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Explore A La Carte

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 23)

    There are just a couple of fairly minor Kindle deals for you to consider today. (Yesterday on the blog: We Are All Theologians) It Is Well Writing for WORLD, Janie Cheaney does a great job telling the story of Horatio Spafford who wrote “It Is Well.” But be warned, once you learn the rest of…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 22)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks from Crossway–among them, titles by Kevin DeYoung and D.A. Carson. (Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped One Day in April) Christianity and Critical Theory Neil Shenvi has what I consider a really helpful series of articles on Christianity and critical theory. While he is opposed to it,…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 20)

    Today’s Kindle deals include all sorts of good stuff. (Yesterday on the blog: What Gave Him Such Confidence?) 3 Suggestions for Dealing with Frustrating Cultural Differences I find culture endlessly fascinating. “Maybe you are preparing for a short-term trip or long-term service to a place like where I serve. Or maybe you’re trying to get…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 19)

    There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals for you to go through today if you’re into that kind of thing. Remembering My Passion for my Husband It can be hard to remember, feel, or enact the passion of the early years of marriage. “I assumed it would always be there, but now, the fear…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 18)

    It has been a bit of a slow week for Kindle deals, but there are at least a few to look at today. Logos users will want to check out this NICOT/NICNT sale. It’s a great series to have! (Yesterday on the blog: It’s Time To Break Free From the Algorithm-Driven Life) A French Evangelical’s…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 17)

    Westminster Books has a deal this week on Joel Beeke’s new magnum opus. (Wait, wasn’t A Puritan Theology his magnum opus? I guess you can’t go wrong either way!) On Graying Toward Glory This is such a good and encouraging article. “There is, though, a sweetness to the truth of what is happening in my…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 16)

    It’s not much of a day for Kindle deals, but we’ll press on and try again tomorrow. (Yesterday on the blog: We Murder Babies) Pastors Are Special Jared Wilson: “Now that I’m not a pastor, I have taken seriously one of my ministerial goals in serving pastors and advocating for pastors. To that end, if…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some good books from Crossway. What is Impassibility? It’s a word you should know! “The doctrine of Divine Impassibility is an ancient Christian belief, confessed throughout the long history of the Church, and yet often misunderstood or rejected today. It reflects classical Christian theism, and its import is well-known by theologians…

  • Sunday A La Carte

    It has been one of those weeks in which I collected more good links than I was able on include in the week’s regularly-scheduled A La Carte posts. Thus, here is a rare Sunday edition that includes some that were too good to just erase. Facebook Is Changing News Feed (Again) to Stop Fake News…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 13)

    The Kindle deals keep rolling; as usual, Saturday’s focus seems to be on some classics. (Yesterday on the blog: How to Encourage that Preacher) Must Women Really Keep Silent in the Churches? Denny Burk looks at a tricky text and whether or not it’s just a cultural command. He provides a compelling interpretation and explanation.…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 12)

    There are some pretty good Kindle deals to take advantage of today. Westminster Books has a sale on apologetics resources, headlined by a new book by Rebecca McLaughlin. Happy and Productive This is a happy story from WORLD magazine. “When Chris Gargiulo finished his 30th year of working at a McDonald’s in this city 37…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 11)

    It isn’t much of a day for Kindle deals, at least as far as I can see. We’ll try again tomorrow. Maybe you can find something else interesting at Nitoy Gonzalez’s Freebie Round-Up. (Yesterday on the blog: 10 New and Notable Books for April) It’s Time To Go On the Offensive There’s lots of good…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 10)

    The Kindle deals continue to roll on with some newer ones and some classics. Westminster Books has a collection of Easter resources on sale. There is material for individuals, families, and bulk distribution. Vain Generosity Dave Hare reflects on a tragic situation. “The truth is, giving to the poor is nearly always impractical. Try as…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 9)

    It’s not the greatest day ever for Kindle deals, but there are still a few to look at for the collectors. (Yesterday on the blog: PreachersNSneakers and Pastors as Lifestyle Brands) Christian Discourse in an Age of Outrage Yes, we’ve all seen this again and again. “The world has never seen an age like today,…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several good books from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130): Singing from the Depths) This Is America Here’s some insight: “I have a feeling that many Christians see the Bible’s warnings about ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ in this abstract way of crazies like the t.v.…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (April 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include one newer title as well as a few classics. Als0, the latest fiction title from Cruciform Press features a missionary to an unreached people living in the jungles of Venezuela. Ernie Bowman shares his hope that the book can inspire future missionaries. (Yesterday on the blog: A Company of Heroes) The…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 5)

    We are spoiled for choice when it comes to Kindle deals, as there’s yet another good list today. When Physical Intimacy is Hard “The world tells us that to attain sexual fulfillment we need to have varied and numerous sexual experiences. Instead, we need to recognize that God created and gifted us with sex for…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a really good and diverse collection of books. Have at it! (Yesterday on the blog: What the Lord’s Day Is) When You’re Dissatisfied and Restless Regarding Your Purpose Christine Hoover: “I still find it terribly exciting that every single one of us is vital to the work of God in this…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 3)

    It is another good day for Kindle deals today, and there’s plenty to choose from. Four Things Youth Workers Would Tell Parents About Teenagers, Social Media, and Technology Parents, take note. “In support of the parent’s role as a defender of his or her kids, I wanted to offer this very hard, very blunt article…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 2)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books. Also, Christian Audio is giving away Lecrae’s Unashamed, no strings attached. (Yesterday on the blog: Imagine All Those Eyes…) A Two-Fold Forgiveness “How are we to reconcile the biblical truth that God has already pardoned all the sins of believers in the death of Jesus and…