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Explore A La Carte

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (February 13)

    There is, once again, a small list of Kindle deals to browse through. Yesterday I put out a little video about ESV Scripture Journals; shortly thereafter (and entirely coincidentally) they went on sale at Westminster Books. The Power of the Gospel and the Meltdown of Identity Politics Al Mohler has some really good and clarifying…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (February 12)

    Today’s Kindle deals include all kinds of books that are worth checking out. If you’ve going to be at the TGC conference in April, I’d love to see you for a Visual Theology breakout. And we’re working on a nice giveaway for all attendees. If you’ve already registered for TGC19, you can email [email protected] to…

  • monday

    A La Carte (February 11)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several books about marriage, among them a personal favorite–Married for God. (Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped One Sunday in February) Nevertheless, She Persisted in Christ What inspiring story of aging with grace. “Culture tends to portray images of strong women fitting a specific mold – successful businesswoman, outstanding athlete,…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that are worth considering. (Yesterday on the blog: Travel Tips from a Journey Round the World) Valentine’s Day and Christian Dads Chap Bettis: “There is something about knowing florists, card-makers, and restaurants make a killing off this self-declared holiday that drives me a little crazy. Each year I…

  • friday

    A La Carte (February 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books–it has been a bit of a slow stretch! Westminster Books has begun a new feature where each month they’ll highlight and discount resources related to a different book of the Bible. Here’s this month’s list. (Yesterday on the blog: It Takes Two) How Reading the Bible…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (February 7)

    I was glad to be a guest recently on the B.A.R. Podcast. You can hear that episode right here if you’re into podcasts. (Yesterday on the blog: Advanced Technologies and Basic Christianity) A Strategy of Faithful Average Ministry It’s okay to be average. “It is all too easy to assume that there is something special…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (February 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of solid books. (Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Books for February) Two Pastors’ Advice on Pastoral Visits to the Grieving Helpful! “Praise God for modern communication. A phone call is helpful and nice. But a voicemail will never replace pastoral visits, when you look someone in the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (February 5)

    There are three solid picks in today’s Kindle deals. (Yesterday on the blog: On Living in a Post-Christian Context) The Christian Life Is More Like a Bus Ride Than a Motorcycle Ride “Hey pastor, here’s some language I use to help my people understand how the gospel relates to our life together as a single…

  • monday

    A La Carte (February 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a few books (and a Bible). Usually Crossway has a nice list for us on Mondays, but it looks like maybe someone forgot to flip the switch this week! I realized as I was putting together today’s selection that I had found articles from 7 different countries. So just for…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 2)

    There are so many Kindle deals today! If you use a Kindle at all, you’ll probably want to take a peek. (Yesterday on the blog: Mere Calvinism) Note: The paperback version quickly went out of stock at Amazon, but should be available again now to ship early next week. The Annus Horribilis of the Roman…

  • friday

    A La Carte (February 1)

    There are lots of Kindle deals to kick off the new month (including my book Do More Better). Free from Christian Audio this month is my favorite recording of The Pilgrim’s Progress. Several other books by or about Bunyan are discounted. Free from Logos this month is a volume in the excellent New Studies in…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (January 31)

    Good morning from ice-cold Canada. I have lived through a lot of Canadian winters, but I don’t ever remember one quite like this, with temperatures nearing -30 Celsius and just stubbornly staying there. But we’re staying warm, mostly by staying home! It is, again, a pretty sparse day for Kindle deals but we may turn…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (January 30)

    You may enjoy watching the new trailer for the forthcoming Puritan documentary. Also, Westminster Books has launched a nice new site and, to mark the occasion, has put some books on sale. (Yesterday on the blog: The Perils of Social Media) Mary: The Influencer of God? Here are some thoughts on a recent statement by…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (January 29)

    I spent a few minutes hunting down some Kindle deals and did manage to find a handful of books and Bibles that may be of interest, including the Spurgeon Study Bible edited by Alistair Begg. Nitoy Gonzales has created a Freebie Round-up you might like to poke through. (Yesterday on the blog: How Evangelism Is…

  • monday

    A La Carte (January 28)

    You just can’t go wrong with any of today’s Kindle deals. At Westminster Books you’ll find some solid reading material meant for teens and young adults. Reminder: I’ve got a near-daily audio blog (i.e. podcast). Today’s episode is titled Jesus Wins. (Yesterday on the blog: Think of Not Having Christ!) Be Aware of Human Trafficking…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (January 26)

    There are a couple of classics in today’s list of Kindle deals. (Yesterday on the blog: What Are People Saying About Christian Blogging?) Hearing His Voice: A Short Film Please watch this short film. It will bless you. Brothers, We Are Not Talking Heads Pastors need to read this one from Erik Raymond. “Dear brother…

  • friday

    A La Carte (January 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include an excellent one from Alexander Strauch, a fascinating look at Christopher Hitchens, and more. (Yesterday on the blog: A Protestant Look at Catholic Rome) Bright, Dark Lights I hope more and more people come to the conclusion that Hollywood is rotten to the core and that, to some degree, we’re complicit…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (January 24)

    There are a small number of Kindle deals to consider today, though overall it’s been a slow week so far. (Yesterday on the blog: We Don’t Sing for Fun) The #10YearChallenge: The Unseen, Inner-Self Version If I had written about the 10YearChallenge, I think it would have come out something like what Jen Oshman wrote…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (January 23)

    There are a few minor Kindle deals today. We’ll hope for better things tomorrow. Meanwhile, you may want to check out this week’s deals from Westminster Books. (Yesterday on the blog: How Can I Leave My Church Well?) Let’s Make Wisdom Great Again “Fake news. Social media outrage. Political polarization. Ideological bullying. These are just…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (January 22)

    I’ve got two reminders for you today. The first is that my blog is regularly translated into Spanish. The second is that much of it is recorded in a daily podcast format. (Yesterday on the blog: Fascinating Facts about Aimee Semple McPherson) Joining a Mob Here’s World magazine on the young man who become the…