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    Delighting in Delight

    Every year, in the weeks before Christmas, we have my son and daughter compile a list of the gifts they most desired. Topping my son’s list a couple of years ago was a Playmobil castle—a huge, grey castle that looks like the kind of toy every boy dreams about. He asked for this with some…

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    The Death of Shame

    Over the past few years, Aileen and I have continually returned to the question of why so many young people these days seem unwilling or unable to grow up. It is a question that has confused us, especially as we look to many of the young people we know. There was a time when young…

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    Book Review – Prude

    I almost gave up reading Prude. I have read other books like this and have found they follow a fairly consistent pattern. The first few chapters are always the hardest to get through. Where my interest in this kind of book is in its cultural commentary and analysis, the initial chapters seem always to be…

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    Last Day to Pre-Order

    This is a public service announcement to let you know that this is the last day you’ll be able to pre-order a signed copy of my book. As of tomorrow I need to get final numbers in to the publisher so they can get the books shipped to Chattanooga where I’ll be signing and sending…

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    Feedback Files: All About Blogging

    It has been a while since I cracked open the Feedback Files. While I receive a lot of questions through this site, probably the most common have to do with blogging. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve made several promises that I would soon write an article suggesting some things to consider when beginning…

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    A Common Word. A Common Faith?

    Last week I wrote a brief article about apostasy and heresy and concluded with a portion that dealt with the difference between dialog and controversy. I quoted an article written by David Samuel. He dealt with this same subject and said I think this explains the ease with which many in recent years have been…

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    “Buy My Book and Win” Winners

    Last Monday I announced that anyone who pre-ordered my book over the next week would be eligible to win a $100 gift certificate to Westminster Books or, as a consolation prize, a copy of the Literary Study Bible. Thanks to all of you who took the opportunity to buy the book. I ran the numbers…

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    King for a Week – Stand to Reason

    King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers…or sometimes just because I really like them. It is a way of introducing my readers to blogs that they may also find interesting and edifying. Every two…

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    Looking For Deals Online

    I am not usually a big bargain hunter, but since we’re going to be down in Georgia for Christmas this year, I’ve been keeping an eye out for good deals at American-based e-commerce stores. After all, if we’ll be in the U.S. for Christmas, it means I can buy things online, have them shipped to…

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    Rebellion, Kindle, Amazing Grace and Other Miscellania

    I’m off to a late start today. We had a regularly scheduled parent-teacher kind of conference for my daughter (who is in Kindergarten/Preschool) and my wife had to first observe her in her class for an hour and then to speak with the teacher for a few minutes. Turns out our girl is near the…

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    Buy My Book and Win!

    Buy my book and win $100. Just like that… It has been a few weeks now since my book became available for pre-order. I offer my thanks to the hundreds of you who have been kind enough to order a copy (and special thanks to Aileen who volunteered to take on the task of organizing…

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    Day of All the Week the Best

    Today is the day of rest – the day God has graciously given us that we might rest in Him. Today, while digging around in my files, I came across a favorite hymn—“Safely through another week,” penned by John Newton. It seemed a good hymn to ponder on a Sunday afternoon (even though it is…

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    Riddle Me This, Owen

    I’ve been wondering…why is it that I am much more bothered by a sin someone committed against me, than the fact that I committed that I went ahead and blundered into the same sin? How is it that, when the person sinned against me, I did not learn a lesson and allow this to persuade…

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    Manna in the Morning

    Have you ever stopped to ponder what it might have been like for the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness, knowing that each day they would completely exhaust their food supply? Have you thought what it would be like knowing that they would go to bed with no food, but that the next day…

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    Environmentalism – A New Religion

    Yesterday we received notice that the town of Oakville is changing the trash collection strategy. Currently we have our trash picked up every week and have “blue boxes” or recycling bins picked up every other week. Beginning in April, we’ve recently learned, we’ll have garbage pickup every other week and recycling pickup every week. We’ll…

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    Imitate Their Faith

    It was near the end of the book of Hebrews that I found some verses that have been bouncing around in my head for some time now. With the epistle drawing to a close, the pastor who authored this letter exhorts the believers to remember the men who had once led the church, to consider…

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    Blood on the Book

    All Scripture is breathed out by God… In my personal devotions I’ve recently begun a study of Esther. Since it is a short book and one that is entirely narrative, I do not anticipate being in the book for long—probably just about one day per chapter. Esther is probably best known among Christians as being…

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    The 2007 Reformation Day Symposium

    Today is Reformation Day–the 490th anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg’s Schlosskirke. That small act triggered a series of events that forever changed the world. It stands as one of the most important events in all of history–though an event that has been largely forgotten. Today…

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    A Blessed Assurance

    “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes…” Dr. Criswell, long-time pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, was once traveling by plane to attend a speaking engagement on the East Coast. After boarding the aircraft and getting himself settled and situated, he was thrilled to recognize the man in the seat beside him…

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    King for a Week – The Blazing Center

    King for a Week is an honor I bestow on blogs that I feel are making a valuable contribution to my faith and the faith of other believers…or sometimes just because I really like them. It is a way of introducing my readers to blogs that they may also find interesting and edifying. Every two…