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  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 6

    Today is the sixth day in this thirty-one day study of Proverbs and our topic today is, as you might expect, chapter six. Because today is the Lord’s Day I will write only very briefly. This chapter contains a metaphor that is one of my favorite parts of Proverbs. “Go to the ant, O sluggard;…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 5

    This morning brings us to day five of this thirty-one day study of Proverbs, and that means that we are studying the fifth chapter. This chapter bears much resemblance to the second, for it is primarily concerned with submission to the law, and avoidance of sins of a sexual nature. As we have seen many…

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    Feedback Files – The Primacy of the Mind

    It is time once more to reach into the Feedback Files, which is where I answer questions sent to me by readers. This question comes from a person who may just be wanting to have me do his homework for him. A quick check of my university transcript would prove this to be an exceptionally…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 4

    Today, in this thirty-one day journey through the book of Proverbs, we move to chapter four. This chapter is nicely divided into three sections, each of which takes the form of instruction from father to son. This is an often-used construct within Proverbs, and one we have already seen several times. Each of the sections…

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    An Authoritative Word from God

    As you may know if you are a regular reader of this site, I have been devoting a lot of thought and study to the church – her nature, purpose and future. As I searched for a topic to write about today, my thoughts turned to an article I wrote last year entitled “Minister of…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 3

    This is the third article in this thirty-one day series in which we will examine the book of Proverbs. Today our text is the third chapter and it opens with an exhortation which continues through the first twelve verses. As with many passages in this book, they are framed in the context of a father…

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    Unity At What Cost?

    “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 2

    This is the second article in a 31-day study of Proverbs and our chapter today is Proverbs 2. This chapter is a gold mine of information regarding why we must seek wisdom, how we can do so, and what benefits it will bring. First, let’s look at how we can seek and find God’s wisdom.…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 1

    In March of 2004 I began a 31-day study in Proverbs I entitled “31 Days of Wisdom.” I thoroughly enjoyed this study and benefited from it tremendously. Having been challenged recently to do more writing of an expository nature, I have decided to begin this study anew, and will perhaps even make it a March…

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    A 24/7 Culture

    The past couple of Sundays I have posted excerpts from Don Whitney’s book Simplify Your Spiritual Life and I will continue with this series today before concluding it next Sunday. Whitney has given me much to think about in the past weeks, and he continues to challenge me with today’s reflection on our 24/7 culture.…

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    The Church Is The Hope for the World

    Over the past week or two, I have been blessed to be able to order quite a lot of books because of my “blog design for books” campaign. Being the impatient type, I will consider myself even more blessed when they are sitting on my bookshelf (or lying open before me), but Amazon and Monergismbooks…

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    The Inerrancy of Scripture (Part 3)

    This is the third and final article in the series on Biblical Inerrancy. Yesterday we defined what inerrancy is not and then attempted to define the term. I suggested the following definition: The inerrancy of Scripture means that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact. Today we will…

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    The Inerrancy of Scripture (Part 2)

    Yesterday I began a short series on the inerrancy of Scripture. This series is an indirect response to the questions, concerns and doubts about inerrancy raised by Michael Spencer and affirmed by many others at his personal site and at Boars Head Tavern. One of my primary concerns was that there was so much discussion…

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    The Inerrancy of Scripture (Part 1)

    Over the past couple of weeks, inerrancy has become a hot topic in the blogosphere. The interest was ignited, in part at least, by comments made by Michael Spencer (aka Internet Monk and proprietor of Boars Head Tavern). It is difficult to know exactly what Michael believes about inerrancy, and I suspect he is as…

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    Feedback Files – Inherited Sin

    This post comes from within the Feedback Files. The Feedback Files are the questions I receive from readers via the Contact page. I thought it would be informative to open some of these questions and answers to the community. Recently a self-professed “Baby Calvinist” wrote to ask, “If a person is “a child of wrath”…

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    Homesick For Hymns

    Having collected Christian music since the early nineties, I have amassed a very extensive collection. A couple of years ago I began moving it all to my computer and now have some 5,200 songs in MP3 format. This respresents the bulk of the collection with the exception of sixty or eighty cassettes. I have some…

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    It Is A Fearful Thing…

    This morning I spent a good bit of time reading through some of my old journal entries. Sadly my journalling has tailed off as my blogging has increased. This is sad because journalling was an important spiritual discipline for me. While I often wrote about the same things I write about on this site, journalling…

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    Three Views of Sunday

    I assume that almost no one reading this needs to be persuaded to attend church. Beyond your good habit of church attendance, however, how do you decide what else you should or should not do on Sunday? When it comes to making such decisions, I understand there to be three major views among Christians, One…

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    Album Review – PFR: The Bookhouse Recordings

    I still remember the day I bought my very first CD player. I had been saving my pennies and dimes for some time and convinced my father to drive me to Future Shop, which is Canada’s answer to Best Buy. Just a couple of days before my previous stereo had gone up in a flash…

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    The Cleverest Fools

    I often struggle with my decision to continually defend Calvinism. And more than defending it, I also “evangelize” it, explaining to others why I consider it to be nothing more or less than the Bible’s teaching on the doctrines of redemption. I find my mind wondering if it really is important enough to dedicate such…