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    Keep On Keeping On

    Of all the books I read, and admittedly, that is quite a few books, I often feel that the biographies are most helpful to my Christian walk. I developed an early love for biographies, for as I’ve mentioned in the past, my mother reads those and her Bible almost exclusively. She taught me the importance…

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    Feedback Files – Electronic Giving

    A reader wrote me recently to ask what I thought of tithing or giving offerings to the church electronically. These days many churches allow and even encourage giving to be done automatically – the bank simply transfers funds directly from a person’s account to the church’s account at a set time of the month. This…

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    How (And How Not) To Support Your Favorite Blogger

    This is a difficult article for me to write. This is not because of the gravity of the topic or a lack of knowledge of the topic at hand. I hestitate to post this because it may seem self-serving, but that is certainly not my intent. This article stems from concerns I have in the…

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    The Purpose Driven Life Goes Hollywood?

    I’ll file this one away in the “just what we need” files. It is almost too crazy to believe, but it seems that there is a Purpose Driven Life movie on the horizon. Ralph Winter, who has produced a lot of major Hollywood blockbusters, such as X-Men, X-2: X-Men United, the Planet of the Apes…

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    Pope Benedict XVI on Sola Scriptura

    I recently found the following lengthy excerpt from the book Pilgrim Fellowship Of Faith: The Church As Communion by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (aka Pope Benedict XVI). There are a few typos in the text, but since I do not own this particular book I am unable to correct them. This represents the current pope’s stance…

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    Let Me Ask You ’bout The Birds and the Bees…

    Today I come looking for answers. I trust that some of you lurking out there have some experience in this matter that you will be willing and able to share. As you know, I lead a home church (small group Bible study) through my church. Not too long ago our discussion turned to our children…

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    Becoming Compassionate Truth-Tellers

    Canada is poised to become one of the most progressive countries in the world. Following in the footsteps of such avant-garde nations as Holland and Belgium, the Canadian government will, in all likelihood, legitimize homosexual marriage this evening. It will still take some time for the law to pass through the necessary channels, but Bill…

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    Challenges to the Church – Open Theism

    This is the first in a series of articles that will examine various doctrinal and societal challenges the evangelical church must face early in the 21st Century. Today we will look at the doctrine of open theism. Future articles will examine the Emerging Church, ecumenism, postmodernism, and a variety of other topics. Open theism is…

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    The Christian Blogosphere Awards of Demerit

    Earlier this year, Eric over at Evangelical Underground presented the 1st Annual Evangelical Blog Awards. He gave recognition to some of the leading sites in the Christian blogosphere. Sadly, he did not recognize those bloggers who deserve demerit. That is what I intend to do today through the 1st Annual Christian Blogosphere Awards of Demerit.…

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    Praying in the Spirit

    Have you ever stopped to consider just how strange prayer is? Have you considered the implications of the fact that we, through our prayers, have the ability to interact with the God who is sovereign over all of the universe? It is a profound thought that God even changes the future (so to speak) based…

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    An Eight-Part Music Test

    I received an interesting book from Moody last week. Entitled Perimeters of Light, the authors take on a daunting task. They seek to define some boundaries for the emerging church. Notice the lower-case “e” in “emerging,” as they are not referring to the Emergent church but to what evangelical churches are becoming in the early…

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    Postmodern Morality, Authority and Accountability

    In recent weeks I have read several books addressing Christian perspectives on our North American society. Postmodern culture is, as you well know, difficult to define and understand. In fact, postmodernism almost defies definition, as one of the basic tenets of the postmodern mindset is a removal of absolute standards, even when it comes to…

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    Francis Schaeffer: A Student’s Appreciation of a Distinct Voice

    My friend Rick Pearcey asked if I would consider posting this article, which is an appreciation of the ministry of Francis Schaeffer, known primarily through the work of L’Abri Fellowship, begun this month 50 years ago. As you may know, both Rick and Nancy Pearcey were profoundly impacted by the Schaeffer’s ministry. What you may…

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    Arrows in the Hand of God

    “Rebel soldiers were starting at one end of a large room, taking women away one by one and bringing them back after they were finished with them. Helen’s first impulse was to hide and not have to bear this humiliation again. Then she thought of Jesus. He put himself forward as a substitute for us.…

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    Homosexuality and the “Yuck Factor”

    In the forthcoming Sex and the Supremacy of Christ (read my review here), Al Mohler has written a chapter entitled “Homosexual Marriage as a Challenge to the Church: Biblical and Cultural Reflections.” He provides seven principles that can serve as a framework for a Christian response to the issue of homosexual marriage. They are: As…

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    Evangelism and Calvinism

    A reader posted a question this morning that I felt I should address, in part because it is of particular interest to me, and in part because the article I was working on was just not coming together the way I had anticipated. The reader had just read through my series on Calvinism and Arminianism…

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    Fetal Murder and Objective Truth

    Last Friday I wrote an article I entitled Pronoun Predicaments and Gender Confusion. My readers will be happy to know, I’m sure, that I have not yet claimed my right (not a privilege, but a right!) to determine that I would like to be female. In that article I quoted Al Mohler who wrote about…

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    Feedback Files – Theology as Idolatry

    Today I’d like to reach into the Feedback Files and respond to a question I was asked quite some time ago but had filed away and forgotten about until quite recently (shame on me!). It is a good question and deserves an answer. I have removed some of the pre-amble, but the heart of the…

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    Hypocritical Amusements

    I love television. I love to be able to turn my mind off at the end of a hard day’s work and just lie back on the couch with nothing more to think about than who will be the next person voted off the island. I love following the lives of fictional characters whose lives…

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    Pronoun Predicaments and Gender Confusion

    Al Mohler recently blogged about Jennifer Finney Boylan, a transsexual who was a guest on the Larry King show. Jennifer began life as James, but went through a male-to-female sex change at the age of 43 and changed her name to Jennifer. Also appearing on the show was Dierdre Boylan, whom James married (when still…