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Explore A La Carte

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 14)

    We have been told to expect that our province’s state of emergency will be renewed for another 28 days. That said, it’s exciting to see things begin to open up a little in Italy and other nations, so here’s hoping we aren’t too far behind! Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few books spanning several…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 13)

    There is a good-sized list of Kindle deals to look through today. And with that out of the way, we will get right on to the links… The Art of Remembering How Good You Really Have It “In these days, I miss the sense of security I had when I stopped and chatted with friends.…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 11)

    I trust you enjoyed an unusual but still special Good Friday and are looking forward to Easter tomorrow! It may not be the Easter we had planned and hoped for, but it can be joyful nonetheless… Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of newer ones and a few classics. Logos users (or wannabe users), remember…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 10)

    If we were not in a time of pandemic, I’d be heading south today to spend Easter weekend with my family! The thought of it makes me wonder how much longer it will be before anything like normal travel resumes. Today’s Kindle deals are rather diverse, crossing a number of different genres and authors (Stott,…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 9)

    There isn’t much to tell you about Kindle deals or other sales today, so we will just move on to the links (though, to be fair, there are a couple of really good kids’ books on the Kindle list). (Yesterday on the blog: Why Our Church Is Only Sort Of Streaming Our Services) Face to…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 8)

    John Piper has released a new book titled Coronavirus and Christ which is free to download in various formats. Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of good material, including John Murray’s must-read Redemption Accomplished and Applied. Westminster is featuring my Epic this week! And unlike Amazon, they are shipping right away. (Yesterday on the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 7)

    We have had an amazing run with Kindle deals lately, but it came to a screeching halt today. We will try again soon. In the meantime, for the committed readers, check out today’s New and Notable Books. (Yesterday on the blog: Has There Ever Been a Better Time To Start a Blog?) When Can We…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include an Easter-related collection from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: Christ Our Hope In Life and Death) No Social Distance in Heaven “It’s incredible how quickly we as individuals and as a society adapt to new social norms, or disparage those who don’t adapt quickly enough. It makes me wonder if the…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 4)

    Some have asked how the book launch went this week. To be honest, I don’t really know, though I think it went well enough. What I do know is that if you got it, read or watched it, enjoyed it, and feel up to it, reviews on Amazon always help the cause. Once again, there’s…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 3)

    I am probably not the only one succumbing to necessity and beginning to search YouTube for “how to cut your own hair.” The government has warned it could be a long time before non-essential businesses like barbers are allowed to open again… Today’s Kindle deals include some really good options, including D.A. Carson’s The Enduring…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 2)

    We have had some great days for Kindle deals lately, and the trend continues today. Meanwhile, if you prefer print, Westminster Books is offering discounts on items related to the Psalms. (Yesterday on the blog: 10 Church Members God Especially Calls Me To Love) Until We Meet Again Students and parents will appreciate this letter…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 1)

    Today has the biggest list of Kindle deals I have seen in a very long time. Have at it! Also check out Amazon’s monthly general market Kindle book deals. (Yesterday on the blog: My New Book & Documentary Are Now Available!) I Didn’t Know I Loved You Like This Glenna Marshall expresses some of the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 31)

    It is launch day for my new book and documentary Epic. To learn more about the products and to know how to buy them, click here. Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks from Reformation Heritage Books. On a totally different note, Switchfoot fans will want to know that Jon Foreman has been recording and…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 30)

    Watching a church service online was novel the first couple of weeks. And while I’m grateful it’s an option, three weeks in I find myself grieving the necessity of it, and longing to be back with the people I love. Today’s Kindle deals include lots of good deals from lots of good publishers. (Yesterday on…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 28)

    There is an extensive list of Kindle deals today, rather a rarity for a Saturday. There are classics and newer works, plus options for kids, teens, and adults. (Yesterday on the blog: If We All Stream Our Services, Will Anyone Ever Come Back?) Turning Thunder Into Song This is a helpful reflection on fear and…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 27)

    One of the most jarring parts of this odd new world is going for a walk—something I do once or twice a day—and constantly weaving as everyone makes sure we’re all staying six feet apart. I’m not used to it yet, and don’t know that I ever will be. It cuts hard against my Canadian…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 26)

    I enjoyed a video-based men’s meeting last night. Some of these things sound like they’ll be kind of strange, but are surprisingly easy and effective once you get into them. And it was sure good to see so many friends again… There are just a few Kindle deals to browse through today. (Yesterday on the…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include fall toward the academic side of the scale. Also, lots of the “other” material by J.R.R. Tolkien is on sale today. Westminster Books has the excellent New Studies in Biblical Theology series on sale. Meanwhile, Logos is offering free access to some of their courses as well as to movies and…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 24)

    I expect the same is true for many of you, that you’re finding the restrictions tightening day-by-day. As of tomorrow, all non-essential businesses in Ontario must close and, while we aren’t formally under lockdown, we are expected to now stay home for two weeks. Today’s Kindle deals include Zondervan’s Counterpoints series, the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 23)

    My family had a quiet weekend—but I expect that is true of the great majority of people who read this site. Thankfully, we continue to stay healthy and remain (relatively) united as a family as we remain for a long time in close quarters. Today’s Kindle deals include a long, long list of books, commentaries,…