pizza will call into doubt whether something still qualifies as pizza at all, removing too many elements of worship should call into doubt whether something still qualifies as a worship service. A…

  • Why You Really Need To Be Praying For Your Pastor

    Why You Really Need To Be Praying For Your Pastor

    You might be tired of hearing it, but that doesn’t make it any less true—these have been difficult days for pastors. And I think you need to hear as well that there are more difficult days ahead. That being the case, for the sake of your pastor and the sake of your church, he needs…

  • Meatless Cheeseless Crustless Pizza and the Evangelical Church

    Meatless, Cheeseless, Crustless Pizza and the Evangelical Church

    It’s the kind of memory that will scar a child. I had been recruited by some family friends to put in a day’s work on their property and along the way had worked up quite an appetite. Late in the day, with my stomach growling, they told me they would be making their world-famous pizza…

  • Sometimes Love Your Enemy Means Love Your Spouse

    Sometimes “Love Your Enemy” Means “Love Your Spouse”

    One of the most difficult and most counter-cultural things Jesus calls us to do is to love our enemies—to do unto others as we could have them do to us (Luke 6:31). We are to treat others in the way we would wish to be treated, for the mark of true love is that it…

  • Why I Need To Spend a Month in Quarantine

    Why I Need To Spend a Month in Quarantine

    There was that time I flew to Houston for an afternoon. A few years ago a conference had wanted me to deliver a single keynote address and nothing more, so they suggested I fly down in the morning, speak in the afternoon, and head home in the evening. It ended up being quite a day—I…

  • How To Respond to Social Media Enemies

    How To Respond to Social Media Enemies

    The early promise of social media is that it would help us make friends. But as it has matured, it seems better suited to help us make enemies. Long gone are the happy days when it was all about connecting with others around shared interests. Today it seems to major in beating down others others…

  • Parents To Join Social Media Is To Witness Death

    Parents: To Join Social Media Is To Witness Death

    Social media was still in its infancy when it showed me a death for the first time. All these years later the details remain vivid in my mind. A colleague said, “Tim, check this out.” He turned his screen toward me to show a blindfolded man kneeling before his captors. They spoke a few words…

  • White Fragility and the Bibles Big Story

    White Fragility and the Bible’s Big Story

    Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility is one of the bestselling books of 2020 and one of the resources most commonly recommended to those who are concerned with issues of race, racism, and racial reconciliation. In a previous article I attempted to summarize the book as a kind of narrative that explains what the world should be…

  • Join Hundreds of Believers Growing Together

    This sponsored post invites you to join hundreds of believers at Westminster’s new MinistryNetwork. You’ve faced some hard questions if you’ve ever worked or volunteered at a church. You could probably make your own list of challenging issues. Books are helpful, but it’s tough to flip through hundreds of pages to find a specific answer…