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    The Passion & Pragmatism

    I have indicated several times that I have concerns with the upcoming movie The Passion of the Christ. I would like to provide some information about why I have those concerns. Primarily, the concerns stem from the fact that my church is going to be heavily invested in this movie. Until I discovered my church’s…

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    The Bible’s Sufficiency

    I do not often use terms like “God showed me” or “God has been teaching me.” Perhaps it stems from my upbringing in churches where people simply did not speak like that, or perhaps I generally do not stop long enough to consider where God is working in my life. It could be that I…

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    All Caught Up

    I think I’m now all caught up with book reviews, so won’t be posting any more for at least a few days! I’ve somehow managed to read 8 books so far this year. That could have something to do with the scowls my wife has been giving me when I plunk down on the couch…

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    The Passion of the Christ Updates

    Scouring the news sites I came up with some interesting links in regards to Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Hollywood Jesus has a review. You may want to turn down your speakers because the movie’s trailer plays automatically when you go to the site. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for…

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    The Rules of Freedom

    I wrote this article a few weeks ago, but have decided to repost it as part of the Blogger Idol competition being held by a fellow blogger. This week’s theme has to do with freedom and I thought this article fit the bill. Enjoy! There is a misconception about Christianity whereby non-Christians seem to think…

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    Sunday Reflection: Take Back Your Sabbath

    The following article, entitled Take Back Your Sabbath is taken from Christianity Today. NORTH AMERICA’S largest purveyor of Christian merchandise recently began opening its 315 stores on Sunday afternoons. Family Christian Stores touted its decision as a way to expand ministry opportunity. According to a press release, the firm sees it as a way of…

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    My Concerns With The Passion of the Christ

    The Passion of the Christ goes against everything I believe in. Or more accurately, it goes against everything I was raised to believe in. In the tradition I was raised (Canadian Reformed Church) movies were generally regarded as a sinful form of entertainment. Going to a theatre was to bring oneself into the “playground of…

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    Mel Gibson Spreads Passion

    The following article is taken from E Online. Mel Gibson wants moviegoers to get their fill of The Passion of the Christ. The Hollywood star’s Icon Productions has announced plans, along with indie distributor Newmarket Films, to release his controversial movie about the last 12 hours in the life of Jesus Christ on 2,000 screens…

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    The Passion of the Christ

    Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ is due to hit theatres on February 25, 2004. This movie has received universal acclaim from Christians who have seen it with reviews ranging from positive to ecstatic. Many are saying that this movie represents the greatest opportunity for evangelism and outreach that they have seen in…

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    Our Role In Evangelism

    I have been seeking to understand how God works in the conversion of souls. The more research I do, the more I realize that many standard evangelistic practices must be flawed, for it seems we often try to do the work that God tells us He needs to do. Here is a list of some…

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    The Passion of the Christ

    Thousands of churches are still in the midst of Rick Warren’s 40 Days of Purpose and little do they know that if they do not hurry it up, they are going to miss out on the best outreach opportunity of the past 2000 years! Yes indeed, Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of The Christ” is…

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    Belong & Believe

    The church has traditionally positioned itself as a place for those who believe to find a place where they can belong. As the church changes and evolves with the times there is a trend to make the church a place where anyone can belong regardless of whether or not they believe. Having people who wish…

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    Protestant Confession

    A Web site I visited recently which seeks to explain Catholic doctrine and beliefs to Protestants contained the statement “Protestants do not believe in confession.” The statement is incorrect insofar as Protestants do not practice auricular confession (confessing ones’ sins to a priest in order to receive forgiveness). That statement along with others I have…

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    Basic Christianity, Part Seven: Creation

    In previous articles we have examined reasons to study Christianity, we have defined who God is and how He has revealed Himself, paying special attention to the Bible. Today we turn our attention to the creation of the world. A question that comes immediately to mind when examining creation is “why?” We can’t help but…

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    Blog of the Week – The Irvins

    This week’s featured blog is The Irvins. This site is run by Tim Irvin (aka Jabbok), is dedicated to Reformed Christianity and is updated on a near-daily basis. It also contains a wealth of information about Reformed creeds and beliefs (scroll down a bit and look for the menu on the left side of the…

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    The Purpose Driven Life – Day Forty – Living With Purpose

    This is the fortieth and final chapter of The Purpose Driven Life. As I expected, it wraps up with a review of the five sections and encouragement to develop a personal purpose statement. Rick Warren begins the chapter with a discussion about the importance of a personal “Life Purpose Statement.” Such a statement will keep…

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    The Purpose Driven Life – Day Thirty Nine – Balancing Your Life

    Blessed are the balanced; they shall outlast everyone. In chapter thirty nine of The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren describes a life of balance – a life that is equally devoted to each of our five purposes. He provides five pointers for keeping on track with a balanced life. The reason I need to pass…

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    Day Thirty Eight – Becoming A World-Class Christian

    Day thirty eight of The Purpose Driven Life discusses the difference between a worldly Christian and a world-class Christian. Whereas worldly Christians are most concerned about themselves and their own happiness and blessing, world-class Christians are far more concerned with their mission of reaching the lost. As the world shrinks through increased transportation and communication…

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    Basic Christianity, Part Six: The Bible

    What Is The Bible? The Bible is, at the most obvious level, a book. Admittedly that does not sound like anything remarkable. The word Bible is simply the Greek word for “book,” and is the same root from which we derive the words “bibliography” or “bibliophile.” Yet the Bible is exceptional among books as it…

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    Day Thirty Seven – Sharing Your Life Message

    God has given me a life message to share. From the moment I became a Christian I became a messenger of God. I have a life message that I am to share with unbelievers and this message contains four parts. Of the five purposes Rick Warren has outlined in this book, this last purpose, being…