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Explore A La Carte

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include various odds and ends! I’m quite enthusiastic about the new series of 31-Day Counseling Devotionals. Westminster has them at up to 50% off this week. (Yesterday on the blog: The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read (But Is Too Embarrassed to Ask)) What Is The Trinity Debate About? Wyatt Graham…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (May 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals are headlined by John MacArthur and Warren Wiersbe, though a couple of other authors are represented as well. Were the First Christians Socialists? Kevin DeYoung: “At first glance it can look like the first-century church modeled an early form of socialism. After all, ‘they had everything in common.’ Maybe Marx was just…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (May 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a nice selection of good reads. Last week I put together a list of new and notable books for May. Westminster Books is holding a giveaway and giving you a chance to win them all! (Yesterday on the blog: I Love Parenting Teenagers!) Walk with Me Through a Midlife Crisis John…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a trio of books from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: A Pastoral Prayer) U.S. Adults Are Spending Big on Video Games Gamers aren’t exactly who most people think they are. “The average American video gamer is 33 years old, prefers to play on their smartphone and is spending big on content…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (May 11)

    There are a few more Kindle deals to round out the week. Yesterday on the blog: 10 New and Notable Books for May The Mission Field Needs ESL Teachers. Can You Be One of Them? “There is a great opportunity for all types of English speakers—students, teachers, retirees—to help missionaries and churches who currently offer…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a book by Jen Pollock Michel as all as one by John Piper. Why Did Jesus Need to Be Baptized? This question came up very recently in our family devotions: Why did Jesus, of all people, need to get baptized? “Baptism wasn’t just something Jesus commanded his followers to do, but…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 9)

    I was not able to track down any particularly interesting Kindle deals for today. We’ll try again on Friday! (Yesterday on the blog: The Wonderful, Glorious Jesus) When Contentment Sneaks Up on You “I haven’t arrived at full contentment yet. I’d say nobody ever will, until we all have our sins completely washed away on…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (May 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a little grab bag of this and that (with Diarmaid MacCulloch’s excellent history of the Reformation in the mix). This week’s deal from Westminster Books is a new book by Tim Keesee (for which I provided the foreword): Company of Heroes. Where Do You Park Your Car at Church? The little…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (May 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books from RHB and a biography of Tolkien. It’s always huge and exciting news when historian David McCullough releases a new book. Today is launch day for The Pioneers. (You may wish to get caught up with some of his other works; I recommend them all, but particularly…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a selection of books about heaven. (Yesterday on the blog: His Mercy Is More — Some Lyrics Last A Lifetime) The Wiersbe Option – An Appreciation I appreciate this appreciation. “Wiersbe challenges me to see that any work not done in the service of God and his people is ultimately vain,…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 4)

    There’s a whole stack of Kindle deals you’ll want to work through today. (Yesterday on the blog: Between Life and Death) The Gospel of Inclusion is Far Too Narrow Trevin Wax: “What put Christianity in the crosshairs of Caesar and the Roman authorities was this explosive combination of inclusivity and exclusivity—this little group of people…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 3)

    There is once again a solid list of Kindle deals for you to consider today. We’re spoiled. Those Who Suffer Are My Teachers “Living as an American in a developing country has forced me to wrestle hard with what I believe. Am I believing an American gospel? Or the actual gospel? Even though it’s easy…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 2)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a big list of titles from Eerdmans. They include some commentaries as well as four great books by David Wells. Westminster Books has a Mother’s Day Gift Guide that contains lots of really good books for mom. (Yesterday on the blog: No Squishy Love, No Brutal Truth) Where Do the Prayers…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (May 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection from a bunch of publishers. Logos users will want to look at the free (and discounted) books of the month. Why the Apple Card Is the Gleaming Future of Money This may seem like an article about technology, but it’s more about money and how we spend…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 30)

    There are a few Kindle deals worth checking out. We’ll hope for more as a new month begins. (Yesterday on the blog: If the Bible Is Wrong, I’m So, So Wrong) Faith, Friendship, and Tragedy at Santa Fe High This is a powerful read. It’s beautiful, and tragic, and so very well told. How to…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some good books from Crossway themed around apologetics. Pastoring the One When You’d Rather Pastor the Ninety-Nine There’s wisdom for pastors here. “Sometimes churches forget that names matter. I remember talking to a staff member of a church of about 400. Their staff had gone through the church directory and realized…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 27)

    There are some Kindle deals to look at today. Remember that much of the content I write also goes out via podcast. You can get the info here. (Yesterday on the blog: The Gospel-Driven Church) Ordinary Christians Will End Abortion: Eight Ways You Can Help The battle against abortion can, at times, seem unwinnable. “When…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 26)

    Christian Audio has some good deals this month. There are discounted audiobooks by John Piper, Donald Whitney, and Richard Phillips. There’s also a solid biography of Martin Luther. If you’re looking for something to read, Adam Higginbotham’s Midnight in Chernobyl is fascinating; I could hardly put it down. Will We Learn in Heaven? Randy Alcorn…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 25)

    As always, you can check the Kindle deals page to see what’s new on that front. Westminster Books has a deal on a book your pastor probably wishes you’d read. Logos users may want to browse through this month’s deals. Don’t forget about the NICOT/NICNT sale. (Yesterday on the blog: Young People and the Hundred…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 24)

    There’s a pretty good selection of Kindle deals today, many of them from John MacArthur. Chip Away at Your Children’s Spiritual Growth Jen Oshman wrote an article I was working on! “We humans are drawn to get rich quick schemes, to lose 10 pounds by this weekend diets, to the express lane. Like moths to…