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    Feedback Files – Theology as Idolatry

    Today I’d like to reach into the Feedback Files and respond to a question I was asked quite some time ago but had filed away and forgotten about until quite recently (shame on me!). It is a good question and deserves an answer. I have removed some of the pre-amble, but the heart of the…

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    Hypocritical Amusements

    I love television. I love to be able to turn my mind off at the end of a hard day’s work and just lie back on the couch with nothing more to think about than who will be the next person voted off the island. I love following the lives of fictional characters whose lives…

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    Pronoun Predicaments and Gender Confusion

    Al Mohler recently blogged about Jennifer Finney Boylan, a transsexual who was a guest on the Larry King show. Jennifer began life as James, but went through a male-to-female sex change at the age of 43 and changed her name to Jennifer. Also appearing on the show was Dierdre Boylan, whom James married (when still…

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    Petra Calls It Quits

    It was a couple of weeks ago when I first heard that Petra had officially announced their retirement. One of the pioneering Christian rock bands, and for many years one of the most popular, Petra has decided to retire after 33 years of ministry. I am a little embarrassed to admit that the news hit…

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    Putting God in a Box – Recovering Awe

    In four previous articles, I have discussed the tendency of Christians to put God in a box of our own imaginations. Allow me to briefly review each of those articles before moving forward in this discussion. In the introduction we looked at the apparent conflict between God’s revelation of Himself and our tendency to put…

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    Persistence in Prayer

    It is the Lord’s delight to give us what we ask of Him in prayer. With David we all ought to cry out, “O God, hear my prayer; give ear to the words of my mouth” (Psalm 54:2). If Christians did not believe this, there would be no reason for us to ask God of…

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    Pastors Reveal Their Influences

    Love him or hate him, George Barna often presents interesting information to the church. His latest study, dated May 30, 2005, asked pastors to identify “the three books that had been most helpful to them as a ministry leader during the past three years.” There were over 200 books listed, but only 9 that were…

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    Pyromarketing and The Purpose Driven Life

    Since publishing this article new information has come to light. I’d encourage you to read this article also published on this site instead of this one as it contains more information and better information. The Purpose Driven Life is a runaway bestseller. In truth, it is in a category all its own. It is closing…

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    Putting God In A Box – Transformationalism

    This is the fourth installment in a series of articles discussing the Christian tendency to put God in a box. In the first article we saw that we tend to feel insecure about God unless we have contained Him within a box in our minds and then saw that God has revealed Himself to us…

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    WRECK And An Emerging New Culture

    The following article was penned by Pastor, Doctor, Professor and all-around nice guy Ron Gleason and is posted here with his permission. Ron and his wife Sally are very close friends of my parents and Ron was my pastor back when we were both significantly younger and when we lived significantly closer. You can read…

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    Putting God In A Box – Piety

    This is the third installment in a series of articles discussing the Christian tendency to put God in a box. In the first article we saw that we tend to feel insecure about God unless we have contained Him within a box in our minds and then saw that God has revealed Himself to us…

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    Putting God In A Box – Doctrine

    In the first article in this series we looked at the tendency Christians have to put God in a box. We seem to feel insecure about Him unless we have contained Him within a structure of our own making. We also saw that God has revealed Himself to us in the Scripture in a way…

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    Putting God In A Box – Introduction

    My family owns a beautiful cottage in the woods near one of the most picturesque villages in Ontario. This village was once a center of commerce along the Rideau Lake system – a series of canals and both natural and artificial lakes that span the miles between the cities of Kingston and Ottawa. The canal…

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    Why Will Man Lament The State He Should Envy?

    Several weeks ago my dear friends Chris and Rebecca shared with us that her grandfather, Art, had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. The doctors considered it terminal and inoperable, describing it as one of the worst forms of brain cancer. He would have only a couple of months to live and for much…

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    Pornography Driving Technology

    Pornography is having an increasingly-harmful impact on the church. Pollsters like Barna have been telling us for years now that more and more Christians, including, and even especially, those in positions of leadership are as prone to pornography addiction as anyone. The effects of pornography, as most of us know (as most of us, by…

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    First Century Eyes

    Most Christians have heard of the inductive approach to studying the Bible (though some may know it by the more dramatic name “grammatical historical hermeneutics”). This technique, drawn from the Scriptures, allows the Bible to speak to us within its proper context instead of having us read our preconceptions into the Word of God. I…

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    Like Father, Like Son – Sonship in the Bible

    I have often found it odd how the word “son” is used in the Bible, particularly when it is used as part of a title. Matthew 5:9 reads, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Why should they be called sons of God? Or consider Acts 4:36-37 which speaks of…

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    Learning From A Limerick

    I was recently asked to work on a rather strange project – a web site dedicated to teaching the Bible through limericks. Yes, limericks – commonly known to be the lowest form of poetry. While I was certainly glad to work on the project and to help the poet bring his ministry to a wider…

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    Papal Envy

    This is one of those articles I am going to post even though it goes against my better judgement. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, or maybe there is just something I really want to get off my chest. So let’s talk about Protestants and the pope. Uh oh. It has been a few weeks…

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    Songs of Procrastination

    Several days ago I posted an excerpt from an essay written by D.A. Carson that is published as the introductory chapter of Worship by the Book. Carson suggested that some Christians have come to worship worship instead of worshipping God through worship. He says, “This point is acknowledged in a praise chorus like ‘Let’s forget…