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  • 31 Days of Wisdom – Day One

    This is the first part of a Thirty One day study in the book of Proverbs that I am entitling 31 Days of Wisdom. The more I read, the more I write, the more I learn, the more I realize my own shortcomings and find myself calling out to God for wisdom and discernment; wisdom…

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    The Passion of the Christ According to Emmerich

    The Passion of the Christ has been described by Protestant leaders as being ‘factually accurate,’ ‘very accurate [in the details],’ ‘realistic,’ ‘biblical,’ ‘an accurate account,.’ ‘a true representation of Jesus’ and ‘close to the Scriptures.’ All of these quotes were taken from The Passion Outreach Web site, a resource dedicated to helping churches of all…

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    Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ (Part Three)

    This site has never experienced traffic like it has had over the past two days following my review of The Passion of the Christ. At the time of writing this twenty five people have posted comments about the story and I have received many more comments via email. Surprisingly it seems many people agree with…

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    Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ (Part Two)

    This is the second part of my review of The Passion of the Christ. The first part can be found here and is a scene-by-scene description of the film. In this part I am going to analyze the movie under several headings. I do not pretend to be an authority on movies so I will…

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    Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ (Part One)

    This is part one of a two part review of the movie The Passion of the Christ. In the first part I am going to give a detailed scene-by-scene synopsis of the film. It will contain plenty of spoilers so if such things bother you, you may want to skip it. However, if you are…

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    I Have Seen The Movie…

    I have seen The Passion of the Christ and will have a full review later this evening. I have a prior committment this evening but will post the review when I return.

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    The Reviews Are Coming In…

    Reviews are finally starting to pour in for The Passion of the Christ. I have been looking forward to reading some of the reviews since to this point the vast majority of people who have seen the movie are either Christians or are at least religious. They are hardly able to objectively judge and evaluate…

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    Banner of Truth on The Passion

    Thanks to Maryanne for sending me a link to an excellent article in The Banner of Truth entitled Five Reasons Not To Go See The Passion of Christ. The author (Andrew J. Webb) focuses on the movie’s origins, script, theology, medium and main character. Many of his points are similar to ones I have been…

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    My son is three years old and has recently begun to become aware of the existence of death. At only three he has far greater capacity to wonder and to ask questions than he does to understand. This makes it difficult and as his father I struggle to try to share with him what death…

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    More About Mel

    Should this make me nervous? I know I sometimes have the tendency to “throw out the baby with the bath-water” but quotes like this do not do much for my confidence in the effects this movie will have: “After both of The Passion screenings I attended, the Protestant women talked about identifying with Mary as…

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    Fishers of Men

    While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. And going…

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    Valentine’s Wisdom

    My reading in Proverbs today seemed to fit nicely with Valentine’s Day. Proverbs 12:4 reads “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband.” Naturally my thoughts today tend towards my wife anyways and this seemed to be confirmation of what I already felt. I then turned to the very end of the book where…

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    Newsweek on The Passion of the Christ

    Newsweek is featuring a cover article on The Passion of the Christ in their current issue. You can read the full text of the article here. From a Christian perspective the article shows terrible theology and a view of the Bible that strips it of its inspired origin. Though deeply flawed, the article makes for…

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    ‘Passion’ poised for heavenly B.O.

    An interesting article on Yahoo News which you can read in full here. Though not a single television ad has aired for “The Passion of the Christ” two weeks before its release, Mel Gibson (news)’s depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus is eclipsing mainstream Hollywood fare in audience interest…Total awareness for “Passion” is 60%, but…

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    The Passion of the Christ Article

    The New Yorker ran a fascinating article on The Passion of the Christ in their September 15 issue. It gives a lot of the background to the movie, focusing on Mel Gibson’s background and beliefs as well as the controversy the movement generated based on its perceived racism. The full text of the article can…

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    The Living Word

    I believe every Christian has had an experience like I had a few days ago where a passage of the Bible I had read many times and even memorized suddenly took on a whole new level of meaning to me. If you are a regular reader of this site you will know that I have…

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    The Passion Of Jesus Christ (By John Piper)

    John Piper has just released a new book titled The Passion of Jesus Christ. Sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it? The book is obviously intended to coincide with the release of the movie. He is offering cases of 108 of the books for a suggested donation of $130 provided you promise to give the books away…

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    The Passion of the Christ & The Second Commandment

    I found the following article posted over at He Lives. I had intended to go searching for just such an article today, so thanks David for saving me the Google time. It was not until I had finished reading that I noticed it was written by a close friend of my parents who is also…

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    The Passion of the Christ – A Different Perspective

    The L.A. Times published a fascinating article in yesterday’s edition about The Passion of the Christ. Written from a skeptical point-of-view, it provides some interesting food for thought. Below are some excerpts: Just what kind of box office “The Passion” will do when it opens Feb. 25 is impossible to predict. But it is clear…

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    Pragmatism Part Two

    After posting about pragmatism yesterday I spent some time “corresponding” with various people about it, mostly by email and MSN Messenger, though at times I do step back in time and carry on old-fashioned verbal communication. I found that there is a misunderstanding about what pragmatism is. So let me explain by way of two…