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Explore A La Carte

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some pretty good prices on a selection of classics. (I’m grateful to Parenting with Patience for sponsoring the blog this week! I depend upon sponsors to keep the site going, so am grateful for each one.) (Yesterday on the blog: Gentle and Lowly) COVID-19 Shutdowns Are Shifting Seminary Education “Dropping enrollment.…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 24)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some pretty good titles. Also, the AmazonClassics Editions of may classic works of literature are discounted now, mostly down to free. You can find the list here and browse for them by their distinctive book covers. Remember that I’m reading an encouraging book and inviting you to join me. You can…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a collection of 9 books by Wiersbe that, as a bundle, are selling for just a few dollars. Westminster Books has a special on a book that deals with how to pray during a global crisis. As for my fellow Canadians, remember that Reformed Book Services has 20% off on all…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 22)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a nice little collection that even has a couple for the scholars or pastors. Plans Andrea says “It’s time to dust off my planner. To seek new ways to enrich my life and be a blessing to others. The world is changing. Will I stubbornly insist that it return to the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 21)

    Sorting through hundreds of blog posts yesterday to select the few I would recommend in A La Carte, I was struck by how thankful I am for all of the Christian bloggers who faithfully write material for you and me, usually for nothing more than the satisfaction of serving the church. Today’s Kindle deals include…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 20)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books and bios. If you live in Canada, you may want to take a look at Reformed Book Services. They are one of those booksellers that only carry good books; they are offering 20% off all products and free shipping after $100. Maturity Changes Our Desires Stephen Kneale uses…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (April 19)

    This weekend edition of A La Carte is a day late due to scheduling factors, but may provide some good reading for a Sunday afternoon. Today’s Kindle deals include a whole new series from 9Marks as well as various other titles. (Yesterday on the blog: Please Encourage Me (And Let’s Read An Encouraging Book Together))…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 17)

    Well, yesterday we came to it at last. I asked my daughter to watch a few YouTube videos and then cut my hair. She did okay, I think. And even if she didn’t, who will ever see it anyway? In the world of Kindle deals, I have listed a few. But also, Crossway has discounted…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 16)

    As usual, there are some Kindle deals today for those of you who collect books that way. As for me, the books are piling up as I’ve had trouble focusing lately—somehow reading has become strangely difficult. But then I do go through phases with reading… (Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer Guide for Pastors) Is…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 15)

    There’s a neat little selection of Kindle deals to work through. On the printed book front, Westminster Books has special pricing on some books by the late James Montgomery Boice. A Prolonged Sabbath in a Culture of Productivity This article spoke to me. “At the end of this, we should have something to show: a…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 14)

    We have been told to expect that our province’s state of emergency will be renewed for another 28 days. That said, it’s exciting to see things begin to open up a little in Italy and other nations, so here’s hoping we aren’t too far behind! Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few books spanning several…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 13)

    There is a good-sized list of Kindle deals to look through today. And with that out of the way, we will get right on to the links… The Art of Remembering How Good You Really Have It “In these days, I miss the sense of security I had when I stopped and chatted with friends.…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 11)

    I trust you enjoyed an unusual but still special Good Friday and are looking forward to Easter tomorrow! It may not be the Easter we had planned and hoped for, but it can be joyful nonetheless… Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of newer ones and a few classics. Logos users (or wannabe users), remember…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 10)

    If we were not in a time of pandemic, I’d be heading south today to spend Easter weekend with my family! The thought of it makes me wonder how much longer it will be before anything like normal travel resumes. Today’s Kindle deals are rather diverse, crossing a number of different genres and authors (Stott,…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 9)

    There isn’t much to tell you about Kindle deals or other sales today, so we will just move on to the links (though, to be fair, there are a couple of really good kids’ books on the Kindle list). (Yesterday on the blog: Why Our Church Is Only Sort Of Streaming Our Services) Face to…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 8)

    John Piper has released a new book titled Coronavirus and Christ which is free to download in various formats. Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of good material, including John Murray’s must-read Redemption Accomplished and Applied. Westminster is featuring my Epic this week! And unlike Amazon, they are shipping right away. (Yesterday on the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 7)

    We have had an amazing run with Kindle deals lately, but it came to a screeching halt today. We will try again soon. In the meantime, for the committed readers, check out today’s New and Notable Books. (Yesterday on the blog: Has There Ever Been a Better Time To Start a Blog?) When Can We…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include an Easter-related collection from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: Christ Our Hope In Life and Death) No Social Distance in Heaven “It’s incredible how quickly we as individuals and as a society adapt to new social norms, or disparage those who don’t adapt quickly enough. It makes me wonder if the…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 4)

    Some have asked how the book launch went this week. To be honest, I don’t really know, though I think it went well enough. What I do know is that if you got it, read or watched it, enjoyed it, and feel up to it, reviews on Amazon always help the cause. Once again, there’s…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 3)

    I am probably not the only one succumbing to necessity and beginning to search YouTube for “how to cut your own hair.” The government has warned it could be a long time before non-essential businesses like barbers are allowed to open again… Today’s Kindle deals include some really good options, including D.A. Carson’s The Enduring…