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Explore A La Carte

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 21)

    I came up empty looking for new Kindle deals today. You may be interested in subscribing to Ligonier’s Tabletalk magazine and getting 12 months for just $12. (Yesterday on the blog: Are You Writing Headlines for You or Articles for Them?) Is Missionary Work Colonialism? Certainly some has been in the past, but is it…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 20)

    It’s kind of a grab-bag day for Today’s Kindle deals. You may also want to check out this week’s deals at Westminster Books. We All Live in Marx’s World Now Carl Trueman does it again. “Perhaps serious Christians might spend less time hammering each other on Twitter and more time working hard in the local…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 19)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books from Zondervan and one for college students. (Yesterday on the blog: Look! Look To Your Baptism!) Pastor, Be What You Want to See Jared Wilson: “God forbids pastoral domineering but commands instead ‘being examples to the flock’ (1 Pet. 5:3). Therefore, pastor, whatever you are, your church will…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several volumes in a biographical series from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: A Corporate Confession of Sin & Assurance of Pardon) The Age of Terrorism Meets the Era of the Troll Joe Carter reflects on the horror that unfolded in New Zealand. “The New Zealand shooter is an extreme example of…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some newer books and some classics. This has been a really good week for deals! (Yesterday on the blog: Counsel for Couples) Why Charismatics and Non-Charismatics Can Get Along Tom Schreiner: “We don’t have to deny that our view on spiritual gifts or on whether or not infants should be baptized…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 15)

    There are a few new Kindle deals that you may want to consider for your virtual connection. (Yesterday on the blog: Exclusive Preview & Bonus Resources for A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible) The Epic Hunt for a Lost World War II Aircraft Carrier I thoroughly enjoyed reading this account of the search for…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include the whole Gospel for Life series from B&H. (Yesterday on the blog: Should Christians “Self Care?”) Don’t Mistake Transfer Growth for Evangelism Transfer growth isn’t necessarily bad, but we sure don’t want to be content with only transfer growth. “Here’s a better question for assessing healthy growth: Who is coming to…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 13)

    Crossway has just released the ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible, and Westminster Books already has it on sale. Today’s Kindle deals include several books by Paul Washer as well as a few others. No Private Matter I appreciate this look at social media debate and conversation. “Surely this speaks to the social media debates and…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 12)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole load of books from Zondervan, many of which will appeal to those of you who are academically inclined. (Yesterday on the blog: What’s the Purpose (and the Benefit) of Family Devotions?) What It’s Like to ‘Vote’ in North Korea “Voting for the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) is mandatory and…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 11)

    As is typical for Mondays, there’s a nice little group of Kindle deals to work through, most of which are from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: A Pastoral Prayer) Sin Is Cosmic Treason You’ve probably heard R.C. Sproul’s description of sin as cosmic treason. Here’s an explanation. “‘The sinfulness of sin’ sounds like a vacuous…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 9)

    There’s an eclectic collection of Kindle deals available today. (Yesterday on the blog: Broken Pieces and the God Who Mends Them) Earthly Glory Always Fades “It has been said, the greatest tragedies are not those who pursued greatness and failed to reach it. The biggest tragedies are those who achieved it and realized that it…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of items. You may want to take a look at this week’s discounts from Westminster Books. They include a highly-praised book on the end times. What if The Foundation of Discernment is Hope and Not Suspicion? If I had an article of the day, this would be it. “I…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals includes a must-read classic as well as some newer works. (Yesterday on the blog: The Book that Has Most Influenced My Writing) Dr. Sproul and Dr MacArthur’s Friendship (Video) You’ll enjoy this video (as introduced by Chris Larson): “The friendship between John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul was a blessing to the church.…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 6)

    I wasn’t able to track down any interesting Kindle deals today, but it has been a good couple of weeks, so I won’t complain. I’ll try again tomorrow. I’m Really Not Busy… “We appear to have created a culture where the only people who are not ‘busy’ are people who are, well, a bit sad.…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 5)

    I’m spending the day at Boyce College (Southern Seminary) today. If you’re there and happen to see me wandering about, please do say hello. Especially if I look lost… Today’s Kindle deals include a book by Horatius Bonar and a book by the Babylon Bee, among others. (Yesterday on the blog: Is It Sinful to…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some good titles from Crossway (as well as another book or two). Also, The Good Book Company has a free e-book for you in exchange for your email address. (Yesterday on the blog: The Beauty of a Gentle Heart) Sexual Abuse in Student Ministry A lot of abuse happens in and…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 2)

    There are just a few Kindle deals to look at today. Also, Christian Audio has their free audio book of the month ready for download. (Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Books for March) The West is a Third World Country: The Relevance of Philip Rieff This one will take a bit of time…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a reasonable selection of worthwhile titles. Logos has some a good free book of the month ready for you to grab. Westminster Books has a great sale on the New Studies in Biblical Theology. Desperately Seeking Transcendence This is a very, very good article on worship. “How strange, then, that churches…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (February 28)

    It’s not much of a day for Kindle deals, so we will hope for better things tomorrow. (Yesterday on the blog: The Eternal Significance of a Single Little Word) Why is Dystopian Fiction Worth Reading? Maybe it’s time to read some thoughtful dystopian fiction. “This is a genre well worth exploring, though with care and…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (February 27)

    There are a few Kindle deals for you to look through. Also, this week’s deals from Westminster Books include all kinds of great resources from Ligonier Ministries (and 3 free months of Tabletalk magazine). Cultural or Christian? I really enjoy reflections like these on very different cultures. “One afternoon I came out of a meeting…