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Explore A La Carte

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 2)

    We have had some great days for Kindle deals lately, and the trend continues today. Meanwhile, if you prefer print, Westminster Books is offering discounts on items related to the Psalms. (Yesterday on the blog: 10 Church Members God Especially Calls Me To Love) Until We Meet Again Students and parents will appreciate this letter…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 1)

    Today has the biggest list of Kindle deals I have seen in a very long time. Have at it! Also check out Amazon’s monthly general market Kindle book deals. (Yesterday on the blog: My New Book & Documentary Are Now Available!) I Didn’t Know I Loved You Like This Glenna Marshall expresses some of the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 31)

    It is launch day for my new book and documentary Epic. To learn more about the products and to know how to buy them, click here. Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks from Reformation Heritage Books. On a totally different note, Switchfoot fans will want to know that Jon Foreman has been recording and…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 30)

    Watching a church service online was novel the first couple of weeks. And while I’m grateful it’s an option, three weeks in I find myself grieving the necessity of it, and longing to be back with the people I love. Today’s Kindle deals include lots of good deals from lots of good publishers. (Yesterday on…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 28)

    There is an extensive list of Kindle deals today, rather a rarity for a Saturday. There are classics and newer works, plus options for kids, teens, and adults. (Yesterday on the blog: If We All Stream Our Services, Will Anyone Ever Come Back?) Turning Thunder Into Song This is a helpful reflection on fear and…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 27)

    One of the most jarring parts of this odd new world is going for a walk—something I do once or twice a day—and constantly weaving as everyone makes sure we’re all staying six feet apart. I’m not used to it yet, and don’t know that I ever will be. It cuts hard against my Canadian…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 26)

    I enjoyed a video-based men’s meeting last night. Some of these things sound like they’ll be kind of strange, but are surprisingly easy and effective once you get into them. And it was sure good to see so many friends again… There are just a few Kindle deals to browse through today. (Yesterday on the…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include fall toward the academic side of the scale. Also, lots of the “other” material by J.R.R. Tolkien is on sale today. Westminster Books has the excellent New Studies in Biblical Theology series on sale. Meanwhile, Logos is offering free access to some of their courses as well as to movies and…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 24)

    I expect the same is true for many of you, that you’re finding the restrictions tightening day-by-day. As of tomorrow, all non-essential businesses in Ontario must close and, while we aren’t formally under lockdown, we are expected to now stay home for two weeks. Today’s Kindle deals include Zondervan’s Counterpoints series, the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 23)

    My family had a quiet weekend—but I expect that is true of the great majority of people who read this site. Thankfully, we continue to stay healthy and remain (relatively) united as a family as we remain for a long time in close quarters. Today’s Kindle deals include a long, long list of books, commentaries,…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 21)

    Today’s Kindle deals include books new and old—even a new release from Kristen Wetherell that seems to be a good fit for the times. (Yesterday on the blog: How To Make the Most of Lockdown (Tips from Christians in Italy)) How a “You do You” Culture Has Made Us Vulnerable to the Coronavirus Michael Kruger:…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 20)

    I’ve been writing various Christian publishers to ask if they’d be willing to discount some books for kids—something that may help out their parents in this time. Some have begun to respond and you can see a long list in today’s Kindle deals. Logos addicts, there’s one vote left to cast and lots of deals…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 19)

    I said yesterday that despite the urgency of the epidemic, I am trying to find articles on other subjects. That was especially difficult to for today, but I did find at least a few. Then I’ve also provided some top articles on COVID-19 from Christian and nonChristian sources. Today’s Kindle deals include a few more…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 18)

    One thing I attempt to emphasize in these daily A La Carte articles is variety—a variety of authors and a variety of subjects. The variety of subjects has been a challenge lately since, for good reason, we are flooded with articles on COVID-19. So bear with me as I share some of them (and a…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 17)

    We are once again being spoiled with Kindle deals, and there are lots of them to look over. Westminster Books has a free download for you: Read Slow. It’s 15 chapters from favorite books “that help us slow down and understand ourselves and our God in the midst of scary and uncertain times.” (Yesterday on…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 16)

    We enjoyed our quiet Sunday as a family, though it certainly reinforced how much we love gathering with the church. This gives us one more reason to hope and pray for a swift return to normalcy. There is an extensive list of Kindle deals available today. Too Privileged to Panic? Heidi Tai: “I have been…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 14)

    We are mostly hunkered down here in Toronto, doing our best to track and follow the changing government recommendations. By this evening my son should have returned home from Southern Seminary, and then I guess we just wait to see what unfolds in the days and weeks to come. Logos users, it’s time to vote…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some newer and some older titles that may be of interest. I’d love for you to join me as we explore the 33 objects that tell the history of our faith. Westminster Bookstore has a special price locked in when you pre-order my new book or DVD. The Church and the…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 12)

    We are in unfamiliar and unprecedented times, aren’t we? As we hear growing news of lockdowns, quarantines, travel bans, and cancelations, isn’t it good to know that our God is sovereign? As R.C. Sproul said, “If there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God’s sovereignty, then we have…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 11)

    Boyce College, where my son attends and my daughter will soon attend, has a slick new web site. Parents and future students will find it informative and helpful, I’m sure! There are a few new Kindle deals today. Also, Westminster Books has a deal on a new series of 50-day devotionals. How to ‘Disciple’ Your…