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    The Second Thing Every Christian Needs To Know

    This article represents the fourth in a series I’ve entitled Five Things Every Christian Needs To Know. The first article served as an introduction to the topic and the next two discussed The First Thing Every Christian Needs To Know. This was identified as “The Bible alone is the infallible rule of faith for the…

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    Puritanism and Americanism

    Evangelical Outpost is hosting the first quarterly EO Blog Symposium. The topic for this month’s symposium is an article written by David Gelernter entitled “Americanism—and Its Enemies” which appears in the most recent issue of Commentary magazine. Gelernter writes about Americanism which he defines as “the set of beliefs that are thought to constitute America’s…

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    Sunday Ramblings

    So much to talk about and so little time. First off, if you have not yet entered the draw for a free, autographed, hardcover copy of Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey, you really ought to do it. She wrote me yesterday to say that the books have been signed and sent to me. The contest…

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    A Naturalistic Worldview Part 2

    Yesterday I wrote about my slow realization that Naturalism, a belief system that flows naturally from Darwinism, is more than merely poor science, but has become a postmodern mindset. It is a full-blown worldview, and in reality, is a religious system that stands in direct opposition to Christianity. If you have not read this article,…

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    A Naturalistic Worldview

    In the past weeks and months I have been attempting to come to a greater understanding of the North American, postmodern mindset. As a long-time Christian – one who never experienced adulthood without knowing God and who had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home – it is often difficult to understand what…

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    Groans That Words Cannot Express

    In my ongoing devotional wrestling reading through the book of Romans I arrive this morning at the eight chapter of Paul’s epistle. This chapter has several passages that are well-known to believers. Some of the passages most believers are familiar with are: “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus;” “our…

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    An Hour of Personal Worship

    It is a new year and I am sure that many Christians have resolved to be more consistent in their times of personal devotions than they were in the previous year. I thought it might be helpful, then, to share a method I have been using for my times with the Lord. I hope others…

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    Brian McLaren’s TULIP

    Brian McLaren seems to enjoy controversy. Actually, it would seem from his books that he even likes controversy merely for the sake of controversy. Like the boys in days of old who used to sneak out of church, go into the adjoining outhouse and stir up the “pot” just to create a stink, so it…

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    Headlines (December 24)

    I thought for today, just to be different, I would grab headlines only from other blogs. Canada’s Homosexual Marriage Ruling – My friend Leslie, who is a lawyer, decided to tackle the Canadian Supreme Court’s “opinion” on homosexual marriage. With her legal mind she can read out of the document things that most of us…

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    The First Thing Every Christian Needs To Know (Part 2)

    This is the third article in the series “Five Things Every Christian Needs To Know.” Yesterday we examined the doctrine of Sola Scriptura or Scripture Alone. We saw that the first thing every Christian needs to know is that the Bible alone is the infallible rule of faith for the church. We further defined the…

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    Headlines (December 23)

    The Tiniest Baby – No baby as tiny as 8.6 ounces had ever survived before Rumaisa Rahman was born Sept. 19. Rumaisa was delivered by Caesarean section, along with her twin sister, at just 26 weeks. Remarkably, she was free of collapsed lungs, pneumonia and other complications usually associated with such an extremely premature birth.…

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    The First Thing Every Christian Needs To Know

    In the first article of this series I indicated that there are five things every Christian needs to know. These five things are distinctives which divide Christianity from every other religion. Further, they divide true Christianity, Protestantism, from Catholicism and cults and all other attempts to combine the wisdom of men with the wisdom of…

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    Headlines (December 22)

    ‘Tis The Season To Be Surveyed – A national survey of 1100 physicians conducted by HCD Research and the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious and Social Studies of The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City has found that 74% of doctors believe that miracles have occured in the past and 73% believe they can…

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    Church of the Dropouts, Losers, Sinners, Failures And Fools

    Road hockey is a Canadian tradition – so much so that we invented the word “shinny” to describe the informal games that are played on driveways, roads and parking lots across the nation. It seems that today’s youth generally prefers to play hockey on the PlayStation and it is becoming more and more rare to…

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    Five Things Every Christian Needs To Know

    Over a short series of articles, I am going to introduce five things I believe every Christian needs to know. This is not to say that one cannot be saved if from ignorance he does not know these, but that these five things are of foundational importance to the faith. One may be a Christian…

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    Headlines (December 21)

    News Trends of 2004 – James Jewell, author of the Rooftop Blog has compiled a list of what he considers to be the top news trends among Christians of this past year. It begins with and obvious and most-contentious one – The Passion of the Christ – and closes with another that has generated its…

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    Headlines (December 20)

    47 Years For Reading The Bible – That is the very unlikely worst-case scenario for some protestors at a gay pride event in Philadelphia. Four people were arrested for reading the Bible out loud at the event, focusing, of course, on passages that condemn homosexuality. After homosexual activists became irate, city officials told the protestors…

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    Headlines (December 18)

    Shootout At The Crystal Corral – On Thursday an employee of the Crystal Cathedral, home of heretic Robert Schuller, opened fire inside the Cathedral before barricading himself in a bathroom. Police officials attempting to talk him into surrendering, but he eventually shot himself, ending the holdout. There were no other casualties. The man was apparently…

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    Campolo On The Emerging Church

    Tony Campolo, who, despite absolutely awful theology for some reason continues to be an exceedingly popular Christian speaker and author, recently weighed in on the Emerging Church in an article published in the Winston-Salem Journal. He describes the movement as expressing “progressive evangelicalism,” and defines this as meaning that they hold to traditional Protestant theological…

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    Headlines (December 17)

    Historical Revisionism – There seems to be a movement out there that is trying to prove that just about every major historical figure was homosexual. The latest target, as you may know, is none other than Abraham Lincoln. C.A. Tripp, an associate professor of psychiatry at the State University of New York and a man…