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Explore A La Carte

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 26)

    I hope my American friends and family enjoy their Thanksgiving celebrations today. While you are doing that, I will begin scouring the web for Black Friday deals geared toward Christians. Check in tomorrow for the annual roundup. Today’s Kindle deals include three solid picks that span three different genres. Not Much to Be Thankful For…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 25)

    Westminster Books has put together a Christmas Gift Guide that may help guide your shopping. Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks from Crossway and a volume in the excellent God’s Word for You series. Critical Race Theory, Part 1 If you’ve wondered about John Piper’s perspective on Critical Race Theory, you can find out…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 24)

    I know America is heading into shut-down mode ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. While you feast, I’ll be creating my annual roundup of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. Stay tuned for that. There aren’t a lot of Kindle deals today, but on the short list is Albert Martin’s excellent Grieving, Hope and Solace. (Yesterday…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 23)

    Saturday’s funeral for my son was every bit as difficult as we would have expected, and the interment perhaps even more so. But God is good, and God is kind, and he has been a tremendous comfort to us. I’ll have more to say in the weeks to come, I’m sure, but this week am…

  • friday

    A La Carte (November 20)

    As of today my family has served out our 14-day quarantine following our return from the US. Though we emerge into rumors of a looming lockdown, we can at least leave the house for now… Today’s Kindle deals include some really good picks (e.g. The Lord of the Rings for just $1.99). What Does the…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 19)

    I know there are some who plan to live-stream Nick’s funeral service on Saturday. For that reason I have created a page that can be bookmarked; a link to the video will be added on Saturday morning. The service will begin at approximately 10 AM EST. Also, many have asked if there is a way…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 18)

    You might like to check out these new Puritan box sets from Banner of Truth, on sale at Westminster Books. I got them in the mail recently and can attest to their quality. Both Crossway and Zondervan have spoiled us today with some really good Kindle deals. Guerrilla Cultural Warfare “Increasingly we are finding that…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 17)

    There is, once again, a nice little list of Kindle deals to browse through. (Yesterday on the blog: If God Did It, It Must Be Good. Right?) Loss What a stunning piece of writing this is. “Loss. The memory comes back. Distinct. Clear. From 1972. One hot, humid afternoon in Kediri, Indonesia. I’m just arriving…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 16)

    By way of update, we have now passed the halfway point of our quarantine and on Friday will have served out our 14 days. For those asking, my son’s funeral will be held on Saturday morning. Details are forthcoming. There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals to browse through today. Conflict Grabs Attention, But…

  • Weekend A La Carte (November 14)

    My gratitude goes to Rooted for sponsoring the blog this week. Sponsors (along with patrons) play a key role in keeping the site going, and I’m thankful for each one. Today’s Kindle deals include a number of books—a few classics and even a theological novel. (Yesterday on the blog: The Cruelty of Quarantine: A Lament)…

  • friday

    A La Carte (November 13)

    Westminster Books has a collection of fall new releases on sale this weekend. There are several solid Kindle deals today on books that have been relatively recently published. Nose-to-Tail Preaching “In recent years there has been something of a revival of ‘nose-to-tail’ cooking. The idea is simple. It begins with the observation that we have…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 12)

    There are only a couple of Kindle deals to look at today. Have You Ever Fasted for Abortion to End? It’s a great idea, this. “I would like to encourage readers of this blog to consider taking a fast with regard to abortion. You may have voted. You may have tweeted. You may have donated.…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 11)

    Westminster Books is offering deals on resources to assist with Christmas outreach. Today’s Kindle deals include several resources on the psalms and a good book on purity. When You Say Nothing at All Kevin DeYoung: “Brothers and sisters, it’s OK to have an unarticulated thought. It’s OK to go about our lives in quiet worship…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some solid choices covering several different categories. My book Do More Better is listed at $2.99 for the day for those who have been waiting for a price drop. (Yesterday on the blog: On Running a Short Race Well) No Blank Slate Christianity “One of the saddest phenomena in the evangelical…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 9)

    We have returned home and begun our mandatory 14-day quarantine following cross-border travel. Some have asked about a recording of Friday’s on-campus memorial service. You can access that service here: Nicholas Challies Memorial Service. Alternatively, SBTS News wrote a brief summary. We are so thankful for all the ways Boyce College and SBTS supported us…

  • Weekend A La Carte (November 7)

    I’m grateful for all the kind, encouraging, and soul-strengthening words we’ve received from you over the past few days. Yesterday was Nick’s memorial service here at Southern Seminary; this evening we head home. Following our two-week quarantine, we will have a funeral in our hometown. The Lord has been so very kind to us these…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 3)

    I know this is a big day in America. Do know that I and many others are praying for your nation today—for her peace, for her people, and, perhaps above all, for her Christians. Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles that are worth a look. (Yesterday on the blog: How To Lead and How…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 2)

    Logos users will want to check out November’s free and cheap books of the month. Because why wouldn’t you? I didn’t find any Kindle deals for books in the Christian market, though if you didn’t stop by on the weekend, you can check those deals. But Amazon did release their general market monthly deals and…

  • Weekend A La Carte (November 1)

    Here’s your regular reminder that my site SquareQuotes is updated weekly with new quote graphics. There are hundreds of them to download! Today’s Kindle deals include a few good picks. (Recently on the blog: What Makes a Really Good Study Bible?) Daylight Savings and Spiritual Disciplines I think Glenna Marshall is onto something here. “I…

  • friday

    A La Carte (October 30)

    Happy birthday to my sweet Abby who turns 18 today! Unfortunately (for me) she’s 500 miles south of here at Boyce College. Still, her brother and friends are taking good care of her, I’m sure. And I’ll see her when term ends in just two weeks! As usual, there are some Kindle deals to look…