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Explore A La Carte

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (May 19)

    Remember that Ligonier has made all its teaching series free for a limited time. There are lots of newer ones there, along with the classics. (Yesterday on the blog: So Very Weak, Yet So Very Proud) A Christian Reading Manifesto I would gladly co-sign David Steele’s Christian Reading Manifesto. “My concern is that those who…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 18)

    There are a few new Kindle deals today. Wired for Intimacy is an important one that goes on sale only infrequently. (Yesterday on the blog: Stuck in the Mire of Our Love for this World) 9 Things You Should Know About Buddhism If you’re not familiar with the tenets of Buddhism, this article by Joe…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 16)

    There are mainly, though not exclusively, classics listed in today’s Kindle deals. Why Has Covid-19 Hit Seniors So Hard? Part of the brief of this pandemic has been seeing how it has hit the most vulnerable people the hardest. “The Covid-19 pandemic presents a doubly complicated situation for older people: Not only are they at…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 15)

    Avid readers may be interested in this new podcast from Westminster Books called The Afterword. They are launching with a book giveaway—a good way to draw in their target audience! Today’s Kindle deals include several books and among them are some of the newer titles by Os Guinness and a modern-day classic by Francis Schaeffer.…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 14)

    There are a few Kindle deals for those who keep tabs on such things. Walking Through Twilight and The Reluctant Evangelist are both recommended titles that rarely go on sale. Logos users, don’t forget to look at the free book of the month. You may also want to get John Piper’s Coronavirus and Christ since…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (May 13)

    It’s a pretty good day for Kindle deals today! The New Testament in Seven Sentences comes highly recommended and isn’t one I’ve seen on sale before. The Reason for God is another solid choice. 9Marks has a helpful new booklet series and Westminster Books has them on sale this week. If you’d like to put…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (May 12)

    I was meant to write the final post today based on Thomas Watson’s All Things For Good, but I won’t be doing that since I’m taking a week away from (most) typing. But I hope you finished it and enjoyed it! Today’s Kindle deals include a list of books for women. The Final Enemy Carl…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 11)

    This week I’ll be posting only A La Carte posts and not other articles—I’m taking it easy on typing for the week. If you are taking the course on Galatians led by Dr. Tom Schreiner (information here) it’s time to begin the videos; I’ve got a call scheduled with him for Thursday to begin asking…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a look of solid books; there are some classics (like there are every Saturday) as well as a few newer works. If you’ve never read Packer’s Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, now’s the time! (Yesterday on the blog: The Best Daily Bible Reading Plan for Kids) We Can’t Go…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some solid picks from several different publishers. Westminster Books has deals on the excellent 31-day counseling devotionals. Churches may want to stock up on some of these titles. Churches Helping Get Indiana Back on Track James Feris explains why Indiana churches are embarking on a unique opportunity to serve the state…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 7)

    It isn’t much of a day for Kindle deals, though I did hunt down a couple. We should be able to track down more in the next day or two. (Yesterday on the blog: An Early May Family Update) Come to Me All Who Have COVID Weariness, and I Will Give You Rest Here’s some…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (May 6)

    Eerdmans has put a long list of books on sale and I’ve chosen at least a few for my Kindle deals page. There are some others there as well. Westminster Books is offering a deal on David Murray’s new Bible-reading plan for kids, Meeting with Jesus. (Yesterday on the blog: When the Very Best of…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (May 5)

    RHB and other publishers have come through with a few good Kindle deals, so the avid collectors want to take a peek. (Yesterday on the blog: COVID-19, Pandemics, and Ventilators: Chatting with a Doctor on the Front Lines) 7 (possible) Church trends emerging from COVID-19 Murray Campbell: “As we approach two months of COVID-19 restrictions,…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 4)

    There are at least a few Kindle deals to check out. And, in case you missed it over the weekend, Logos users will probably want to download this month’s free book, a commentary on Isaiah. Perhaps also check out their monthly sale. When Should Churches Reject Governmental Guidelines on Gathering and Engage in Civil Disobedience?…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 2)

    First off, my thanks goes to The Elisha Foundation for sponsoring the blog this week. Be sure to check out their new and free video-based training for individuals and churches. Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent classics. Meanwhile, Logos users will probably want to download this month’s free book, a commentary on Isaiah. Perhaps also…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 1)

    I know some people are growing weary of reading about the coronavirus and its widespread effects. I also know a good number of articles I link to every day are on that very topic. That’s because it is what everyone is writing about these days. Do know I do my best to try to find…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (April 30)

    Some days the Kindle deals are there, some days they are not. But every day I comb through thousands of mostly-wretched books looking for the few diamonds in the rough. Westminster Books has a sale on ESV Heirloom Bibles; the sale is geared toward moms and grads. (Yesterday on the blog: Thankful for God’s Good…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (April 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of high-quality books! I have also included some general market historical works that are on sale. (Yesterday on the blog: 8 Ways Temptation Actually Works for Our Good) Navigating Different COVID-19 Recovery Convictions Costi Hinn writes about some of the interpersonal complexities that may come when churches are…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (April 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of new books, plus some that were on the list last week but have since dropped in price. (Yesterday on the blog: The Right Response to the Old Testament Law) Higher Education and the COVID-19 Crisis Al Mohler has penned a long article about the challenges to higher education.…

  • monday

    A La Carte (April 27)

    We were treated to a couple of neat music videos this weekend. CityAlight debuted a new song called “Your Will Be Done” while Grace Worship released a fun version of their adaptation of Psalm 73. There are, as you’d expect, some new Kindle deals for you to take a look at. The Bigamist’s Daughter This…