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Explore A La Carte

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 30)

    Grace and peace to you today, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The Unifying Power of Singing I appreciate Andrew Wilson’s thoughts on the unifying power of singing–something we experience each Sunday! Doxology “We are warned about mountain top experiences, and the dangers they present. And I get it. In this life,…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 29)

    Good morning. May the Lord bless and keep you today. Logos users may want to check out the new deal on books by Zondervan. Many great resources are deeply discounted. Today’s Kindle deals include lots of good books from Crossway, most of them geared to teens and young adults. (Yesterday on the blog: Settlers in…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 28)

    May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today. This week at Westminster Books you’ll find a special on The Generosity Project, a new book from Tony Payne and Geoff Robson. Some related resources are on sale as well. Stitch by Stitch Andrea: “‘You knit me together in my mother’s womb,’ David…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 27)

    May the God of love and peace be with you today. I wanted to prove another reminder that my forthcoming devotional book Knowing and Enjoying God is now available for pre-order. Like all publishers these days, Harvest House is very eager to have people pre-order it since that helps gain the interest of Amazon and…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 26)

    Good morning. May grace and peace be with you today and in the week ahead. Even the Sparrow “Birds don’t build nests in dangerous places. They take time to find places that are hidden and secure from harm. As they gather the tiny twigs, bits of grass, and pine needles for their nests, they are…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 24)

    May the Lord of peace bless you richly as you serve him and worship him this weekend. I’d like to express my gratitude to The Good Book Company for sponsoring the blog this week with news of some of their biblical, relevant, and accessible resources. I found a good number of Kindle deals for today.…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 23)

    Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. A Spirituality of Quitting “Most of us are very uncomfortable with quitting. We hear a lot about going after your dreams, achieving big things, and unleashing the untapped talents within—and this is the kind language that comes from some pulpits. But…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 22)

    I wanted to again thank all those who donated to the Nick Challies Memorial Scholarship. The first scholarships will be awarded to 10 Boyce College or Southern Seminary students beginning in the coming semester. The fund remains open for those who would like to continue donating to it. There is a little list of Kindle…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 21)

    May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today. On sale this week at Westminster Books is the excellent “The Gospel in the Old Testament” series. It’s a helpful resource for better understanding and applying the OT. Trusting God in the Midst of Tragedy Aileen and I have been blessed to become…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 20)

    May the God of love and peace be with you today. Just a reminder that my forthcoming devotional book Knowing and Enjoying God is now available for pre-order. Like all publishers these days, Harvest House is very eager to have people pre-order it since that helps gain the interest of Amazon and other booksellers. So…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 19)

    Good morning. May grace and peace be with you today. There’s quite a lot of Kindle deals to sort through today. (Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for a Wanderer) We the Screamers: Why Pro-Lifers Seem Obsessed with Abortion Jonathon Van Maren explains why pro-lifers often seem obsessed with abortion. “How do you convey to…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 17)

    May the Lord of peace grant you his richest blessings as you serve him and delight in him this weekend. Today’s Kindle deals include some classics as well as at least one newer work. My gratitude goes to RHB for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you Four Reasons Why Your Family Needs Genesis.…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 16)

    Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Logos users, remember to check out the commentary sale they’ve got going on right now. (Also remember that the NICOT/NICNT are on sale as well.) At Westminster Books you’ll find a sale on a new collection of R.C. Sproul’s Tabletalk writings,…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 15)

    Good morning. May the Lord bless and keep you today. There is quite a substantial list of Kindle deals to look through this morning. (Yesterday on the blog: Making the Christian Life More Complicated Than It Needs To Be) Christians Need More Intergenerational Friendships I, for one, am very thankful for the intergenerational friendships the…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 14)

    May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today. Westminster Books is having their annual sale on pew Bibles in case it’s time to stock up! Today’s Kindle deals include a few interesting picks. Nurture This article celebrates the unheralded caretakers who mean so much to us. “They are in the nursery.…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 13)

    May the God of love and peace be with you today. There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals to look through. (Yesterday on the blog: Dusting When the Light Is Dim) You Will Fail Sometimes. Don’t Quit. “Living the Christian life has to be an honest endeavor. One where we admit that we stink…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 12)

    Last week I enjoyed a restful vacation with my family and am now glad to be back in my home and back at my desk. I’m also glad to be back to posting not just the daily A La Carte, but also some new articles. There are a couple of Kindle deals that may be…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 10)

    May the Lord of peace grant you his richest blessings this weekend. There are lots of good Kindle deals today. My gratitude goes to Getty Music for sponsoring the blog this week with news of their upcoming worship conference. It’s going to be amazing! The Scenes They Leave Out “I don’t know who does the…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 9)

    Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Westminster Books has a really good sale on some new and noteworthy books. They are also offering a deep discount on an excellent new version of Pilgrim’s Progress for kids. Thanks for being patient with some light blogging (A La Carte…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 8)

    Good morning. May the Lord bless and keep you today. There is a list of Kindle deals to browse through today. Just a reminder to Logos users that you will want to check out the great commentary sale they’ve got going on right now. (Also remember that the NICOT/NICNT are on sale as well.) Why…