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    On Testimonies And Total Depravity

    Yesterday I posted an article that was formed around my apparently uninteresting personal testimony. It seems I am not the only one who has been deluded into thinking that my testimony, which is one of God’s grace early in life rather than one of God saving me when I was an adult and deeply entrenched…

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    Total Depravity: The Great Equalizer

    I often feel that I have a ridiculously boring testimony. I can’t count the number of times I have sat through courses, seminars and Bible studies and have heard the value of a good testimony in evangelizing the lost. And like any long-time believer, I have heard some incredible ones. I have heard about women…

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    A Less Than Human God

    There are times in life when various “threads” seem to converge – times where I have been thinking about a few things and suddenly they all just come together. Yesterday I was thinking and writing about whether God loves everyone, believer and unbeliever alike. Tuesday evenings I lead a Bible study and this topic came…

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    Joel Osteen and “Joel-Likeness”

    When I was in the eleventh grade I decided to study Latin. I don’t remember what it was that compelled me to study the language, but I suspect it had something to do with the small class size. Where most classes in my high school had twenty five or thirty students, Latin usually had only…

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    The Minister In The Garden

    Suppose you were facing the darkest hour of your life. You had been accused of false charges and there was no doubt that you would be found guilty. The punishment for your crime would be a brutal, torturous death. But suppose that for just a few moments you were allowed a visit from another person.…

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    Purpose, PEACE And New Spirituality

    Last month I read two books which exposed some of the New Age influences in today’s evangelical churches. Deceived on Purpose and A Time of Departing each showed some different areas where the New Age has had great influence in evangelicalism. Both authors, to no one’s great surprise, singled out Robert Schuller as being one…

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    Definitions: More Than Half The Battle

    James White’s book Scripture Alone, contains a chapter entitled “Definitions: More Than Half The Battle.” He begins the chapter with these words: “After engaging hundreds, possibly thousands of individuals over the sufficiency of Scripture, I have come to realize that 85 percent of the battle is fought over definitions.” Later he warns against arguing against…

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    Defining My Terms: Calvinist And Reformed

    I have once again dipped into my site’s archives to update and refresh an article I posted in the past. In the past few days there has been much discussion in the forum and in my inbox about how we can define “Calvinist” and “Reformed.” I covered this very topic last year, but since that…

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    Calvinist Theology = Biblical Theology: Addendum

    I would like to make some further comments on the topic I wrote about yesterday. First, thank you to all the readers who pointed out that “Biblical Theology” is in reality something of a “reserved term” as it has a definable theological meaning. Biblical Theology is considered an alternative to Systematic Theology and to Historical…

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    Calvinist Theology = Biblical Theology

    Writing for a forum as public as the internet provides ample opportunity to receive criticism. While I rarely take the time to respond to people who post on other sites long, drawn-out criticisms of myself and what I write, I always respond to those critcisms when they are directed at me through the forums or…

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    My Iniquity I Did Not Hide: Protestant Confession

    In the past few days I have been going back and reading some articles I wrote months or years ago and have been updating a few of them. Last night I had my weekly home church meeting (AKA small group Bible study) and we discussed the importance of confession among Protestants. I realized I had…

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    Spiritual Gift Assessments & The Bible

    Quite a while ago I wrote an article about spiritual gift assessments. Today I am hauling that article out of storage and am going to update it. At the time I first wrote about spiritual gift assessments I was responding to a question a friend had asked me. He was interested in knowing my opinion…

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    Successful Evangelism

    Several months ago I wrote an article where I outlined the difference between evangelism and outreach. These are terms that many people treat as being synonymous, yet they are distinct and need to be treated as such. This morning I was thinking about the idea of “successful evangelism.” What makes one evangelistic effort successful and…

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    Doilies, Bagel Blankets and Princess Lace

    Doilies, Bagel Blankets and Princess Lace. That has been my life over the past couple of weeks. Sometimes web design can be glamorous. As designers we have the ability to create great-looking sites, to watch our sites win awards and to really push the boundaries of good design. We sometimes have people pat us on…

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    The Soul’s Thirst

    Every soul thirsts. It may not be felt every moment, but to some degree every soul thirsts after something it does not have. We are rarely content in our current condition and it seems that this is the way we have been Divinely wired. But while we all thirst, we do not all thirst in…

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    Gain Discernment In Five Easy Steps

    I am a subscriber to the Reformed Baptist Discussion List and yesterday a member of the list asked an interesting question. He is a pastor and a member of his congregation asked him how he could become a more critical thinker. The pastor pressed him a little and essentially the man was asking how he…

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    Regardless Of Your Brother’s Lies

    It is easy to grow discouraged at the state of the church. As a matter of fact, as one who has invested a lot of time and attention to studying the church, her health and what Jesus requires of her, I often find myself lamenting her state. Writers from all backgrounds and denominations have written…

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    The Second Thing Every Christian Needs To Know

    This article represents the fourth in a series I’ve entitled Five Things Every Christian Needs To Know. The first article served as an introduction to the topic and the next two discussed The First Thing Every Christian Needs To Know. This was identified as “The Bible alone is the infallible rule of faith for the…

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    Puritanism and Americanism

    Evangelical Outpost is hosting the first quarterly EO Blog Symposium. The topic for this month’s symposium is an article written by David Gelernter entitled “Americanism—and Its Enemies” which appears in the most recent issue of Commentary magazine. Gelernter writes about Americanism which he defines as “the set of beliefs that are thought to constitute America’s…

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    Sunday Ramblings

    So much to talk about and so little time. First off, if you have not yet entered the draw for a free, autographed, hardcover copy of Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey, you really ought to do it. She wrote me yesterday to say that the books have been signed and sent to me. The contest…