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Explore A La Carte

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (October 17)

    I am very much enjoying my time in Brazil at the Fiel Pastors’ Conference. It has been a joy to meet so many people and to both see and hear how the Lord is at work in Brazil. (Yesterday on the blog: Why We Chose a Christian College) A Christian Man Receives Justice David French…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (October 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some Christians classics you’ll want to check out. (Yesterday on the blog: Please Do & Please Don’t Assume Motives) What Does Your Liturgy Celebrate? “It’s a worship service at church, so of course it celebrates Jesus… right? Or does it?” There are some good reflections on liturgy here (and don’t say…

  • monday

    A La Carte (October 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a nice little list from our friends at Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: Letters to the Editor (Francis Chan and Prophecy)) How Can You Show Radical Hospitality as an Introvert? Rosaria Butterfield: “God’s going to use you in all of your differences. What is most lacking in this Christian world is…

  • Weekend A La Carte (October 13)

    Today I bring you A La Carte from Quito, Ecuador. If you’re in the area, I’d love to meet you at La Fuente Iglesia on Sunday evening. Today’s Kindle deals include a newly reprinted classic. (Yesterday on the blog: Susie) Always Wanting More “The problem with comparison isn’t that we don’t think enough of ourselves.…

  • friday

    A La Carte (October 12)

    I know a lot of people have been waiting for that amazing leather-bound ESV Reader’s Bible set to get reprinted. Westminster Books is carrying it again and offering it at 50% off. (Here’s my review of it and here’s my video on it.) As usual, you’ll also find a couple of Kindle deals to consider.…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (October 11)

    You know where to go by now if you’re interested in checking out the daily Kindle deals. (Yesterday on the blog: What I Love To Ponder at 10:01 AM on Sunday Morning) What Ever Happened to Civil Debate? “Our society simply hasn’t grown out of our child-like ways of debate; we rarely engage ideas because…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (October 10)

    It’s not a bad day for Kindle deals, and you’ll find a few that are worth a peek. Parents of little ones may want to look at this new series for children that’s on sale at Westminster Books. (Yesterday on the blog: Tips for Reading Better & The Future of Books) Don’t Sing Noisy Songs…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (October 9)

    My family enjoyed a good, long Thanksgiving weekend (with my son able to return home from college for the week since Thanksgiving coincided with his mid-term break). And now he’s back to Louisville and we’re back to normal life and life is good. (Yesterday on the blog: The Cost of Surrounding Yourself with Negative People)…

  • monday

    A La Carte (October 8)

    There is a nice collection of Kindle deals to browse through today. This coming Sunday I’ll be preaching at La Fuente Iglesia in Quito, Ecuador, then doing an Ask Me Anything session. The service begins at 4:30 PM. The preaching will be in both English and Spanish. If you’re in the area, I’d love to…

  • Sunday A La Carte (October 7)

    I ended the week with a significant overflow of excellent material gleaned from other web sites. Rather than let it go to waste, I thought I’d put together one of those rare Sunday editions of A La Carte. Here are a few articles that may benefit you today. Where the Differences Lie between Bruxy Cavey…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (October 6)

    Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! I trust you’ll enjoy your long weekend and your especially thankful Sunday worship. Pastors Should Like People (Not Just Love Them) “To do ministry well, you need to not only love people, but like them. You need to give your heart to them. But amidst the strains and seasons…

  • friday

    A La Carte (October 5)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several titles that are worth a quick look to see if they’re worthy of your collection. (Yesterday on the blog: How Can You Balance Life and Ministry and Your Passions and Hobbies?) The Place of Godly Ambition “Too often the word ambition conjures up negative images of Wall Street investment bankers…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (October 4)

    It is, once again, a pretty good day for Kindle deals. We’ve been off to a strong start in October! (Yesterday on the blog: Francis Chan’s Letters to the Church) Twenty-Five Years Later I thoroughly enjoyed this interview with Al Mohler in which he reflects on twenty-five years of leading the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (October 3)

    The Kindle deals page once again includes a little list of some noteworthy deals. (Yesterday on the blog: Practicing Church Discipline & Man-Pleasing vs God-Pleasing) When Physical Intimacy Is Fractured: 7 Tools to Help You Heal This may prove helpful. “Our relationship became so fractured that any time Matt approached me physically—to hold my hand,…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (October 2)

    Today’s Kindle deals include, among others, an older book by Kevin DeYoung and a newer book by Al Mohler. (Yesterday on the blog: Girl, Wash Your Face) 3 Repeated Charges Against The Early Church The more things change, the more they stay the same. “The church today faces tons of criticism. I’m sure you’ve heard…

  • monday

    A La Carte (October 1)

    There are lots of Kindle deals today since it’s the first of the month. Enjoy! Visit Christian Audio to look at their free book of the month–a biography of Steve McQueen. Logos users can check for this month’s free and discounted works at the Logos store. (Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped on One…

  • Weekend A La Carte (September 29)

    There are a few new Kindle deals for you to check out, including a republished work by John Owen that might be good to add to your collection. (Yesterday on the blog: The Sins Forbidden by the Ninth Commandment in a Social Media World) Open or Closed Communion Hershael York explains the difference between open,…

  • friday

    A La Carte (September 28)

    Westminster Books is offering a discount on a new series that looks helpful: 31-day counseling devotionals on a variety of topics. (Yesterday on the blog: The Joys and Challenges of the Church in India) The New Gulags? Carl Trueman: “It is not surprising that gulags appeal to such radicals because that is what they are…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (September 27)

    There are some Kindle deals today that are worth taking a look at. (Yesterday on the blog: The Duties Required by the Ninth Commandment in a Social Media World) Hospitality Doesn’t Have to Be a Burden “I want to encourage you to let go of the heavy expectations that you think are placed on you…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (September 26)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a number of study Bibles. Westminster Books has some good deals on books meant to help parents in their task. (Yesterday on the blog: Entertainment Choices and Compromise) Supernatural Comfort When the Days are Dark Jared Wilson: “This is perhaps the chief way the Holy Spirit comforts us in our afflictions.…