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    King For A Week – Girl Talk

    King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers. Every week I select a blog, link to it from my site, and add that site’s most recent headlines to my left sidebar. While this is really…

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    It’s Not Your House!

    I may have mentioned that I had said my final words on the subject of inviting ourselves over to other people’s homes. If I did say that I apologize, because I have one thing left to say! As you recall, I recently asked whether or not it is rude for a person to invite himself…

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    Terrifying Scripture Texts

    I wrote last week about a passage of the Bible that I find terrifying. I showed that Satan has a legitimate claim on my life and yours. Thankfully, because of the work of Christ, He also has a claim on our souls and His claim trumps that of Satan! I began to think about other…

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    The Ultimate Scream

    There are many who consider Janet Leigh’s murder in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho to be the most terrifying scene in the history of film. The setting, the mood, the music and the camera work combine to create a scene of absolute terror. Her screams were impressed upon the memories of many who watched her macabre death…

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    Muslim Outrage and God’s Grace

    “Freedom Go To Hell,” reads the sign. “Europe You Will Pay. Your 9/11 Is On Its Way,” and “Be Prepared For The Real Holocaust” read others. Other signs list verbs prescribing the punishment for one who blasphemes the prophet of Islam: behead, slay, butcher, exterminate, massacre, annihilate. All this from the hearts and hands of…

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    He Has No Claim On Me…

    European history makes for a fascinating study. Understanding the intricacies of nations, borders and rulers could easily be a life-long pursuit. The history of the continent is filled with claims, and counterclaims as one person sought to prove himself the legitimate heir to a kingdom over another. There are many who sought to claim thrones…

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    King For A Week – JD Wetterling

    King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers. Every week I select a blog, link to it from my site, and add that site’s most recent headlines to my left sidebar. While this is really…

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    I have had a terribly chaotic week, the reason for which I’ll tell you tomorrow. Added to the chaos has been illness and a general lack of sleep, so despite my best efforts I just couldn’t put pen to paper this morning. I have learned the hard way that it is best not to write…

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    The Profound Blessings of Blogging

    Over the past few weeks I have read several articles about blogging written by and for Christians. On the whole these articles acknowledge the possible utility of blogging, yet warn against investing oneself too heavily in this new medium. While many people see that blogs are probably here to stay and that they do have…

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    King for a Week – Fide-O

    King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers. Every week I select a blog, link to it from my site, and add that site’s most recent headlines to my left sidebar. While this is really…

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    Blessed Are The Underappreciated

    Our culture has an obsession with underappreciation. Everywhere you look there are discussions about this topic. I cannot think of many subjects that are discussed more in the sports world; there are always and forever discussions about which player is the most underappreciated or which position generates the lowest amount of recognition. Look around and…

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    Dr. Mohler on Larry King Live (Recap)

    As you may know, Al Mohler was a guest on Larry King Live last night, discussing homosexuality in general, and homosexual marriage in particular. The impetus for the discussion was, of course, the film Brokeback Mountain which won several Golden Globe awards on Monday night and which seems primed to walk away with several Academy…

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    The End of the Spear – Further Thoughts

    Last week I posted an article in which I pointed out that Chad Allen, the actor who plays Nate and Steve Saint in the upcoming film The End of the Spear is homosexual. In the article I simply posted the information without providing much commentary upon the decision of the producers to cast a homosexual…

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    Assurance of Salvation (Part 3)

    Today we will conclude this short three-part series dealing with assurance of salvation by discussing first the basis of assurance and then some marks of salvation. We have all known people who think they are saved when all the evidence points elsewhere. It is a sad fact, and one we examined in the second part…

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    Advertising and Cable Television

    Not too long ago I mentioned that my wife and I were ready to give up cable television. Perhaps strangely, our concern stemmed not only or even primarily from the content of television shows. After all, if we do not like the content of a show we can easily simply avoid watching it. Will and…

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    Assurance of Salvation (Part 2)

    On Tuesday we began a short series on assurance of salvation, a series that was rudely interrupted by my site crashing. I sought to show that, in many ways, contemporary evangelicalism can create an atmosphere in which many who consider themselves may have false assurance of their salvation. A decision-based system of conversion and regeneration…

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    Coming Soon: The End of the Spear

    My friend Randy Brandt, who blogs at Contend 4 The Faith, has written a short article speculating on whether or not the producers of the upcoming film The End of the Spear have committed financial suicide with their casting. Let me fill you on the controversy. But first, here is a brief synopsis of The…

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    King for a Week – Pyromaniac

    King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers. Every week I select a blog, link to it from my site, and add that site’s most recent headlines to the left sidebar of my site. While…

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    Sincerity and Assurance of Salvation

    If I were to ask you, “How do you know that you are a Christian?” how would you respond? Where do you look for your assurance of salvation? Do you look inside yourself? Do you look to the past – perhaps to an act or decision you made? Or do you look outside of yourself?…

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    The Ultimate Human Judgment

    Sometimes my sense of duty seems to come into conflict with my instincts. This almost inevitably leads to duty laying a playground beating on instincts and stealing his lunch money. You see, I attempt to respond to every email that I receive, but every now and then I receive one that just seems like bad…