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  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Trust)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Trust, who also sponsored the blog this week. Martin Luther is one of the most significant figures in church history. The movement that started after his posting of the Ninety-Five Theses led to the recovery of the gospel. How did this happen? How…

  • What Makes a Really Good Study Bible?

    Many Christians can attest that of all the resources that have deepened their understanding of God’s Word, few have proven more important than a really good study Bible. A study Bible combines the text of Scripture with notes that help with both interpretation and application. Of course we acknowledge that there is a distinction between…

  • Whats The Point Of Family Devotions

    What’s The Point Of Family Devotions?

    We don’t have little kids around here anymore. In fact, most of the time we now just have one kid around here, and she’s well beyond the little years. We’ve moved past parenting tiny children and into parenting young adults. Toilet training, bike-riding, and grade school drama have given way to navigating graduate programs, assessing…

  • The Influenced Will Be Like the Influencer

    The Influenced Will Be Like the Influencer

    We are easily influenced. It is a feature of humanity (and not a bug) that we learn best by example, by imitation. We are natural imitators and thrive on a combination of formal instruction and observable example. It is little wonder then that we cast about for teachers, for mentors, for people who can influence…

  • A Mighty and Glorious Revival of Religion

    A Mighty and Glorious Revival of Religion

    It was in the darkest of days that God spoke the most glorious of words: “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall…

  • Nobody Respects a Blogger

    Random, Granular Tips for Christian Bloggers

    I quite often have people get in touch to ask me for tips on blogging. (No, blogs aren’t dead and yes, there is still a place for blogs in 2020. To that end, the forthcoming book Blogging for God’s Glory in a Clickbait World is worthy of a pre-order.) Earlier this year I offered some…

  • Why We Need A Better Definition of Conspiracy Theory

    Why We Need a Better Definition of “Conspiracy Theory”

    Irecently pointed out that new conspiracy theories tend to arise around shifts in power and that they often originate from those who have lost power or seen their power threatened. As you worked your way through that article, I wonder if you noticed that I didn’t define “conspiracy theory,” something that, in retrospect, may have…

  • The Word You Can Use Once a Year and No More

    The Word You Can Use Once a Year (and No More)

    I recently discovered Readwise, an app that has a neat feature—it sends a daily email with a randomized selection of highlights from books in my Kindle library. This has proven an interesting way to encounter information I have read but long-since forgotten. A few days ago Readwise surfaced a quote from a book I read…

  • Are You Prepared For a New Batch of Conspiracy Theories

    Are You Prepared For a New Batch of Conspiracy Theories?

    We are just weeks away from another contentious American election, which means we are just weeks away from roughly half of the American population savoring a great victory and the other half suffering a great loss. This being the case, we are, in all likelihood, just weeks away from the birth of new conspiracy theories.…

  • A Master at Identifying Sin

    A Master at Identifying Sin

    I am a master at identifying sin. I might be tempted to brag about that fact, except for this: While I’m a master at identifying the sin in other people, I’m a mere novice at identifying the sin in myself. And I don’t think I’m the only one. There seems to be something deeply embedded…

  • Discovering a World of Surplus Beauty

    Discovering a World of Surplus Beauty

    When I was young my family owned a cottage. To a child it was a place of wonder, a place of marvels. While I spent ten months of the year in the confines of the big city, summers at the cottage offered freedom to explore and to discover, to be a wanderer and adventurer, to…

  • The Church Is You So the Church Will Be Like You

    The Church Is You, So the Church Will Be Like You

    The culture around us may not have much knowledge of the Bible, but everyone still seems to know and freely quote these words: “Judge not.” People may not know much, but they do know that the Bible strictly warns against standing in judgment against anyone else. Christians expend no little effort in explaining how “judge…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    Are You Lonely? Tired? Caught in a Mess?

    I have mentioned before that one key element of worship at Grace Fellowship Church (and in traditional Protestant services) is the Call to Worship. Often our calls to worship involve simply reading a passage of the Bible, but other times we combine several texts in a kind of question and answer format. In this case…

  • Things I Did My Kids Never Will

    Things I Did My Kids Never Will

    You’ve probably had this experience with one of your children—the experience of trying to explain something that was a part of your childhood, but is completely foreign to theirs. Though we aren’t that far removed from the years when we were young, the pace of technological change has been unparalleled. What was mind-blowing in the…

  • A Casket and a Bible

    A Casket and a Bible

    We have entered into an age in which many people are leaving behind their printed Bibles in favor of digital equivalents. On one level that’s of no great concern. After all, people are not leaving behind the Bible altogether, but merely exchanging one medium for another. If Paul could say, “Only that in every way,…

  • No One Believes in Social injustice

    No One Believes in Social Injustice

    I have been spending a fair bit of time researching the topic of social justice—something that has probably become obvious to you if you’re a regular reader of this site. The more I read, the more I see how much of the battle is not merely one of competing ideologies, but of competing vocabularies. John…

  • gentian

    A Side Of Perfect Beauty in Every Providence

    Corrie Ten Boom famously compared God’s providence to a tapestry which, as it is being woven, seems to be little more than a mess of threads and knots. But when finished it is turned over to reveal its beauty. You can read this in a poem she popularized titled “Life Is But a Weaving.” But…

  • Good Things Happen When My Wife Watches Cooking Shows

    Good Things Happen When My Wife Watches Cooking Shows

    Every now and again Aileen gets into cooking shows. Every time she does, it works out well for me. And for her. And for the kids. It could be Top Chef or Master Chef. It could be The Final Table or The Great British Bake Off. It doesn’t really matter. She starts watching and before…

  • friday

    A La Carte (September 25)

    If you’re into Kindle deals, unfortunately today is not your day. But I’m pretty sure there will be a batch tomorrow. Holding Grief and Joy in Tandem Lara d’Entremont reflects on holding grief and joy in tandem. “While living on this earth marred by sin’s curse, we will always be in this awkward place of…

  • No Hand But His Ever Holds the Shears

    No Hand But His Ever Holds the Shears

    Suffering is never pleasant. We never welcome trials as we do joys, for suffering always brings sorrow, it always brings pain. Sometimes a loved one is taken from us and we experience the aching grief of absence. Sometimes we suffer the loss of money, property, or position and we mourn what has been torn from…