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Explore A La Carte

  • friday

    A La Carte (January 3)

    There are, as usual, a few Kindle deals to be had today. The first sale of the year from Westminster Books is on their top-selling books of last year. (Yesterday on the blog: Looking for Something to Read? (Brief Book Reviews)) Learning to Say “Amen” This was a good challenge to me, as I find…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (January 2)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a kind of eclectic mix with some solid books in there. Logos users will want to download the free book of the month—and consider some of the nearly-free books of the month. Decade in Review: Marital Norms Erode Ryan T. Anderson and Robert P. George teamed up for an opinion piece…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (January 1)

    Happy new year! In honor of the occasion, I’ve collected a bunch of articles that will help direct your thoughts (and maybe habits) as you set out into this brand new year. (Yesterday on the blog: The Bible-Reading Plan I’ll Be Using in 2020) A New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Try to Be With It Kevin…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (December 31)

    There are some odds and ends to be had in today’s Kindle deals. You’ll find lots of good stuff on sale at Logos as they close out the year. (Yesterday on the blog: Why I Believe in African Christian University) Obviously you’ve heard about Mark Galli’s Christianity Today editorial in which he said that Christians…

  • monday

    A La Carte (December 30)

    There are lots of interesting Kindle deals today. Many are Christian, but I also added a whole list of historical works as well. (Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer Before Listening to Sunday’s Sermon) Trusting God with Our Unknown Future Vance Christie has a nice little biographical sketch of hymnwriter Philip Bliss. “This Sunday, December…

  • Weekend A La Carte (December 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of those classic must-read books. He’s Still Enough “All around the world, people seem to spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s in a sense of reflection. It makes sense that as another year closes and is slid onto the shelves of memory that we take one last…

  • friday

    A La Carte (December 27)

    Today is not our day for Kindle deals. We will try again tomorrow. Remember that ESVs are on sale at Westminster Books through to the end of the month. Bible Reading Plans for 2020 Ligonier has assembled a massive list of reading plans for 2020. There’s something there for everyone! Too Big to Fail? Tech’s…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (December 26)

    I trust you enjoyed your Christmas yesterday as we did! If you are into Kindle deals (and maybe got a new Kindle yesterday), check out today’s Kindle deals and you might find something to add to your collection. Logos users, the NIVAC set is deeply discounted for a few days; it is well worth owning.…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (December 24)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books. Maybe people don’t buy books on Christmas Eve. What are the essential ingredients of a true church? (Video) It’s important to know the historic marks of a true (versus a false) church. The Closed Lid “Throughout the Bible, God uses illustrations to teach His people specific…

  • monday

    A La Carte (December 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection of titles. We used to be able to count on Crossway for some new deals each Monday; I wonder if and when they will return… (Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for a Sunday Evening) The Courage To Say “Help” This is so true. “It is hard…

  • Weekend A La Carte (December 21)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several books, among them John Stott’s excellent “commentary-devotionals” on Romans. (Yesterday on the blog: 7 New and Notable Books for December) 2019: A Christian Music Review Every year Jeremy Howard writes up a list of the best Christian music of the past 12 months. Every year I link to it (even…

  • friday

    A La Carte (December 20)

    The Kindle deals seem to be slowing down a little pre-Christmas, but I did track down a few that you may want to look at. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Were Not Refugees While there may be some similarities, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were not refugees as we understand the term today. “There is a thought-provoking…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (December 19)

    I’m running a little late today and haven’t yet had time to dig for Kindle deals. I’ll do that now and see if I can find anything interesting. Logos users: My recommended NT commentary bundle is 50% off right now—a great deal! That will get you some rock-solid commentaries to begin or extend any collection.…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (December 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books. Interrelated Revelation Here’s a good explanation of how special revelation and natural revelation relate to one another. Occupation Growth and Decline This chart shows which occupations have grown and which have declined over the decades. Double Giveaway: Puritan Paperbacks & Martyn Lloyd-Jones Romans Set (SPONSORED LINK)…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (December 17)

    I spent a long time looking for Kindle deals and came up with just a handful of them. You may be interested in knowing that Amazon has family board games on sale today. Clue is one of our family favorites. (Yesterday on the blog: Faith Children’s Village: A Ministry You Should Know) How Do I…

  • monday

    A La Carte (December 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include, among other things, a long list of issues of Matthias Media’s excellent The Briefing magazine. Logos users will probably want to check out the annual 12 Days of Logos and other Christmas deals. (Yesterday on the blog: God Alone Can Save: A Prayer) Every Pastor Needs a Lula Mae Pryor: A…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (December 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include two classics as well as one newer work that, though I’ve not read it, is said to be excellent. Why Was Baby Jesus Laid in a Manger? “This time of year, the words roll right off the tongue. And every child’s first question is: What is a manger? When the teacher…

  • friday

    A La Carte (December 13)

    It seems to be a bit of a slow day for Kindle deals with only a couple added. I’ll continue to look and see what else I can find. I know many friends of my family read this blog and are wondering about funeral arrangements for my father. The service will be held on Wednesday…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (December 12)

    Today’s Kindle deals include at least a few books that are worth a peek. The deals at Westminster Books this week are on theological works. Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning The latest issue of the 9Marks Journal is all about complementarianism. I’ve only read bits and pieces so far, but have already found it very…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (December 11)

    Thanks to all who sent along condolences yesterday. Though I read each and everyone, there were far too many for me to reply to each one. But do know how blessed and encouraged we are by the outpouring of love. Today’s Kindle deals include a bit of this and that. (Yesterday on the blog: Trip…