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    Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism II

    In yesterday’s article we built a framework in which to understand sex from a biblical perspective. We saw that sex is: a Gift From God; intended only for marriage; for giving and receiving pleasure; a means of building intimacy; intended for procreation. Today we will continue this discussion to encompass autoeroticism, the act of providing…

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    Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism

    I am not aware of a large number of children that read this site, but despite that I’d like to begin this article with a quick warning. What I am writing about in this short series deals with a subject that is best-suited for adults. So if you are still young, I’d prefer you had…

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    Got Photoshop?

    An old version, that is… It’s quite a long and boring story, but if you have an old version of Adobe Photoshop hanging around your bookshelves I’d be quite interested in purchasing it from you. Contact me if you’re interested…

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    Question for RSS Readers

    I am beginning to wonder if the recent upgrade to Movabletype 3.2 has caused trouble with my RSS output. For those of you who read this site via RSS, can you let me know if the feed is working properly for you?

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    Challenges to the Church – Pragmatism

    This is the third article in a series that examines various doctrinal and societal challenges the Evangelical church must face early in the 21st Century. Previously we examined Relativism and the dangerous doctrine of Open Theism. Today we will examine pragmatism, which has become a dominant force in both the world and the church. I…

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    Canadianisms – It’s a Fact, Eh?

    Today we will look at Canadian use of the English language. We have already looked extensively at that little word “eh?” so today we will turn to other words. Canadians employ an eclectic mixture of British and American spellings. Consider the term “Tire Centre” – a place you might visit to buy new tires for…

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    Radical Reformission (Part 3)

    This is the third article in a series about Mark Driscoll’s book The Radical Reformission. You can find the first article here and the second here. Today we are looking at the fourth chapter which is entitled, “Elvis in Eden” and deals with culture. Do note that because of his use of proper nouns Driscoll…

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    Challenges to the Church – Relativism

    This is the second article in a series that examines various doctrinal and societal challenges the evangelical church must face early in the 21st Century. Previously we examined the dangerous doctrine of Open Theism. Today we will examine relativism. Future articles will examine the Emerging Church, ecumenism, postmodernism, and a variety of other topics. Relativism…

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    Book PREview – The Deliberate Church

    One of the books I have most been looking forward to this year is The Deliberate Church by Mark Dever and Paul Alexander. Dever is author of the excellent 9 Marks of a Healthy Church and is known for his godly, biblical perspectives on church health and growth. I have been given the opportunity to…

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    Al Mohler’s Review Be sure to check out Al Mohler’s review of Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families, a new book by Pamela Paul. This looks like one I may have to purchase.

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    Radical Reformission (Part 2)

    This is the second part in a series examining The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll. The first article, which you can read here, served as an introduction to the book. In the introduction to the book, Driscoll introduced himself in a brief biography and then provided three formulas that explain how different churches react to…

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    Movabletype 3.2

    Movabletype 3.2 may be released as early as this week. Six Apart was hoping to release it last week, but opted instead to go with one final beta release (Beta 5) which is available right now. They warn that the beta should not be used on a live site. I am looking forward to the…

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    Desiring the Escstatic

    “Move over, politics. Americans are looking for personal, ecstatic experiences of God, and, according to our poll, they don’t much care what the neighbors are doing.” So says Newsweek in the first line of the feature article in the latest issue of the magazine. I think it would be safe to say that many professed…

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    A Marriage of Fiscal Convenience

    In what is destined to be a failed marketing tactic, the Toronto Sun, a Toronto newspaper (remember newspapers – those odd book-like objects we used to read before we had high-speed Internet access) has been dropping their Sunday edition on my doorstep. This is one of those tabloid-esque newspapers that culminates on the final page…

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    O Canada – It’s A Fact, Eh?

    Canada may be unique as a nation that has two official national anthems. I was too lazy to do the legwork to find if there are any other nations with two, but I suspect there are not. To add to the strangeness, both of Canada’s anthems are entitled “O Canada.” Many people erroneously spell “O”…

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    It’s A Fact, Eh?

    “It’s A Fact, Eh?” is a new occasional series I am beginning today. In this series I will introduce various interesting and factual aspects of Canadian life and culture (and yes, both exist in this nation). “And the Gileadites captured the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. And when any of the fugitives of…

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    Web Hosting Offer (+ A $20 Amazon Gift Certificate)

    As a way of supporting the growing costs of this site, I am now offering web hosting through an affiliate program with the company that hosts my sites. Prices for a feature-laden hosting package begin as low as $6.95 per month! But to make the deal all that much sweeter, I am offering a $20…

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    Radical Reformission (Part 1)

    I have just begun reading The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll. Mark is known as being on the Conservative fringe of the Emerging Church. He must at least somewhat orthodox because he invited John Piper to deliver several messages at the 2004 “Radical Reformission Conference.” Don Elbourne listened to the audio and wrote, “John Piper,…

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    Human Predictability

    Most people know that when they set foot in a grocery store they are being manipulated. Grocery store merchandising has become something of a science. The stores know exactly what you need and how to convince you that what you came to purchase is not enough. They know how to encourage you to leave a…