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Explore A La Carte

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 20)

    My gratitude goes to SolaSites for sponsoring the blog this week! If your church or ministry needs a new website, they would love to speak to you. Today’s Kindle deals include some classics and at least one other book. There are two days remaining in a summer sale from Westminster Books. There are lots of…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 19)

    The Good Book Company has a free e-book copy of Jeff Medders’ Humble Calvinism for you. I say again, free book. Today’s Kindle deals are highlighted by Tessa Thompson’s Laughing at the Days To Come. Sharing Jesus with Mormon Missionaries You can read this one now, of course, but it may also be a good…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (June 18)

    I used to wonder at what age an afternoon nap became a near-crucial component of daily life. The answer, it turns out, is whatever age I am now (which I believe is 43). And now you know the answer too. Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of solid and relatively new commentaries as well as…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (June 17)

    Today’s Kindle deals include more commentaries. Among them is Waltke’s excellent volume on Genesis. Those who know Greek will want to check out the new Greek Scripture Journals from Crossway, on sale this week at Westminster Books. Tend Your Own Garden Garden, of course, is metaphorical. “I read my Bible and I prayed. I prayed…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (June 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of commentaries and other reference material. (Yesterday on the blog: The One About Calvinism and Evangelism) Supreme Court: Employment Law Protects Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Joe Carter explains the recent ruling from the Supreme Court. “There are at least three reasons Christians should be concerned about this…

  • monday

    A La Carte (June 15)

    It sure was a joy to worship as a church yesterday, albeit as a much-reduced one for the time being. Masks and distancing and other measures were a small price to pay to join together once again… Today’s Kindle deals include a great commentary by John Stott as well as a couple of books by…

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 13)

    My gratitude goes to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week. The Works of William Perkins is quite a set and presents a worthy challenge! Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of good picks for younger folk along with some classics. (Yesterday on the blog: The Gathering Storm) A Compassionate, Counter-Cultural, Christian Response…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 12)

    In recent days I’ve had a number of people ask for book recommendations (for both kids and adults) on the subject of race. Westminster Books just sent a newsletter with suggestions, and those titles are worth considering. There are a few new Kindle deals to take a look at today. The Christian Art of Dying…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (June 11)

    Over the weekend I read Doc, the new biography of Roy Halladay. It is well done and will appeal to baseball fans who are missing the game as much as I am. (An interesting note: the cover of the American edition has him wearing Phillies garb, while the Canadian cover has him wearing his Blue…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (June 10)

    Pro tip: When you hear extremely good news or extremely bad news about COVID-19, wait at least 24 hours before broadcasting it over social media, as it will almost invariably get countered or retracted in that time. (Case in point: asymptomatic transmission is very rare; 24 hours go by and actually, that’s not what we…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (June 9)

    Yesterday we received the happy news that churches in Ontario are allowed to open on Sunday (though at reduced capacity)! I’m so very thankful… Today’s Kindle deals include all sorts of books, many of which are geared toward the academics among us. (Yesterday on the blog: What If Marriage Isn’t Making Me As Holy As…

  • monday

    A La Carte (June 8)

    There are only a few Kindle deals I was able to dig up over the weekend. In case you missed it over the weekend, this month’s free audiobook from Christian Audio is The Gospel’s Power & Message by Paul Washer. (There are a few other good picks on that page discounted to $4.98) (Yesterday on…

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of classics as well as a few newer options. This month’s free audio book from Christian Audio is The Gospel’s Power & Message by Paul Washer. (There are a few other good picks on that page discounted to $4.98) (Yesterday on the blog: An Early-June Family Update) Canceled: How…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 5)

    There are a few Kindle deals to explore today. Logos users, the new book by Harold Senkbeil, Christ and Calamity, is free for the taking. Christians Fight to Bring Adopted Kids Home from Overseas CT writes about adoptions that have been interrupted by the global pandemic. “Some families have been forced to call off adoptions…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (June 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a brand new book from Harold Senkbeil titled Christ and Calamity. Here’s a reminder that all of Ligonier’s teaching series are available for free for a limited time. (Yesterday on the blog: Write Better) 5 Bad Morning Habits You Should Quit Right Away Reagan Rose lists 5 morning habits you should…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (June 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include the Babylon Bee book along with a classic from Sproul, a volume of the Bible For You series, and more. A new has launched and it has a good and growing collection of resources. New Troubles Are Met With New Mercies This is good counsel for when we experience any…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (June 2)

    There are some solid Kindle deals for newer books as well as classics. You may also want to take a look at Amazon’s general market monthly deals. Logos has a commentary that is free for the taking, and a few others that are substantially discounted. (Yesterday on the blog: COVID-19 and the Future of the…

  • monday

    A La Carte (June 1)

    There’s a handful of quality Kindle deals for you today. (Yesterday on the blog: Better Faithful Than Free) Your Weird, Messy Church is God’s “Plan A” Jared Wilson: “You don’t have to be cool, big, strong, technologically savvy, politically fashionable, or culturally relevant. You just have to repent of your sin and commit your weird,…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (May 30)

    Apologies to those who tried to access the site overnight. We did some server upgrades and had a few hiccups (which may continue today). Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent picks for both newer and older titles. (Yesterday on the blog: Really Bad Reviews of Really Good Books) It Only Takes A Moment It only…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 29)

    There are a few fairly minor Kindle deals to look at today. Westminster books has a couple of noteworthy deals: Together Through the Storms, a book about marriage; and a new series of booklets for students. Defeating Despair Tim Pasma writes about the creeping sense of despair so many are experiencing. “You feel a sense…